Christophe Bredillet
Professeur Gestion de projet
Cours enseignés
- Séminaire de fin d'études
- Travail dirigé
- Lectures dirigées en sécurité publique
- Séminaire de spécialisation
- Séminaire d'applications spécifiques
- Séminaire de techniques de recherche appliquée
- Séminaire de recherche appliquée
- Résidence en entreprise
- Examen de synthèse
- Proposition de recherche
- Stage en innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires
- Projet d'application en innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires II
- Gestion des enjeux et des risques en management de projet appliqué à la sécurité pub.
- Séminaire d'intégration de projet en sécurité publique
- Activité de synthèse
- Méthodes de recherche en gestion de projet
- Séminaire d'intégration - Projet
- Planification et contrôle opérationnels de projet
- Faisabilité de projet
- Séminaire d'application
- Séminaire d'intégration projet complexe et programme
- Organisation et pilotage de portefeuille de projet
- Gouvernance et alignement stratégique de portefeuille de projets
- Méthodologies qualitatives de la recherche en gestion de projet
- Ecoles de pensée en gestion de projet
- Instruments de recherche en gestion de projet
- Stage pratique I
- Stage pratique II
- Activité de synthèse en management en sécurité publique
Formation2015 – 2016 : Programme d'accompagnement pédagogique des nouveaux professeurs, UQTR, Trois-Rivières, Québec
Modules suivis : Développement de ses compétences en pédagogie, Favoriser l'apprentissage, pratique réflexive et planification, Évaluation des apprentissages, Communication et animation de la classe, Différenciation pédagogique et adaptation de son enseignement, Synthèse et intégration
2013 : REALeadership program, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
Modules suivis: Core: Strategy, Culture, Performance, Wisdom; Masterclasses: Research Leadership, Holistic Systems Thinking for Complex Problem Situations.
2012: Supervisor Level 3 (Mentoring High Degree Research Supervisor – niveau le plus élevé) – membre du College of Mentoring HDR Supervisors, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
2006: Supervisor Category 1 (niveau le plus élevé),University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
2004: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Strategy, Programme and Project Management (summa cum laude), ESC Lille, Lille, France.
Thèse: « Research in Project & Programme Management: Critical Review and Return to the Future »
1998: Diplôme d'Études Approfondies (D.E.A.) en Sciences de Gestion, Université Lille 1, Lille, France.
Mémoire: « Essai de définition du champ disciplinaire du management de projet et de sa dynamique d'évolution »
1983: CESMA MBA, option Contrôle de Gestion, EM Lyon Business School, Lyon, France.
1982: Ingénieur, Institut Industriel du Nord (Ecole Centrale Lille) – Engineering School, Lille, France.
Spécialité en Informatique de Gestion
Intérêts de recherche
Management des Projets Complexes, Management de Projet Organisationnel (audit et évaluation, pre & postmortem, gouvernance, bureau de projet), Développement des Capacités Individuelles et Organisationnelles, Standards et Guides de Pratiques, Gestion de la Performance dans le domaine du Management Stratégique de Projet, Programme et Portefeuille.
Philosophy of Science and Practice in Project, Programme and Portfolio Management, Complex Project Management, Organisational Project Management (audit and evaluation, pre & post mortem, PMO, governance), dynamic of evolution of the field, bodies of knowledge, standards and practice guides, and their link with Strategic Project Management, e.g. capability development, competence and capacity building, governance and performance.
Quelques communications et publications
Livres publiés
- Turner, R. J., Huemann, M., Anbari, F. T., & Bredillet, C. N. (2010). Perspectives on Projects. New York: Routledge.
Articles publiés dans des revues scientifiques avec Comité de lecture
- Bredillet, C. N. (1998). Essai de définition du champ disciplinaire du management de projet et de sa dynamique d’évolution. Revue International en Gestion et Management de Projets, 4(2), 6—29.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2003). Genesis and role of standards: theoretical foundations and socio-economical model for the construction and use of standards. International Journal of Project Management, 21(6), 463-470.
- Walker, D. H. T., Thomas, J., Bredillet, C., Cicmil, S., & Anbari, F. (2008). Collaborative academic/practitioner research in project management: Theory and models. International journal of managing projects in business, 1(1), 17-32.
- Söderlund, J., Bredillet, C., Thomas, J., Anbari, F. T., Cicmil, S., & Walker, D. H. T. (2008). Collaborative academic/practitioner research in project management: Examples and applications. International journal of managing projects in business, 1(2), 168-192.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2008). Learning and acting in project situations through a meta-method (MAP) a case study: Contextual and situational approach for project management governance in management education. International Journal of Project Management, 26(3), 238-250.
- Marshall, R. A., Ruiz, P., & Bredillet, C. N. (2008). Earned value management insights using inferential statistics. International journal of managing projects in business, 1(2), 288-294.
- Bredillet, C., Yatim, F., & Ruiz, P. (2010). Project management deployment: The role of cultural factors. International Journal of Project Management, 28(2), 183-193.
- Dwivedula, R., & Bredillet, C. N. (2010). Profiling work motivation of project workers. International Journal of Project Management, 28(2), 158-165.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2010). Blowing hot and cold on project management. Project Management Journal, 41(3), 4-20.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. & Müller, R. (2012). The Relation between Work Motivation and Project Management Success in case of Temporary Organizations: Theoretical Lenses. Academy of Business Research Journal, 2, 41-64.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. & Müller, R. (2013). The Relation between Work Motivation and Project Management Success in case of Temporary Organizations: Empirical Findings. Academy of Business Research Journal, 4, 11-29.
- Turner, J. R., Anbari, F. T., & Bredillet, C. N., (2013). Perspectives in Research in Project Management: The Nine Schools. Global Business Perspectives, 1(1), 3-28.
- Bredillet, C. N., Conboy, K., Davidson, P., & Walker, D. (2013). The getting of wisdom: The future of PM university education in Australia. International Journal of Project Management, 31(8), 1072-1088.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N. & Müller, R. (2013). Work Motivation as a determinant of organisational and professional commitment in temporary organisations: theoretical lenses and propositions. Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 4(1), 11-29.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2014). Ethics in project management: some Aristotelian insights. International journal of managing projects in business, 7(4), 548-565. 2015 Outstanding Paper Award.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Dwivedula, R. (2015). What is a good project manager? An Aristotelian perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 254-266.
- Tootoonchy, M., Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S. (2015). Grasping the dynamics of co-evolution between PMO and PfM: a box-changing multilevel exploratory research grounded in a Routine perspective. Journal of Modern Project Management, 2(3), 90-107.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Dwivedula, R. (2015). Reconnecting Theory and Practice in Pluralistic Contexts: Issues and Aristotelian Considerations. Project Management Journal, 46(2), 6-20.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2015). Towards an Understanding of Work Motivation in Temporary Organizations, PMWORLD Journal, 4(9), 1-12.
- Bredillet, C. N., & Tywoniak, S. (2016). Genesis of the special issue. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1322-1327. (Annexe 7.6.)
- Ika, L. A., & Bredillet, C. N. (2016). The Metaphysical Questions Every Project Practitioner Should Ask. Project Management Journal, 47(3), 86-100.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2016). Personality and Work Motivation as Determinants of Project Success: The Mediating Role of Organizational and Professional Commitment, International Journal of Management Development, 1(3), 229-245.
- Bredillet, C. (2016). Idiosyncratic musings on studying cases. Project Management Research and Practice, 3, 1-14. DOI: .
- Fonrouge, C., Bredillet, C., & Fouché, C. (2018). Entrepreneurship and project management relationships: So far so good? Dialogic conversation and Luhmannian perspective. International journal of managing projects in business. doi:10.1108/IJMPB-01-2018-0013
- Bredillet, C., Tywoniak, S., & Tootoonchy, M. (2018). Exploring the dynamics of project management office and portfolio management co-evolution: A routine lens. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 27-42.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2018). Practopoietic Lens to Conceptualize Temporary Organizing. Singaporean Journal of BuSiness Economics, and Management Studies, 6(7), 1-12.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2018). Work Motivation in Temporary Organizations: Establishing Theoretical Corpus. Management and Organizational Studies, 5(3), 29-42.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. & Müller, R. (2018). Theoretical considerations to propose a conceptual framework of work motivation in case of temporary organizations: A systems perspective. Academy of Business Research Journal, 4, 54-78.
- Bredillet, C., Tywoniak, S., & Tootoonchy, M. (2018). Why and how do project management offices change? A structural analysis approach. International Journal of Project Management, 36(5), 744-761.
- Labelle, F., de Rouffignac, A., Lemire, P.-O., Bredillet, C., & Barnabé, S. (2019). Managing tensions and paradoxes between stakeholders in a complex project context: Case study and model proposal. The Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(2), 246-275.
- Moreira, A., Vieira, D. R., Bravo, A., & Bredillet, C. (2020). Improving business process management for product-centric service organization: The case of aerospace maintenance project. The Journal of Modern Project Management, 7(4), 230-253.
- Tywoniak, S., Ika, L., & Bredillet, C. (2021). A Pragmatist Approach to Complexity Theorizing in Project Studies: Orders and Levels. Project Management Journal, 52(3), 298-313.
- de Melo, É. S., Vieira, D., & Bredillet, C. (2022). Investigating the Dynamics of Engineering Design Rework for a Complex Aircraft Development Project: Lessons Learned From a Soft Systems Thinking Lens. Project Management Journal, 87569728221118342.
- Desjardins, F., Jean, É., & Bredillet, C. (2022). Opening the black box of project team members’ competencies improvement in a public sector organization for a successful transition to the project society. Project Leadership and Society, 100074. doi:
- Dastane, O., Haba, H. F., & Bredillet, C. (2022). Green Consumer Research: Trends and Way Forward Based on Bibliometric Analysis. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, accepted 24/11/2022
Articles soumis mais non encore acceptés dans des revues scientifiques avec Comité de lecture
- N/A
Chapitres de livres
- Bredillet; C. N. (2004). Projects: learning at the edge of organization. In The Wiley Guide to Managing Projects Peter W.G. Morris and Jeffrey A. Pinto (eds), Wiley, 2004, pp. 1112 – 1135.
- Bredillet; C. N. (2006). The Future of Project Management: Mapping the dynamics of Project Management Field in Action. In 2nd Edition of the Global Project Management Handbook, McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York, NY, by David I. Cleland and Roland Gareis, 2006, pp. 3-1 – 3-24.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2008). Shikumizukuri vs. One Best (No) Way! Project & Programme Management for Enterprise Innovation (P2M): Towards a New Paradigm of KPM? In Japanese Project Management, Ohara ed., World Scientific Publishing, London, pp. 313 – 338.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2009). The Deployment of Project Management: A Prospective View of G8, European G6 & Outreach 5 Countries in 2025. In Project Management Circa 2025. PMI, by David I. Cleland, PhD and Bopaya Bidanda, PhD, 2009, pp. 11 – 30.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R. Ruiz, P. (2009). The influence of 'Work motivation' on 'Project success' – Towards a framework. In Soft Skills: Cornerstone of Professional Success, Rama, Choudhary, Sharma and Lata, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, pp. 305-325.
- Bredillet, C. N., Pinto, J., Turner, R. J. (2010). The Evolution of Project Management Research: the Evidence from the Journals. In The Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Edited by Peter W. G. Morris, Jeffrey K. Pinto and Jonas Söderlund, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, pp. 65 – 106.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2011). Souffler le Chaud et le Froid en Management de Projet : petit essai d’ontologico-épistémologie integrative. In Gestion de Projet et Expéditions Polaires : Que Pouvons-Nous Apprendre?, Pascal Lièvre and Monique Aubry (eds). Sainte Foy: Presses de l’Université du Québec.pp. 1—16.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2013). "A" Discourse on the Non-method. In Novel Approaches to Organizational Project Management Research: Translational and Transformational, Nathalie Drouin, Ralf Müller and Shankar Sankaran (eds). Copenhagen Business School. Published under Advances on Organisation Studies Series edited by Professor Stewart Clegg and Professor Ralph Stablein, pp. 56—94.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., Dwivedula R. (2014). The rigour vs. relevance debate within the Project Management field: an Aristotelian contribution. In Theory meets Practice in Projects. Editors: Reinhard Wagner and Stephen Rietiker, GPM Book Series / IPMA, pp. 39 – 51.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2015). Finding a way in Broceliande Forest: the magic domain of Project Management Research. In Designs, Methods & Practices for Research in Project Management, Editor: Beverly Pasian. Wey Court East: Gower Publishing Ltd. pp. 43—55.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R., Tywoniak, S. (2015). Project Organising, Routine Dynamics and Innovative Capacity: Enacting and (Re)creating Standards. In Advanced Project Management (Vol. 4) - Flexibility and Innovative Capacity, Wald, A/Wagner, R./Schneider, C./Gschwendtner, M. (Eds.). Nürnberg: GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V.. pp. 173-196.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Blowing Hot and Cold on Project Management: little essay of integrative onto-epistemology. In Project management in extreme situations: Lessons from polar expeditions, military and rescue operations, and the wilderness explorations. Aubry, M., & Lièvre, P. (Eds.). New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. xxxix-lvii.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Les enjeux actuels de la gestion de projet : synthèse. In Les enjeux actuels de la gestion de projet. Monique Aubry, Hélène Vidot-Delerue, & Hicham Rahali (eds). Montréal: Cahier de Recherche de la chaire de gestion de projet de l'UQUAM. pp. 95 à 100.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2017). Work Motivation in Temporary Organizations- A Review of Literature Grounded in Job Design Perspective. In Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy, Rachid Benlamri & Michael Sparer (eds). Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp 609—618.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Bureau de projets en contexte organisationnel public. In Gestion de projets en contexte public. Editor: Bachir Mazouz. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec. pp. 151-167.
- Tywoniak, S., & Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Project Governance and Risk Management: From First-Order Economizing to Second-Order Complexity. In Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Project Management. Shankar Sankaran, Ralf Müller, & Nathalie Drouin (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 134—148.
- Soares Bravo, A., Rodrigues Vieira, D., Bredillet, C. N., & Pinheiro, R. (2021). Review of Collaborative Project Management Approaches in R&D Projects. In Managing Collaborative R&D Projects: Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows for Co-Creation. Gabriela Fernandes, Lawrence Dooley, David O'Sullivan, & Asbjorn Rolstadås (eds.). New York: Springer International Publishing. pp. 45—58.
- Labelle, F., De Rouffignac, A., Lemire, P-O., Bredillet, C. N., & Barnabé, S. (2021). Reconnaissance des tensions entre parties prenantes d’un projet complexe : Proposition d’un modèle. In Pour des parties prenantes engagées dans les projets : réflexions théoriques et pratiques. Sonia Boivin, Philippe Boigey, & Christophe Leyrie (eds). Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. Chapitre 10.
- Labelle, F., De Rouffignac, A., Lemire, P-O., Bredillet, C. N., Barnabé, S., & Mangin P. (2021). Gestion des tensions entre parties prenantes d'un projet complexe : une application empirique. In Pour des parties prenantes engagées dans les projets : réflexions théoriques et pratiques. Sonia Boivin, Philippe Boigey, & Christophe Leyrie (eds). Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. Chapitre 11.
Actes de colloques
- Bredillet, C. N. (2000). Proposition of a systemic and dynamic model to design lifelong learning structure: the quest of the missing link between men, team, and organizational learning. Project Management Institute-PMI Research Conference: Project Management at the Turn of the Millennium, Paris, France, 21 – 24 June 2000.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2002). Genesis and Role of Standards: theoretical foundations and socio-economical model for the construction and use of standards. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 5, Renesse, Zeeland, The Netherlands, 28 – 31 May 2002.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2002). Mapping the dynamic of Project Management Field: Project Management in action. Project Management Institute-PMI Research Conference: Frontiers of Project Management Research and Application, Seattle, USA, 14 – 17 July 2002.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2004). Project Management Governance: a situational approach. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Governance in Managerial Life, St Andrews, Scotland, 5 – 8 May 2004.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2004). Understanding the very nature of Project Management: a praxiological approach. Project Management Institute-PMI Research Conference: Innovations, London, UK, 11 – 14 July 2004.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2004). Beyond the positivist mirror: Towards a Project Management 'Gnosis'. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP VI, Turku, Finland, 25 – 27 August 2004.
- Bredillet, C. N., Deguire, M., & Thiry., M. (2005). Enacting strategy through projects: an archetypal approach. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Responsible Management in an Uncertain World, Munich, Germany, 4 – 7 May, 2005.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). Some reflections about P2M: the place of the mirror. International Association of Project and Program Management-IAP2M, Tokyo, Japan, 29 October – 2 November 2005.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R., & Ruiz, P. (2006). The Two Dimensions of Virtual and Collocated Project Teams or What Project Team Members WANT and GET: An Empirical Study. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Energizing European Management, Oslo, Norway, 17 – 20 May 2006.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R., & Ruiz, P. (2006). The Two Dimensions of Virtual and Collocated Project Teams or What Project Team Members WANT and GET: An Empirical Study. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 7, X’ian, China, 11 – 13 October 2006.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2006). Investigating the Future of Project Management: a co-word analysis approach. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 7, X’ian, China, 11 – 13 October 2006.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2007). ‘Kaikaku’ Project Management: Investigating the Japanese answer to the 90s depression. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Current Management Thinking: Drawing from Social Sciences and Humanities to Address Contemporary Challenges, Paris, France, 17 – 19 May 2007.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2007). Shikumidukuri vs. One Best (no) Way! Project & Programme Management for Enterprise Innovation (P2M): Towards a New Paradigm? International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 8, Brighton, UK, 19 – 21 September 2007.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R., & Ruiz, P. (2007). Internal and External Motivation Factors in Virtual and Collocated Project Environments: A Principal Component Investigation. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 8, Brighton, UK, 19 – 21 September 2007.
- Bredillet, C. N., & Dwivedula, R. (2008). “The Influence of Work Motivation on Project Success: Towards a Framework”. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Managing Diversity: European Destiny and Hope, Ljubljana & Bled, Slovenia, 14 – 17 May 2008.
- Bredillet, C. N., Ruiz, P., & Yatim, F. (2008). Investigating the Deployment of Project Management: A Time-Distance Analysis Approach of G8, European G6, And Outreach 5 Countries. Project Management Institute-PMI Research Conference: Defining the Future of Project Management, Warsaw, Poland, 14 – 16 July 2008.
- Anbari, F., Bredillet, C. N., & Turner, J. R. (2008). Perspectives on Research in Project Management: Exploring Research in Project Management: Nine Schools of Project Management Thought. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA, 8 – 12 August 2008. [Best Papers Proceedings] – Dans ce cas précis la liste des auteurs est alphabétique, cet article étant tiré des travaux de ma thèse et ensuite de mes recherches.
- Bredillet, C. N., Dwivedula, R., & Ruiz, P. (2009). Profiling Work Motivation of Project Workers. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Renaissance & Renewal in Management Studies, Liverpool, UK, 11 – 14 June 2009.
- Bredillet, C. N., Ruiz, P., & Yatim, F. (2009). Project Management Deployment: The Role of Cultural Factors. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Renaissance & Renewal in Management Studies, Liverpool, UK, 11 – 14 June 2009.
- Bredillet, C. N., & Dwivedula, R. (2009). The Relation between Work Motivation and Project Management Success: An Empirical Investigation. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 9, Berlin, Germany, October 11 – 13, 2009.
- Bredillet, C. N., & Dwivedula, R. (2010). The Relation between Organizational and Professional Commitment in Case of Project Workers - Implications for the Project Management. Project Management Institute-PMI Research Conference: Defining the Future of Project Management, Washington, D.C., USA, 11 – 14 July 2010.
- Medina, A., Müller, R., & Bredillet, C. (2011). The fight for Resources Management: a source of struggles between Project Managers and Functional Managers in Matrix Organizations. European Academy of Management-EURAM: Management Culture in the 21st Century, Tallinn, Estonia , June 2-4, 2011,
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2011). Work Motivation as a Determinant of Organizational and Professional Commitment in Case of Temporary Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 10, Montreal, Canada, 19 – 22 June 2011.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C., & Müller, R. (2011). The Relation between Work Motivation and Project Management Success in case of Temporary Organizations: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings. Academy of Business Research Conference, Atlantic City, USA, September 13 - 15, 2011. [AACSB Best Paper in Operations Management Award, Academy of Business Research Conference].
- Dwivedula R., Bredillet, C., & Müller, R. (2012). Understanding the relation between work motivation, organizational commitment, and professional commitment among project workers. Academy of Business Research Spring 2012 International Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 14-16 March 2012.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., Hatcher, C, & Dwivedula R. (2013). What is a good project manager? Reconceptualizing the “do”: an Aristotelian perspective. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 11: Innovative Approaches in Project Management Research, Oslo, Norway, June 17 -19, 2013.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Hatcher, C. (2013). Acting and knowing in temporary and project-based organizing: turning from the practice world to a liberation praxeology? European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Democratising Management, Istanbul, Turkey, June 26 -29, 2013.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Hatcher, C. (2013). Prolegomenon to the study of the concepts of maturity and maturity model: From Black Horse to White Knight?. European Group for Organizational Studies-EGOS Conference: Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews, Montréal, Canada, July 4-6, 2013.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Dwivedula R. (2014). Reconnecting theory and practice in pluralistic organizing context: Issues and Aristotelian considerations. European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness, Valencia, Spain, June 4 -7, 2014.
- Tootoonchy, M., Bredillet, C. N., & Tywoniak, S. (2015). Grasping Project Portfolio Management and Project Management Office dynamics of co-emergence and adaptation: a routine perspective. European Group for Organizational Studies-EGOS Conference: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece, July 2-4, 2015.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Dwivedula R. (2015). Project organising, routine dynamics and adaptive capacity: enacting and (re)creating standards. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 12: The Power of Projects, London, UK, June 22 -24, 2015.
- Dwivedula, R., & Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Theoretical Considerations to Propose a Conceptual Framework of Work Motivation in case of Temporary Organizations: ‘Application spotting’ and ‘box breaking’ through creating interaction between Event System Theory, Job Design Perspective, and Actor-Network Theory. European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Manageable Cooperation, Paris, France, June 1 – 3, 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tootoonchy, M., & Tywoniak, S. (2016). Investigating the dynamics of PMO and PfM co-transformation: routine perspective and structural analysis approach. European Academy of Management- EURAM Conference: Manageable Cooperation, Paris, France, June 1 – 3, 2016.
- Dwivedula R., Bredillet, C. N., &. Müller, R. (2017). Practopoietic Lens to Conceptualize Temporary Organizing. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 13: The Modern Project: Mindsets, Toolsets, and Theoretical Frameworks, Boston, USA, June 11 -14, 2017.
- Tootoonchy, M., Bredillet, C. N., &. Tywoniak, S. (2017). Why Do PMOs Change? A Structural Analysis Approach. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 13: The Modern Project: Mindsets, Toolsets, and Theoretical Frameworks, Boston, USA, June 11 -14, 2017.
- Tywoniak, S., Bredillet, C. N., & Tootoonchy, M. (2017). Why Do Project Management Offices Change? Routine lens and Structural Analysis Approach. European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Making Knowledge Work, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 21 – 24, 2017.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Project Complexity Characterization and Adaptive Governance and Delivery Framework: The Case of a Multinational Project-based Organization. Symposium – "Selecting Project Delivery Models" (Co-sponsored with the Strategic Management SIG). European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Making Knowledge Work, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 21 – 24, 2017.
- Tywoniak, S., Bredillet, C. N., & Tootoonchy, M. (2018). Dealing with uncertainty in entrepreneurial ventures and projects: “same-same but different”? Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship-ACE Research Exchange Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia, February 6 – 9, 2018.
- Tywoniak, S., Bredillet, C. N., & Tootoonchy, M. (2018). The “Iron Triangle” and the “Lemonade Principle”: do project managers and entrepreneurs handle uncertainty in the same way? European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Research in Action – Accelerating knowledge creation in management, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 – 22, 2018.
- Tywoniak, S., & Bredillet, C. N. (2018). Disrupting project institutions? Institutional work during the 2016 Roundtables on Contracting for Complex Projects. International Research Network on Organizing by Projects-IRNOP 18: A skilled hand and a cultivated mind, Melbourne, Australia, December 10 -12, 2018.
- Dwivedula R., & Bredillet, C. N. (2022). Work motivation research in project management: Reflections and implications for future research. European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Leading Digital Transformation, 15-17 June at the ZHAW School of Management and Law, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Avis formulés au gouvernement
- ICCPM (2014). Submission for the Australian Government’s Productivity Commission Public Inquiry into Public Infrastructure. International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), Kingston, ACT, February 2014.
"This Submission has been prepared by the International Centre for Complex Project Management. We also gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the following people (in alphabetical order): Professor Fran Ackermann (Curtin University), Mr Tim Banfield (UK Major Projects Authority), Dr Richard Barber (QUT), Professor Ockie Bosch (The University of Adelaide), Professor Christophe Bredillet (QUT), Dr Barbara Chomicka (EC Harris), Professor Stewart Clegg (UTS), Mr Alistair Dormer (Hitachi Rail Europe), Dr Simon Dunstall (CSIRO), Ms Daphne Freeder (UTS), Professor Peter Galvin (Curtin University), Air Marshall John Harvey AM (ret’d), Mr Stephen Hayes MBE (ICCPM), Ms Alison Hood (UK National Audit Office), Ms Jennifer Lieu (Consulting and Implementation Services), Dr Li Liu (The University of Sydney), Professor Peter Love (Curtin University), Dr Julien Pollack (UTS), A/Professor Simon Reay Atkinson (The University of Sydney), Captain RANR, Professor Shankar Sankaran (UTS), Mr Greg Spinks (Consulting and Implementation Services), A/Professor Stephane Tywoniak (QUT), Professor Liz Varga (Cranfield University), Mr Warwick Watkins AM (WW & Associates)."
Textes de vulgarisation scientifique
- Bredillet, C. N. (2001). Design de Programme Educatif international de développement des compétences des managers de projets : une approche mobilisant l'apprentissage par l'expérience et l'apprentissage par la réflexion, Revue La Cible, 87 (avril 2001), 28—31.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2001). Conduite de projet innovant : un exemple d'application d'une méta-méthode. Revue La Cible, 89 (juin 2001), 29—30.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). P2M: Toward a new Project & Programme Management paradigm? – Foundations, for SOVNET Journal, Moscow, 4(4), 4—18.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). P2M: Toward a new Project & Programme Management paradigm? – The link between strategy, programme & project, for PMCC Journal, Tokyo, March 2005, 1—40.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). Implementing Strategy Through Projects 1. Project Management Technology 6, Beijing, March 2005, 13—16.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). Implementing Strategy Through Projects 2. Project Management Technology 7, Beijing, May 2005, 13—15.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2006). P2M: Program & Project Management Novos Paradigmas?. Revista Mundo PM, 2(11), 30—47.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C., & Ruiz, P. (2009). The Dichotomous Nature of Motivation in Collocated and Virtual Project Environments. Project Perspectives, IPMA., 31, 38 – 43.
- Bredillet, C. (2015). (A)Musing… Wicked problems and project management. Journal of Modern Project Management, 2(3), 120-122.
Conférences avec arbitrage
- Bredillet, C. N. (1999). Proposition d'un modèle conceptuel dynamique de formation des hommes et des équipes projets. Communication présentée au 67e congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa. Ontario, Canada, 10 – 14 May 1999.
- Bredillet, C. N., Cooke-Davies, T. & Schlichter, J. (2001). The link between project managers competencies and organizational project management maturity” (PMI Research track at PMI Congress 2001) Project Management Institute-PMI Congress 2001, Nashville, November 2001.
- Bredillet, C. N., Cooke-Davies, T. & Schlichter, J. (2001). Beyond the PMBOK® Guide. Creating a standard for organizational project management maturity. Project Management Institute-PMI Congress 2001, Nashville, November 2001.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2002). An example of the application of a Project Management meta method to the management of innovation. Research Track, International Project Management Association-IPMA World Congress 2002, Berlin, June 2002.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2005). Au-delà du miroir positiviste : Proposition d’approche situationnelle et épistémo-praxéologique du management de projet. Communication présentée au 73e congrès de l'ACFAS, Chicoutimi, Canada, 9 – 11 May 2005.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2006). “Some reflections about P2M and other meta-methods: the place of the mirror”, International Project Management Association-IPMA World Congress, Shangaï, China, October 2006.
- Dwivedula, R; Bredillet, C. N., & Ruiz, P. (2008) Influence of Work Motivation on Project Success: Towards a Framework. International Conference on soft skills development strategies: Corporate and Academic perspectives, BITS PILANI (India), September 2008.
- Dwivedula, R; Bredillet, C. N., & Ruiz, P. (2008). Comparing Team Member Expectations and Project Environment Realities in Virtual Projects: An Empirical Study. The Association for Employment Practices and Principles—Sixteenth Annual Conference, Chicago (USA), October 2008.
- Bredillet, C. N., Tywoniak, S., & Dwivedula R. (2014). The “good project manager?”: an Aristotelian ethical perspective. 7th Making Projects Critical workshop, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, January 23-24, 2014.
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2014). Personality and Work Motivation as Determinants of Project Success: The Mediating Role of Organizational and Professional Commitment. The Third Abu Dhabi University Annual Research Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 23-24, 2014
- Dwivedula, R., Bredillet, C. N., & Müller, R. (2015). Towards an Understanding of Work Motivation in Temporary Organizations. 2015 Project Management Symposium presented by the University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering’s Project Management Center of Excellence,, College Park, MD, June 8-9, 2015
- Ika, L. & Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Trois questions métaphysiques pour vous les praticiens de la gestion de projet. 84e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Points de Rencontre", Colloque 428 - la recherche francophone en management de projet : ses objets de recherche, ses assises épistémologiques et ses démarches méthodologiques, UQAM, Montréal, Quebec, May 9, 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Project Complexity Characterization and Adaptive Governance and Delivery Framework: The Case of a Multinational Project-based Organization. Symposium – "Selecting Project Delivery Models" (Co-sponsored with the Strategic Management SIG). European Academy of Management-EURAM Conference: Making Knowledge Work, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 21 – 24, 2017.
- Bolger, C., Bredillet, C.N. (2019). Cas de projet complexe : l'implantation de la Centrale alimentaire La Tuque. 4ème Conférence Internationale en Gestion de Projet de l’UQTR : Axe 4 Complexité en projets de services – Complexité dans la gestion de projet de services, Trois-Rivières, QC, 23 au 25 mai 2019.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2019). De la dialectique à la dialogique entre théorie et pratique : en marche vers le prémodernisme !. Communication présentée dans le colloque 628 " Les tensions entre la rigueur et la pertinence en gestion de projet sous la loupe des fondements de la recherche" dans le cadre du 87e congrès de l'ACFAS, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Québec, 30 mai 2019.
- Bredillet, C.N., Ika, L. & Tywoniak, S. (2019). Complex project organizing in high tech context: three weddings and a funeral. 7th International Megaprojects Workshop: Theory meets Practice: Artificial Intelligence and Megaprojects: New processes and value, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada, June 12-14, 2019.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2021). Évaluation de la complexité et organisation des projets complexes : les enjeux de l'accès aux données pour une recherche à perspective pragmatique. 88e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", Colloque 467 : Vers une gestion de données sur la performance des projets publics : enjeux et opportunités, Université de Sherbrooke, Université Bishop's colloque virtuel, , May 3, 2021.
- Ika, L., & Bredillet. C. N. (2021. Des données pour une recherche à impact en projets publics : Que retenir de l’expérience de la Banque mondiale ? 88e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", Colloque 467 : Vers une gestion de données sur la performance des projets publics : enjeux et opportunités, Université de Sherbrooke, Université Bishop's colloque virtuel, , May 3, 2021.
- Aubry, M., & Bredillet. C. N. (2023). (Ré-)examiner les racines de la gestion de projet : l’apport de la théorie des paradoxes et du pragmatisme. 90e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", 467 - Innover et apprendre en gestion de projet : enjeux et perspectives, Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal, May 10-11, 2023.
- Oualhadlj L., & Bredillet. C. N. (2023). Répondre à l'enjeu de durabilité en gestion de projet : Une modélisation mobilisant complexité et innovation selon une perspective pragmatiste. 90e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", 467 - Innover et apprendre en gestion de projet : enjeux et perspectives, Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal, May 10-11, 2023.
- Djoudi, F., & Bredillet. C. N. (2023). Management par projet, production de santé psychosociologique, de bien-être, de bonheur et de qualité de vie au travail : Un projet complexe de succès managérial. 90e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", 467 - Innover et apprendre en gestion de projet : enjeux et perspectives, Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal, May 10-11, 2023.
- Lacourse, J., Boigey, P. & Bredillet. C. N. (2023). Éthique, prise de décision, performance et pratiques associées dans une gestion organisationnelle de projet avec une approche pragmatiste. 90e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Du jamais su", 467 - Innover et apprendre en gestion de projet : enjeux et perspectives, Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal et Polytechnique Montréal, May 10-11, 2023.
Conférences sur invitation
- Bredillet, C. N. (2000). From idea to industrialization of a recycling water shower for Boeing Business Jet: a multi-partners international project with two concurrent - competence development & economical – objectives. Business Educational Research Development Congress, Seattle, USA, 27 November – 1 December 2000.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2002). International Educational Network in PM: Foundations and Design… ProMAC 2002 Research Conference, Singapore, 31 July – 2 August 2002.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2007). Learning and Acting in project situations through a meta-method (MAP): a case study: Contextual and Situational approach for Project Management Governance in Management Education. 3rd Project Management Conference for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Assessment, Bournemouth, UK, 13 – 14 September 2007.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2010). Governance and the specific context of projects: situations and conventions. Concept Symposium 2010: Decision makers, doers and advisors - Joining forces to enhance utility of investments, Ministry of Finance, Oslo, Norway, 16-17 September 2010.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2013). Project complexity and governance in megaprojects context PETROBRAS, 4th International Seminar of Project Management, Rio de Janeiro, 21 & 22 November 2013.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2013). Portfolio Management in Complex (and uncertain) environments. Seminário Internacional, International Project Management Association (IPMA) and International Centre of Complex Project Management (ICCPM), Rio de Janeiro, 22 November 2013.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2014). Megaprojects: Theory Meets Practice. 2nd International Workshop, 4 & 5 September 2014, Hosted by Curtin University, Perth, Australia.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Panel - Les enjeux actuels de la gestion de projet. 84e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Points de Rencontre", Colloque 479 - Les enjeux actuels de la gestion de projet, UQAM, Montréal, Canada, May 11 – 12, 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). The relationship between project governance and risk management of multiple projects. Professional Development Workshop – Linking Strategy to Projects. 2016 Academy of Management Meeting: Organizational Project Management: Crafting an organizational view of project management, Anaheim, California, August 5 – 9, 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Enacting and (re)creating standards in a Project-Based Organisation: A reflexive and dialogic discourse between pluralistic conceptualization and managerial implications. Symposium du PMI-Montréal les 4 et 5 octobre 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Qui sera et que fera le "bon" gestionnaire de projets futurs?. Colloque de Recherche "Club de Montréal bis", ESG UQAM, Montréal, Canada, 7 – 9 Juin 2017.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2019). Tendances et enjeux de demain en gestion de projets : quels impacts sur le développement des compétences? Symposium du PMI-Montréal les 4 et 5 avril 2019.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2019). Toward an improved Project Complexity management and praxis: adding value through actionable classification and typology. 4ème Conférence Internationale en Gestion de Projet de l'UQTR, Trois-Rivières, QC, 23 au 25 mai 2019.
Conférences à titre de conférencier principal
- Bredillet, C. N. (2003). Scienca sine metaphysica nihil : Founding principles for the development of Education in PM. pm days’03: PROJECTS & EMOTIONS, Vienna, Austria, 29 October – 1 November 2003.
- Turner, J.R., Bredillet, C. N. and Huemann, M. (2004). Publication strategies of project management journals and researchers. pm days´04: PROJECTS & EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Vienna, Austria, 24 – 27 November 2004.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2006). Epistemo praxeology & Project Management: Understanding the deep structure. pm days’06: PROJECTS & MANAGEMENT PARADIGMS, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 23 June 2006.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2014). Portfolio Management: the challenge of complexity and uncertainty. Project Management Institute Switzerland, Lausanne, 16 January 2014.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2014). Risques et Mégaprojets : peut-on briser la « loi d’airain ? SMaP (Association Française de Management de Projet), Conférence, 1st July 2014.
- Bredillet, C.N. (2014). Caractérisation de la complexité des projets et adaptation de la structure de gouvernance. Thales Université, Convention annuelle en Management de Projet, 14 & 15 October 2014.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). Spécificité et apport du management de projet dans les petites et moyennes entreprises : l'adaptation, un facteur clé de performance. Institut de Recherche sur les PME (INRPME), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Québec, 6 mai 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2016). L'importance de la recherche dans l'évolution du programme réseau de la maîtrise en gestion de projet de l'UQ. 84e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Points de Rencontre", Colloque 428 - la recherche francophone en management de projet : ses objets de recherche, ses assises épistémologiques et ses démarches méthodologiques, UQAM, Montréal, Quebec, May 9, 2016.
- Bredillet, C. N. (2017). Qu’est-ce qu’un bon manager de projet?. 85e Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir-Acfas, "Vers de nouveaux sommets", Colloque 454 – Humain et Projet, McGill, Montréal, Canada, 8 – 12 Mai 2017.
Prix et distinctions
2012 : Unique prix de la Manfred Saynish Foundation for Project Management pour sa contribution à une philosophie des sciences dans le domaine de projets complexes.
2014 : International Journal of Project Management 2013 – Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing awarded in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the quality of the journal.
2015 : Outstanding Paper Award – International Journal of Managing Projects in Business: Bredillet, C. N. (2014). “Ethics in Project Management: some Aristotelian insights”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Vol. 7(4), 548-565.
2016 : International Project Management Association: IPMA Research Achievement Award 2016 for the outstanding contribution to project related knowledge through research.
2023 : Prix Recherche 2023, École de Gestion UQTR - obtention d'une subvention de recherche
2023 : Prix Recherche 2023, École de Gestion UQTR - 2000 citations
2023 : Prix Excellence en enseignement 2020-2022, École de Gestion UQTR
2023 : International Journal of Project Management 2022 Best Reviewer Award (Awarded for providing multiple constructive, insightful, and timely reviews for International Journal of Project Management)
Certifications professionnelles 2015: First assessor, IPMA Certification of Project Management Consultants (CPMC), et Assessor, IPMA Project Excellence Award
2012: Evaluateur principal, IPMA level A & B, IPMA / SMaP
2000 & 2010 & 2016 (renouvellement): Directeur de Projets Certifié), (Certificated Projects Director, IPMA level A, AFITEP, IPMA / SMaP)
Rapport de certification: “From idea to industrialisation of a recycling water shower for Boeing business jets”. ("De l’idée à l’industrialisation d’une douche à eau recyclable pour l’aviation d’affaires Boeing Business Jet : un projet international multipartenaires à objectifs économique et de développement des compétences.")
2004: Certifié Praticien PRINCE2® (Practitioner, APMG-International)
1997: Certifié en Gestion de Projet, (Certified Cost Engineer, CCE, ICEC / AFITEP)
Rapport de certification: "How to design an efficient educational system for Project Teams?"