




Process of acquiring ordeveloping language knowledge and skill. *We do not make a conceptual distinction between acquisition, learning and language development.

action research

Participatory research methodology based on the systematic observation and analysis of the developments and changes in teaching practice and professional development.

additional language

Any language acquired after the native language, regardless of the setting (instructed or naturalistic acquisition).

*This term reflects an inclusive perspective of learning trajectories, which acknowledges linguistic diversity and intentionally resists the traditional distinction between second or foreign language.

**In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term second language stands for any additional language.

additional languages

Any language acquired after the native language, regardless of the setting (instructed or naturalistic acquisition).

*This term reflects an inclusive perspective of learning trajectories, which acknowledges linguistic diversity and intentionally resists the traditional distinction between second or foreign language.

**In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term second language stands for any additional language.

communicative approach

Term referring to several approaches in which communication, interaction and learners’ needs are emphasized in language teaching.

communicative approaches

Term referring to several approaches in which communication, interaction and learners’ needs are emphasized in language teaching.

crosslinguistic approach

Approach targeting the interaction between all the languages of learners’ repertoires to facilitate language development.

Synonyms: crosslinguistic pedagogical approach; crosslinguistic pedagogy.

crosslinguistic approaches

Approach targeting the interaction between all the languages of learners’ repertoires to facilitate language development.

Synonyms: crosslinguistic pedagogical approach; crosslinguistic pedagogy.

crosslinguistic-communicative model

Representation of a pedagogical strategy combining crosslinguistic and communicative approaches to language teaching.

Synonym: crosslinguistic-communicative teaching model.

crosslinguistic-communicative teaching model

Representation of a pedagogical strategy combining crosslinguistic and communicative approaches to language teaching.

Synonym: crosslinguistic-communicative model.

crosslinguistic-communicative teaching models

Representation of a pedagogical strategy combining crosslinguistic and communicative approaches to language teaching.

Synonym: crosslinguistic-communicative model.

crosslinguistic pedagogical approach

Approach targeting the interaction between all the languages of learners’ repertoires to facilitate language development.

Synonyms: crosslinguistic approach; crosslinguistic pedagogy.

crosslinguistic pedagogical approaches

Approach targeting the interaction between all the languages of learners’ repertoires to facilitate language development.

Synonyms: crosslinguistic approach; crosslinguistic pedagogy.

crosslinguistic pedagogy

Approach targeting the interaction between all the languages of learners’ repertoires to facilitate language development.

Synonyms: crosslinguistic pedagogical approach; crosslinguistic approach.

crosslinguistic practice

Set of teaching practices characterised by the use and interaction of several languages in the classroom.

Synonym: plurilingual practice.

crosslinguistic practices

Set of teaching practices characterised by the use and interaction of several languages in the classroom.

Synonym: plurilingual practices.

developmental research

Research methodology aimed at the creation of instructional products by means of the processes of design, development and evaluation.

formal instructional setting

Educational setting where language is intentionally taught and/or intentionally learned (e.g., classroom, laboratory, tutoring).

Synonym: formal setting.

formal instructional settings

Educational setting where language is intentionally taught and/or intentionally learned (e.g., classroom, laboratory, tutoring).

Synonym: formal setting.

formal setting

Educational setting where language is intentionally taught and/or intentionally learned (e.g., classroom, laboratory, tutoring).

Synonym: formal instructional setting.

formal settings

Educational setting where language is intentionally taught and/or intentionally learned (e.g., classroom, laboratory, tutoring).

Synonym: formal instructional setting.

ideology of language separation

Belief based on the concept of interference, according to which languages should be learned and taught in isolation, to prevent the undesired influence of other languages on the systematic development of the target language.

See: interference; monolingual bias


Undesired influence from one language on another.

See: ideology of language separation; monolingual bias


Undesired influence from one language on another.

See: ideology of language separation; monolingual bias


Instructed Second Language Acquisition. Field of research concerned with the effects of instruction of the development or acquisition of an additional language.

language development

Process of acquiring or developing language knowledge and skill.

*We do not make a conceptual distinction between acquisition, learning and language development.

language repertoire

A person’s entire set of language knowledge and skills.

Synonym: linguistic repertoire.

language repertoires

A person’s entire set of language knowledge and skills.

Synonym: linguistic repertoire.


Process of negotiating meaning and shaping language-related knowledge through language, i.e. talking about language in collaborative classroom settings.


Process of acquiring ordeveloping language knowledge and skill. *We do not make a conceptual distinction between acquisition, learning and language development.

linguistic repertoire

A person’s entire set of language knowledge and skills.

Synonym: language repertoire.

linguistic repertoires

A person’s entire set of language knowledge and skills.

Synonym: language repertoire.

monolingual bias

Perspective according to which language learners and teachers must be restricted to exclusive target language use in class.

See: Ideology of language separation; interference.

monolingual practice

Set of teaching practices characterised by the exclusive use of the target language in the classroom.

monolingual practices

Set of teaching practices characterised by the exclusive use of the target language in the classroom.

native language

Language·s acquired from birth.

*It is possible to have more than one native language.

**In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term first language or mother tongue is used to refer to native language.

native languages

Language·s acquired from birth.

*It is possible to have more than one native language.

**In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term first language or mother tongue is used to refer to native language.

naturalistic setting

Informal setting where learners “pick up” an additional language through observation and interaction with others (e.g., workplace, playground).

Synonym: natural setting.

naturalistic settings

Informal setting where learners “pick up” an additional language through observation and interaction with others (e.g., workplace, playground).

Synonym: natural setting.

natural setting

Informal setting where learners “pick up” an additional language through observation and interaction with others (e.g., workplace, playground)

Synonym: naturalistic setting.

natural settings

Informal setting where learners “pick up” an additional language through observation and interaction with others (e.g., workplace, playground)

Synonym: naturalistic setting.

plurilingual approach

Approach targeting the integration of learners’ plurilingual repertoires in a pedagogical setting.

Synonym: plurilingual pedagogical approach.

plurilingual approaches

Approach targeting the integration of learners’ plurilingual repertoires in a pedagogical setting.

Synonym: plurilingual pedagogical approach.

plurilingual development

Process of acquiring or developing knowledge and skill in more than on language.


1. Situation of a person who uses several languages for different purposes and in different areas of their life.

2. A field of research which aimed at examining phenomena related to plurilingualism.

*Plurilingualism is generally distinguished from multilingualism, which refers to a societal phenomenon where different social groups use different languages in different contexts.

plurilingual pedagogical approach

Approach targeting the integration of learners’ plurilingual repertoires in a pedagogical setting.

Synonym: plurilingual approach.

plurilingual pedagogical approaches

Approach targeting the integration of learners’ plurilingual repertoires in a pedagogical setting.

Synonym: plurilingual approach.

plurilingual practice

Set of teaching practices characterised by the use and interaction of several languages in the classroom.

plurilingual practices

Set of teaching practices characterised by the use and interaction of several languages in the classroom.

plurilingual repertoire

Entire set of language knowledge and skills of a person who uses several languages.

plurilingual repertoires

Entire set of language knowledge and skills of a person who uses several languages.

second language

1. Non-native language enjoying national language status.

2. Language acquired (chronologically) after the native language·s.

*In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term second language stands for any non-native language.

See: additional language.

Second Language Acquisition

Field of research concerned with the cognitive and societal processes involved in the acquisition of one or more additional language·s.

Synonym: SLA.

second languages

1. Non-native language enjoying national language status.

2. Language acquired (chronologically) after the native language·s.

*In the academic fields of SLA and ISLA, the term second language stands for any non-native language.

See: additional language.


Field of research concerned with the cognitive and societal processes involved in the acquisition of one or more additional language·s.

Synonym: Second Language Acquisition.

target language

Non-native language being the target of intentional learning.

target languages

Non-native language being the target of intentional learning.


(Pedagogical task) Pedagogical activity requiring learners to use the language for a specific communicative purpose.


(Pedagogical task) Pedagogical activity requiring learners to use the language for a specific communicative purpose.

teaching model

Representation of a pedagogical strategy or method.

teaching models

Representation of a pedagogical strategy or method.


Process by which multilingual speakers draw on different languages to communicate.