Benoît Brisson
Cours enseignés
Automne 2024
- Activité de recherche en psychologie I
Hiver 2025
- Travaux pratiques de recherche en psychologie
- Activité de synthèse en psychologie
Intérêts de recherche
- Neurosciences cognitives
- Neurosciences politiques
- Neurosciences des préjugés
- Neurosciences de l'attachement
- Électrophysiologie humaine
- Psychophysique
Quelques communications et publications
- Beaulieu C., Turcotte Giroux A., Carrier Toutant F., Brisson B., Jolicoeur P., & De Beaumont L. (2018). Long-term effects of concussions on psychomotor speed and cognitive control processes during motor sequence learning. Journal of Psychophysiology.
- Leblanc CA, Marquis E, Gagnon-Girouard MP, Brisson B. (2017). Towards a united front against weight bias. Social Behavior Research and Practice Open Journal. 2(2): e7-e9.
- Grégoire L, Caparos S, Leblanc CA, Brisson B, Blanchette I. (2017). Sexual abuse exposure alters early processing of emotional words: Evidence from event-related potentials. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Bourassa MÈ, Vachon F, Brisson B. (2015). Failure of temporal selectivity: electrophysiological evidence for (mis)selection of distractors during the attentional blink. Psychophysiology. 52(4): 933-941.
- Brisson B. (2015). Task switching mediates direct interference of intertarget distractors in the attentional blink: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology. 52(4): 919-932.
- Caparos S, Fortier-St-Pierre S, Gosselin J, Blanchette I, & Brisson B. (2015). The tree to the left, the forest to the right: Political attitude and perceptual bias. Cognition. 133: 155-164.
Direction de mémoires et thèses
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