Michel Simard
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Arendt, Hannah
1961 Condition de l'homme moderne : (The human condition). Paris: Calmann-Lévy.

Berger, Peter L., Brigitte Berger, and Hansfried Kellner
1973 The homeless mind; modernization and consciousness. New York,: Random House.

Castel, Robert
2009 La montée des incertitudes : travail, protections, statut de l'individu. Paris: Seuil.

Latimer, Eric, Tim Aubry, and & All
2014 Rapport final du projet Chez Soi. Commission de la santé mentale du Canada.

Lipovetsky, Gilles
1983 L'ère du vide : essais sur l'individualisme contemporain. [Paris]: Gallimard.

Polanyi, Karl
2001 The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Tsemberis, Sam J.
2010 Housing first : the Pathways model to end homelessness for people with mental illness and addiction. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.

Levy, Jay S.
2010 Homeless narratives & pretreatment pathways : from words to housing. Ann Arbor, MI: Loving Healing Press.

Lipovetsky, Gilles
1983 L'ère du vide : essais sur l'individualisme contemporain. [Paris]: Gallimard.

Polanyi, Karl
2001 The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Tsemberis, Sam J.
2010 Housing first : the Pathways model to end homelessness for people with mental illness and addiction. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.