The UNESCO Chair focuses on practices that promote access and participation of all children in activities that support their development in natural settings (home, daycare, etc.). These environments offer multiple learning opportunities and support skills in several areas of child development. Members will explore models for combining different levels of support (quality curriculum for all children, minimal accommodations, specialized interventions) based on the child’s various needs in these settings.
A new seven-year project, Early Intervention in Daycare Settings: An Intersectoral Model to Support Children in Inclusive Early Childhood Centers has been in place since 2017. This project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Program. It aims to develop, implement and evaluate a model supporting the overall development of children in inclusive daycare settings in Quebec. It is carried out in close collaboration with several early childhood partners, who are stakeholders in every stage of the project, namely seven daycare centers, three ministries and several other collaborators from the academic sector and from promotion and orientation organizations.
The Partnership project will:
In development.
The project From Integrative Practices for Children with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder to Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood Centers: Intervention Program "All Different Children, All Winners" was funded by SSHRC over a five-year period (2012-2017). This innovative project studied ways of supporting educators in an inclusive daycare center, who are working with the educational program of daycare centers by experimenting with the program "Children all different, all winners". It aimed to formalize and experiment the program, to evaluate its implementation and its effects as well as study the possibilities of generalizing the program in other contexts. Following an experimentation of the program with seven daycare centers, this project identified variables to be considered in developing a model that supports the development of all the children in inclusive daycare settings.
Two other projects led by the chair holder focused specifically on interventions targeting young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The first project, Intensive Behavioral Intervention (IBI) in Quebec: Portrait of Its Implementation and Measurement of its Effects in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Their Families and Settings, was funded by the Quebec Research Fund - Society and Culture (FRQSC) over a period of five years. In Quebec, IBI is part of CRDITED's offer of specialized services, but little data is available from public service providers on the implementation and effects of these programs on large groups of children. Conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Social Services, the research project aimed to identify the various IBI models used in each institution and their implementation conditions as well as measure the effects of this intervention on the child and his/her family over time. Overall, the authors concluded the importance of maintaining IBI and the need to oversee its implementation on a larger scale. This research project, carried out in partnership with a large number of institutions across the province, laid the groundwork for a joint thinking process aimed at improving practices.
The second project, Development and Knowledge Transfer of the Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Program: Reconciling Best Practices and Real-World Transferability, was funded by a grant from the Valorization and Transfer Support Program provided by the Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation. It is in response to a need for IBI program documentation identified by the previous project on the evaluation of IBI implementation and its effects in Quebec. Beginning in 2014, the project extended over a period of two and a half years in partnership with representatives of seven Integrated Health and Social Services Centers in Quebec. The main outcome of this project is access to an IBI program protocol that takes into account the scientific literature, but also the realities of various settings. This protocol is based on detailed and comprehensive documentation with practical tools, thus promoting staff training and more faithful application of the program.
In development.
Heo, K. H., Kim, S. H., Ma, E. H., Lim, H. S., & Sohn, B. D. (in press). Effects of multi-tiered social emotional program on young children’s social emotional competences and parent capability. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education.
Martinez Nadal, S., Demestre, X., Schonhaut, L., Muñoz, S., & Sala, P. (2018). Impact of neonatal morbidity on the risk of developmental delay in late preterm infants. Early Human Development, 116, 40–46.
Macy, M. (accepted). Activity-based intervention to support second language acquisition. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education.
Macy, M., Calvo-Argus, B., Torres, S. X., & Hernández Collazo, R. L. (in press). Culturally relevant services intended to create meaningful relationships with young children with disabilities and parents from Spanish-speaking families. Dimensions.
Yim, H. S., Heo, K., & Sohn, B. D. (2018). Meta Analysis of Family Support Program Effects on Parenting Efficacy among Families with Disabled Children. Korean Youth Research Association, 25(5), 77-100.
Ma, E. H. & Heo, K. (2018). Experience of using self-monitoring checklist with peer coaching and changes in child-teacher relationships of early childhood beginning teachers. Korean Early Childhood Education Research and Review. 22(3), 89-114.
Kim, J. M., Kim, M. S., Ma, E. H., Heo, K. H., & Sohn, B. D. (2018). The effect of the preschoolers' emotional behavior on school readiness through the characteristics of home environment. Korean Youth Research Association, 5(6), 249-273.
Ma, E. H., Kim, M. S., Kim, J. M., Heo, K., & Sohn, B. D. (2018). Qualitative research on teacher’s recognition of school readiness among preschoolers: focusing on preschoolers' emotional behavioral problems and parenting environment. Korean Youth Research Association, 25(7).
Ma, E. H., & Heo, K. H. (2018). The effects of applying universal levels of multi-tiered approach on young children and their caregivers in children’s residential care homes. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 18(4), 197-219.
Kim, S. B., Heo, K. H., Sohn, B. D. (2018). Meta-analysis on programs of improving peer competence toward young children. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 18(4), 249-268.
Kim, N. I., & Heo, K. H. (2018). Application and Effectiveness of Korean CSEFEL (Center for Social Emotional Foundation for Early Learning) Parent Education Program Based on a Multi-Tiered Model. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 18(3), 141-166.
Ma, E.H., Sohn, B. D., & Heo, K. H. (2018). Exploring young children's behavioral problems who are at risk of social emotional development and their caregivers' need for early intervention in Children's Residential Care Homes. Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 18(3), 191-216.
Frantz, R., Hansen, S. G., Squires, J., & Machalicek, W. (2018). Families as partners: Supporting family resiliency through early intervention. Infants & Young Children, 31(1), 3-19. doi:10.1097/iyc.0000000000000109
Stegenga, S. M., Munger, K., Squires, J., & Anderson, D. (2018). A mixed methods systematic scoping review of the use of big data in early intervention research: Ethical and practical implications. OSF Preprints.
Anunciacao, L., Squires, J., & Landiera-Fernadez, J. (2018). A longitudinal study of child development in children enrolled in Brazilian public daycare centers. Global Journal of Educational Studies, 4(1), 31-42.
Chen, C., Chen, C-I., Xie, H., & Squires, J., (2018). Using differential item functioning to examine the gender difference in social-emotional competence of infants and young children. Bulletin in Early Intervention, 1(1), 1-22.
Paquet, A., Dionne, C., Joly, J., Rousseau, M., & Rivard, M. (2017). Supervision of large scale community-based early intensive behavioural intervention programs in Quebec: Description of practices. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 23(1), 54-63.
Dionne, C., Joly, J., Paquet, A., Rousseau, M., & Rivard, M. (2016). Organizations’ choices when implementing an early intensive behavioral intervention program (EIBI). Education Sciences & Society, 2, 150-171.
Cappe, E., Bailly, F., Paquet, A., & Dionne, C. (2016). Les services offerts au Québec aux jeunes enfants présentant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme : description du programme d’Intervention Comportementale Intensive (ICI) par des professionnels impliqués dans sa mise en œuvre. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 28(142), 1-11.
Dionne, C. (2015, Mai). Un nouveau projet de transfert de connaissances pour le programme d’intervention comportementale intensive (ICI). Le Recherché, (98). Repéré à
Chatenoud, C., Dionne, C., Villeneuve, M., & Minnes, P. (2014). De la garderie à l'école maternelle : influence des croyances et sentiments d'efficacité professionnelle sur le parcours inclusif de jeunes enfants ayant une trisomie 21 (T21) au Québec. Revue internationale de communication et socialisation, 1(1), 35-45.
Rousseau, M., & Dionne, C. (2014). Le soutien à l’inclusion préscolaire : vers l’expérimentation de nouvelles formules de stages. Revue Empan, 93, 125-129.
Paquet, A., Rivard, M., Dionne, C., & Forget, J. (2012). Les apports combinés de l’enseignement par essais distincts et des stratégies « naturalistes » en intervention précoce auprès des enfants ayant un trouble dans le spectre de l’autisme. Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle, 23, 121-127.
Julien-Gauthier, F., Dionne, C., Héroux, J., & Mailhot, S. (2012). Observation de pratiques pour développer des habiletés de communication chez les enfants du préscolaire qui ont des incapacités. Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 38(1), 101-134.
Myre-Bisaillon, J., Breton, S., Boutin, N., & Dionne, C. (2012). L’apport des pratiques d’éveil des mères dans la préparation de leurs enfants à l’entrée dans l’écrit. Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 38(3), 601-617.
Paquet, A., Dionne, C., Clément, C., Balmy, B., & Rivard, M. (2012). L’intervention comportementale précoce et intensive en milieu de garde ordinaire : perception des défis et des conditions nécessaires à son succès. Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive, 17(1), 20-32.
Rousseau, M., Dionne, C., & Paquet, A. (2012). Intervention spécialisée auprès des enfants présentant un trouble envahissant du développement : modélisation en service de garde au Québec. Revue francophone de clinique comportementale et cognitive, 17(1), 47-62.
Dionne, C., Paquet, A., & Rousseau, M. (2011). Programmes d’intervention précoce pour les enfants ayant un trouble envahissant du développement et des retards de développement. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 23(115), 466-472.
Lussier-Desrochers, D., Dionne, C., & Laforest, A. (2011). L’utilisation des technologies en intervention précoce : pistes de réflexion. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 17(1), 65-73.
Gamache, V., Joly, J., & Dionne, C. (2011). La fidélité et qualité d’implantation du programme québécois d’intervention comportementale intensive destiné aux enfants ayant un trouble envahissant du développement en CRDITED. Revue de psychoéducation, 40(1), 1-23.
Paquet, A., Rivard, M., & Dionne, C. (2011). ICI : portrait et perspectives de recherche. L’Express, printemps, (4), 48-50.
Rousseau, N., Desmarais, M.-É., Point, M., Dugas, C., Ouellet, S., Dionne, C. (2010). Milieux de garde au Québec : des pratiques inclusives sous la loupe. Prismes, 13, 45-46.
Granada, M., Cáceres, M. F. & Pomés, M. (2018). Conciencia fonológica de niños y niñas con Trastorno Específico de Lenguaje en escuelas especiales de Talca Chile. a Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado
Granada, M., Cáceres, M. F. & Pomés, M. (2018). Trastorno Específico de Lenguaje según género, en escuelas del Maule Chile" a Cuadernos de Pesquisa
Cáceres, M., Granada, M. y Pomés, M. (2018). Inclusión y Juego en la Infancia Temprana. En Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 12(1), 181 -199.
Reflexiones y experiencias educativas desde las comunidades (2018). Cap. 5: Identificación de rezagos no visibles del desarrollo infantil. Una forma de prevenir desigualdades