Le corps professoral

Roseane De Fatima Guimaraes Czelusniak


Cours enseignés


Stage postdoctoral en Sciences de l’activité physique, Université de Montréal, Canada. 

Doctorat en Sciences, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brésil.

Maîtrise en Éducation physique, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brésil.

Baccalauréat en Éducation physique et en kinésiologie, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brésil.          

Intérêts de recherche

Ma programmation de recherche a le but d’avancer les connaissances sur les habitudes de vie et leur impact sur la santé pondérale et cardiométabolique des enfants et adolescent.e.s, spécialement en milieu scolaire.

Quelques communications et publications

Ahmadi S, Gilbert JA, Marcotte M, Guimarães RF, Mathieu ME. Exercise-related self-perception, physical activity and intention to in-person and virtual activities among adolescent girls. Accepté au Sports Medicine and Health Science, April 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.smhs.2024.03.007

Dupont F, Gauthier AC, Drapeau V, Guimarães RF, Mathieu ME. Energy intake and food preferences following low and moderate intensities of cycling desk concurrent to academic task – When too high is detrimental to nutritional quality. SportRxiv, 2024. Preprint: https://doi.org/10.51224/SRXIV.373

da Silva MP, Guimarães RF, Bozza R, Matias T, Piola TS, Corrêa LQ, Ramires V, Alexandrino E, Dumith SC. Is Binge Drinking Associated With Specific Types of Exercise and Free Time Sports? A Pooled Analysis With 718,147 Adults. J Phys Act Health. 2023 Jul 27;20(11):1001-1007. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0550. PMID: 37500080.

Guimarães RF, Barnett, T, Reid RER, Henderson M, Mathieu ME. Determinants of mechanical efficiency trajectories from childhood to adolescence: findings from the QUALITY cohort. Hum Mov Sci. 2023;87:103040. doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2022.103040. PMID: 36495687.

Guimarães RF, Barnett, T, Reid RER, Henderson M, Mathieu ME. Trajectories of cardiorespiratory fitness from childhood to adolescence: findings from the QUALITY cohort. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2023;41(9):895-902 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2023.2245262).

Langer RD, Guimarães RF, Guerra-Junior G, Gonçalves EM. Can phase angle be associated with muscle strength in healthy male army cadets? Accepté au Military Medicine. Epub Ahead of Print (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/milmed/usac007). 

Silva MP, Guimarães RF, Bacil EDA, Piola PS, Fantinelli ER, Fontana FE, Campos W. Time spent in different sedentary activity domains across adolescence: a follow-up study. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2022;98(1):60-68. 

Guimarães RF, Mathieu ME, Reid RER, Henderson M, Barnett, T. Physical activity, screen-time and sleep trajectories from childhood to adolescence: The influence of sex and body weight status. J Phys Act Health. 23;18(7):767-773, 2021.

Guimarães RF, Gilbert JA, Drapeau V, Mathieu ME. Healthier lifestyle for girls who accumulate more years in the FitSpirit school-based intervention. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2020;16(5):633-640.

Guimarães RF, Josaphat KJ, Reid RER, Henderson M, Barnett TA, Mathieu ME. Reduction in ambulatory distance from childhood through adolescence: The impact of the number and length of steps. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 2021, 19(1):66-70.

Gauthier AC, Guimarães RF, Namiranian K, Drapeau V, Mathieu ME. Effect of Physical Exercise on Taste Perceptions: A Systematic Review. Nutrients 12(9), 2741.

Chemtob K, Reid RER, Guimarães RF, Henderson M, Mathieu M-E, Barnett TA, Tremblay A, Van Hulst A. Adherence to the 24-hour movement guidelines and adiposity in a cohort of at-risk youth: a longitudinal analysis. Pediatric Obesity, 16(4);e12730, 2020.

Guimarães RF, Gilbert JA, Lemoyne J, Mathieu ME. Better health indicators of FitSpirit participants meeting 24-h movement guidelines for Canadian children and youth. Health Promotion International, 2020, 1–10.

Langer RD, Guimarães RF, Guerra-Junior G, Gonçalves EM, Moraes AM. Phase angle is determined by body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescents. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(9):610-615, 2020.

Prix et distinctions

Membre du Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche appliquée en santé. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

Membre de l’équipe du Youth Activity Profile - Dr. Gregory J. Welk, Ph.D. Iowa State University, États-Unis de l’Amérique.

Membre du Regroupement intersectoriel de recherche en santé de l’Université du Québec (RISUQ).       

Membre du Groupe de recherche en activité physique et santé publique – GPASP (Dr. Michael Pereira da Silva, Ph.D. et Dr. Samuel Dumith, Ph.D.). Faculté de médecine de l'Université Fédérale de Rio Grande - FAMED / FURG. Pelotas, RS, Brésil.

 Membre du Réseau de recherche en santé CardioMétabolique, Diabète et Obésité (CMDO).