Mot | Annotation |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON !
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
Listen to the song by Nino Ferrer while reading the text.
Please click on words you don't understand. |
see Wikipedia |
(1934 – 1998)
music ... drums ... | |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
QU'EST-CE QUE J'AI FAIT | What did I do |
DE MES CLÉS, | with my keys |
MES LUNETTES ET MES PAPIERS, | my glasses and my papers |
MON VESTON, MON LORGNON, | my jacket, my glasses ( 'lorgnon' is an old word for ' glasses') |
MON ÉTUI D'ACCORDÉON, | my accordeon case |
OUI JE SAIS, | yes, I know |
JE PERDS TOUT, | I am losing everything |
MAIS CE QUE JE VEUX PAS, | but what I don't want |
C'EST QU'ON SE MOQUE DE MOI ! | is that people make fun of me |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! |
OH! HÉ! HEIN! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
OÙ EST-CE QUE J'AI MIS | where did I put |
MES OUTILS, | my tools |
MA PIPE ET MON PARAPLUIE, | my pipe and my umbrella |
MA BELLE-SŒUR, MON TAMBOUR, | my sister in law, my drum |
and my ant from St-Flour St-Flour is a city in France. Its name rhymes with ' tambour '. |
OUI JE SAIS, | yes, I know |
JE PERDS TOUT, | I am losing everything |
MAIS CE QUE JE VEUX PAS, | but what I don't want |
C'EST QU'ON SE MOQUE DE MOI ! | is that people make fun of me |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
OÙ EST MON BÂTON, MON BOUTON, | where is my stick, my button |
MON TONTON, MON SAUCISSON | my uncle ( 'tonton' is familiar for 'uncle'), my sausage |
MON COUSIN CÉLESTIN | my cousin Célestin |
QUI ÉTAIT ACADÉMICIEN | who was an academician (probably an allusion to the famous ' Académie française ') |
OUI JE SAIS, | yes, I know |
JE PERDS TOUT, | I am losing everything |
MAIS CE QUE JE VEUX PAS, | but what I don't want |
C'EST QU'ON SE MOQUE DE MOI ! | is that people make fun of me |
MMMMMMMM ... MUSIC ... | |
M-OUI ... | yes... |
SI ON VEUT ... | If you want... |
MMM-BOFF ... | expletive, usually meaning ' I don't care, Whatever '! |
M-OUAIS ... |
yes OUI is often pronounced OUAIS, with sometimes an addition of a M-, when you want to mean that you are doubting something. |
À LA RIGUEUR ... | at the most... |
OH ! HÉ !....COUGH …COUGH … | OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! interrupted by a cough...Nino Ferrer is going to sing about his health and the medicine he takes. |
OÙ SONT MES GOUTTES, MES PASTILLES | where are my drops, my pastilles ( small pill) |
MON SIROP, MA CAMOMILLE, | my syrup, my camomile |
MA POTION, MON CACHET, | my potion, my cachet (big pill) |
MES PIQÛRES ET MON BONNET | my injections, my cap |
OUI JE SAIS, | yes, I know |
JE PERDS TOUT, | I am losing everything |
MAIS CE QUE JE VEUX PAS, | but what I don't want |
C'EST QU'ON SE MOQUE DE MOI ! | is that people make fun of me |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
QU'EST-CE QUE J'AI FAIT | what did I do |
DES PAROLES | with the lyrics |
DE CETTE SATANÉE CHANSON, | of this damned song |
JE LES AI OUBLIEES | I have forgotten them |
ELLES DOIVENT ÊTRE À LA MAISON, | they must be at home |
OUI JE SAIS, | yes, I know |
JE PERDS TOUT, | I am losing everything |
MAIS CE QUE JE VEUX PAS, | but what I don't want |
C'EST QU'ON SE MOQUE DE MOI ! | is that people make fun of me |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! |
OH ! HÉ ! HEIN ! BON ! OH ! = to catch the attention of your listener In French, when you want to catch the attention of someone, let's say in the street, you say OH ! HÉ ! = to show him (her) that he (she) is doing something wrong In French, to stop quickly somebody who is doing something wrong, you say HÉ ! HEIN ! = to acknowledge that recognition In French, HEIN ! , in that case, also means ' you understand what I mean '. BON ! = conclusion, we understand each other… In French, you say BON ! once the conflict is over, when the problem is solved. Here, with these exclamations, Nino Ferrer wants to stop people making fun of him forgetting everything everywhere. OH ! = Hey, you!; HÉ ! = What are you doing !?! HEIN ! = That's better ! BON ! = Okeydokey ! |
LA LA LA.... | |
M-BOFF !!! | expletive, usually meaning ' I don't care, Whatever '! |
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