Vision & concepts : Adapting CAD models for simulation needs using form features and virtual topology, composite-surface meshing.
Some fundamentals questions :
Does my CAD model allow mesh generators to respect the optimal finite element sizes ?
What kind of details can be removed using the form features of my CAD model ?
How can I improve mesh generation by merging faces of my CAD model ?
How should one integrate CAD and simulation ?
Thanks to its integration inside computer aided design (CAD), finite element analysis (FEA) tends to be used to optimize products in the early design stage. This integration requires the adaptation of the geometric model designed inside the CAD system to fit the FEA needs.
Nowadays, this preparation of the CAD model for FE simulation remains a complex task, and represents an important part of the time required in the simulation work. The causes of this complexity come from the three folowing levels :
The objective of this project is to elaborate a method able to automatically identify and perform the required geometrical treatments to adapt the model in preview of the FE simulation. The proposed approach is based on three different levels of operators :
A shape feature removal approach for CAD models
While many works focused on feature-based design and feature recognition, very few criteria were proposed to identify features that should be removed to simplify FEA models : bosses, fillets, holes, (...) that are “small” when compared to the specified mesh size.
Our criteria identify details that are irrelevant for meshing, by comparing dimensional parameters of shape features with the size of FE elements that should discretize them (conforming with the specified size map). By definition of a h-adapted size map, removing these details will have a negligible impact regarding the simulation accuracy goal. Hence, these geometric criteria translate the mechanical behaviour of the physical system.
The second aim of these criteria is the identification of CAD operations to remove shape details :
Figure 1: Our three steps simplification process
Figure 2: The result of our three steps simplification process
Figure 3: Step 1, CAD feature removal from the feature tree
A topological model for the representation of meshing constraints in the context of FEA
The preparation of a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model from a computer aided design (CAD) model is still a difficult task since its boundary representation (BREP) is often composed of a large number of faces, some of which may be narrow or feature short edges that are smaller than the desired FE size (for mesh generation). Consequently, these faces and edges are considered as geometric artefacts that are irrelevant for the meshing process. Such inconsistencies often cause either poorly-shaped elements or meshes that are locally over-densified. These inconsistencies not only slow down the solver (using too many elements) but also produce poor or inappropriate simulation results.
Virtual Topology approaches (Sheffer, 2001; Inoue et al., 1999) aim at clustering faces of the BREP definition of a CAD model to produce a new topology more suited to meshing constraints.
A major issue still to be addressed is the lack of topological data-structure and operators general enough for the generation of FEA-models. Indeed, Euler operators and BREP topology used in previous works do not enable the representation of edges and vertices isolated inside the domain of faces, while these topological configurations are often required to represent interior boundary conditions, highly stressed features, and sharp shape features.
Criteria that should be used in order to automate the topology simplification process, constitute another interesting and crucial issue on this subject. For example, in (Sheffer, 2001; Inoue et al., 1999) the face clustering process is based on global properties of entities (face area over edge length ratio, maximal curvature along an edge), while geometric properties may vary along entities (for instance a face can be narrow only locally). As a result, this type of face clustering process denies the identification of narrow regions in faces. Lee and al propose in (Lee et al., 2003b) a criterion based on the medial axis transform (MAT) aiming at the identification of narrow regions in faces, but no criterion is proposed to take into account the local curvature of surfaces.
To propose a topological model well suited for FEA, we proposed the Meshing Constraints Topology (MCT) aiming at transforming a CAD model in a FEA model featuring only faces, edges, and vertices that are relevant for meshing. Therefore, MCT models represent explicitly the topology of meshing constraints entities.
Three face-edge-vertex adjacency hypergraphs represent the MCT topology, and simple graph operations define MCT adaptation operators.
It's worth noting that the edge deletion operator is not an operator from the Euler's group, then enabling the creation of edges and vertices isolated inside the domain of faces (non-manifold configurations).
Topological orientation information (co-faces, co-edges...) are inferred from the orientation information of underlying MCT composite curves and surfaces.
At the end of the MCT adaptation process, the hypergraph-based topology can be converted in a non-manifold BREP topology, to enable processes such as advancing front triangulation.
Adaptation criteria aim at identifying MCT operations needed to transform a CAD model boundary decomposition into a FEA model, featuring only meshrelevant faces, edges and vertices, i.e., an explicit data model that is intrinsically adapted to the meshing process. These adaptation criteria take into account meshing requirements as following :
Figure 4: Step 2 , The MCT
Figure 5: MCT operators
Topological entities are removed by MCT operators when the distance between face boundaries is too small to respect the size map or when they are not required to respect the discretization accuracy and boundary condition domains.
A trans-patch extension of the advancing front method for composite geometry meshing
Our latest contribution extends the advancing front triangulation over parametric surfaces (Cuillière, 1998) to surfaces composed with multiple parametric surfaces, and its main features are :
Figure 6: Step 3, Generating triangles over composite geometry
This method is new and promising for the following reasons :
Figure 7: Result obtained on a piston
Figure 8: Result obtained on a bearing