Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture / Refereed journal publications

D. Courchesne1 and S. Tremblay (2024)
Multicomplex Ideals, Modules and Hilbert Spaces [arXiv]


M. Ouelletand S. Tremblay (2020)
Supersymmetric generalized power functions [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Physics61, 072101 


C. Papillon1 and S. Tremblay (2018)
On a three-dimensional Riccati differential equation and its symmetries [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 458, 1, 611-627.


A. Bilodeau1 and S. Tremblay (2013)
On two-dimensional supersymmetric quantum mechanics, pseudoanalytic functions and transmutation operators [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46, 425302.


Kira V. Khmelnytskaya, Vladislav V. Kravchenko, Sergii M. Torba and S. Tremblay (2012)
Wave polynomials, transmutations and Cauchy's problem for the Klein-Gordon equation [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 399, 1, 191-212.


V. V. Kravchenko, S. Morelos-Guadarrama1 and S. Tremblay (2011)
Complete systems of recursive integrals and Taylor series of solutions of Sturm-Liouville equations [arXiv]
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences35, No 6 704 - 715.


V. V. Kravchenko and S. Tremblay (2011)
Spatial pseudoanalytic functions arising from the factorization of linear second order elliptic operators [arXiv]
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 34, No 16 1999 - 2010.


V. V. Kravchenko and S. Tremblay (2010)
Explicit solutions of generalized Cauchy-Riemann systems using the transplant operator [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 370, 242-257.


V. K. Kravchenko, V. V. Kravchenko and S. Tremblay (2010)
Zakharov-Shabat system and hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory [arXiv]
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 33, No 4, 448 - 453.

I. Ste-Marie1 and S. Tremblay (2009)
Symmetries of differential-difference dynamical systems in a two-dimensional lattice [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42, 454020.


V. V. Kravchenko and S. Tremblay (2008)
On the Klein-Gordon equation and hyperbolic pseudoanalytic function theory [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41, No 6.


D. Rochon and S. Tremblay (2006)
Bicomplex quantum mechanics: II. The Hilbert space [arXiv]
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 16, No 2: 135-157.


E. Pelantova, M. Svobodova and S. Tremblay (2006)
Fine grading of sl(p^2,C) generated by tensor product of generalized Pauli matrices and its symmetries [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47, No 1: 5341-5357.

D. Rochon and S. Tremblay (2004)
Bicomplex quantum mechanics: I. The generalized Schrödinger equation [arXiv]
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 14, No 2: 231-248.

D. Levi, S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (2001)
Lie symmetries of multidimensional difference equations [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 34, No 44: 9507-9524.

S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (2001)
Invariants of the nilpotent and solvable triangular Lie algebras [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 34, No 42: 9085-9099.

S. Lafortune, S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (2001)
Symmetry classification of diatomic molecular chains [arXiv]
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 42, No 11: 5341-5357.

D. Levi, S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (2001)
Continuous symmetries of equations on lattices
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 51, No 4: 349-356.

S. Tremblay, A. Ramani and B. Grammaticos (2001)
Integrable lattice equations and their growth properties [arXiv]
Physics Letter A, 6, No 278: 319-324.

D. Levi, S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (2000)
Lie point symmetries of difference equations and lattices [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 33, No 47: 8507-8523.

A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos and S. Tremblay (2000)
Integrable systems without the Painlevé property [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 33, No 15: 3045-3052.

S. Tremblay and P. Winternitz (1998),
Solvable Lie algebras with triangular nilradicals [arXiv]
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 31, No 2: 789-806.


1Étudiant(e) aux cycles supérieurs / Graduate student 

Thèse de doctorat / Ph. D. thesis

Titre / Title: « Symétries et singularités des équations aux variables discrètes »

Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal (2001)

Directeur de recherche / Advisor: Pavel Winternitz


Mémoire de maîtrise / Master's thesis

Titre / Title: « Algèbres de Lie résolubles avec nilradicaux triangulaires »

Centre de recherches mathématiques, Université de Montréal (1997)

Directeur de recherche / Advisor: Pavel Winternitz

Mon / My Google scholar 
