Documents revus et acceptés

1. Publications (peer-reviewed journals)

Deschênes-Gagné, J. Stoloff, S. & Lemoyne, HJ. (2020, en évaluation). Regard sur la condition physique et les aptitudes motrices chez les futurs enseignants en éducation physique, PhenÉPS.

Lemoyne, J., Huard Pelletier, V., Grondin, S. & Trudeau, F. (2020, en évaluation). Relative age effect in Canadian hockey: prevalence, perceived competence and performance, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Movement Science and Sport Psychology

Lemoyne, J., Trudeau, F. & Grodin, S. (2020, en préparation). The relative age effect in the world of ice hockey: analysis of its presence, its fading and of a reversal effect among the best junior and professional players. International Review of Sport Sociology.

Tardif, C.A., & Lemoyne, J. (2020, en évaluation). A new way to play hockey in Canada: parents’ and coaches’ beliefs regarding the half-ice play model for novice hockey. Journal of Emerging Sport Studies.

 Laidet, M., Trudeau, F. & Lemoyne J. (en révision, juin 2020). Comprendre les comportements actifs chez les sportifs avec handicap : le cas du parahockey. Alter - European Journal of Disability Research, Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap.

Yao, P.L., Huard Pelletier, V., & Lemoyne, J. (accepté, novembre 2020). Testing the predictive validity of combine tests among junior elite football players: an 8-yr follow-up, The Sport Journal.

Paiement K, Drapeau V, Gilbert J-A, Lemoyne J, Moreau N, Monthuy-Blanc J., Tremblay J, Marcil V, & Mathieu, MÈ. (2020). Changes in Lifestyle Habits Among Adolescent Girls after FitSpirit Participation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Girard, S., Béland, S., & Lemoyne, J. (2020). Interpréter l’interaction de variables latentes : une exemplification méthodologique de la méthode Johnson-Neyman. Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation.

Gendron, P., Lajoie, C., Laurencelle, L., Lemoyne, J., & Trudeau, F. (2020). Physical training in the fire station and firefighters’ cardiovascular health. Occupational Medicine.


Pelletier, V. H., & Lemoyne, J. (2020). Exploring the Impacts of Early Sport Specialization Among Québec’s Adolescent Hockey Players. Journal of Expertise, March3(1).

Huard Pelletier, V., Girard, S., & Lemoyne, J. (2019). Diversification of young hockey players active behaviours: contribution of individual, social, and environmental factors. PLOS One

Blais, D., Lemoyne, J. & Girard, S. (2019) Contribution de la motivation en éducation physique sur la pratique d’activités physiques : comparaison entre classes spéciales et classes ordinaires. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l’Éducation.

Laroche, J.A., Girard, S., & Lemoyne, J. (2019). Tracing adolescent girls’ motivation longitudinally: from Fitclub participation to leisure-time physical activity. Perceptual  & Motor Skills, 126(5), 986-1005. 

Blanchette, S., Lemoyne, J., Rivard, M.C., & Trudeau, F. (2019) Municipal officials' propensity toward active transportation: a rural-urban comparison. Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 349-358. 

Blanchette, S., Lemoyne, J. & Trudeau, F. (2019), Tackling childhood overweight: parental perceptions of stakeholder roles in a community-based intervention. Global Pediatric Health, 6, 1-9

Dubreuil, P. Rivard, M.C., Girard, S. & Lemoyne L. (2019). From organized sport motivation to exercise regulations: differences according sport type and intensity. Leisure. Rôle : Co-auteur (analyses, résultats, discussion), 

Martini, G., Brunelle, J.F., Trudeau, F., & Lemoyne, J. (2018). Measuring ice hockey skills in a repeated measures testing context: the effects of fatigue on skating efficiency, agility and shooting. The Sport Journal

Girard, S. & Lemoyne, J. (2018). Analyzing the contribution of student-perceived motivational climate to predict their goal adoption in physical education: testing invariance relative to teacher induced climate. The Physical Educator, 75 (4), 701-724.

Lemoyne, J., & Girard, S. (2018). Activité physique, estime de soi et condition physique: étude longitudinale d’une cohorte d’étudiants québécois. STAPS, 120(2), 99-115. 

Lemoyne, J., Poulin, C., Richer, N., & Bussières, A. (2017). Analyzing injuries among university-level athletes: prevalence, patterns and risk factors. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 61(2), 88-95. 

Lachaume, C. M., Trudeau, F., & Lemoyne, J. (2017). Energy expenditure by elite midget male ice hockey players in small-sided games. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 12(4), 504-513. 

Lemoyne, J. Valois, P., & Wittman, W. (2016). Analyzing exercise behaviors during the college years:  Results from latent growth curve analysis. PLOS One

Lemoyne, J., Valois, P. & Guay, F. (2015).  Physical self-concept and participation in physical activity in college students. Medicine Science in Sport and Exercise, 47(1), 142-150. 

Dubreuil, P., Lemoyne, J., & Rivard, M.C. (2014). Les environnements d’influence et les habitudes de vie des adolescents participant à des sports organisés, Science et Sports, 29, 248-257. 

Lemoyne, J., & Valois, P. (2014). Prédiction de la pratique d’activités physiques chez les étudiants du collégial. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 46 (2), 262-274.  

2.Actes de colloque

Lemoyne, J., & Girard, S. (2019). Motiver les étudiants du collégial à bouger : Regard sur la contribution des cours d’éducation physique. Journée de la recherche sur la motivation au collégial, 2e édition (Congrès de l’ACFAS), 27 mai.

Blais, D., Girard, S., & Lemoyne, J. (2018). Contribution of Physical Education on Physical Activity: Comparison between Regular and Special Classes. Dans M. Murphy, C. Boreham, G. De Vito et E. Tsolakidis (Dir.). Book of abstracts : 23rd Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, 4-7 juillet. Dublin, Irlande, p. 84.

3 . Chapitres de livres

Lemoyne, J., Poulin, C., & Lachance, E. (2014). MARIANNE: Training, running efficiently, and staying motivated. Dans: Armour, K. (ed.). Pedagogical cases in Sport Pedagogy. Routledge: UK. Chapitre 19 :pp.247-262.