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04 octobre 2019 (16:05)
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Professors Nicolas Berthelot and Roxanne Lemieux, Project STEP directors, published a “Viewpoint” this week in the prestigious journal JAMA Pediatrics. In their opinion, despite the fact that thousands of articles are published each year on interpersonal trauma, still too few studies are aimed at evaluating intervention and prevention programs. Such research is necessary in order to act directly on this public health issue. Julia Garon-Bissonnette, doctoral student with the team, also participated in the publication.
01 juin 2019 (16:10)
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Last May 13, Roxanne Lemieux and Nicolas Berthelot, co-directors of Project STEP, and their collaborators received a substantial grant from the new program “New Frontiers in Research” for their project entitled “A psychosocial program to interrupt the intergenerational transmission of the biological consequences of child abuse and neglect”. The New Frontiers in Research fund aims to push the boundaries of research, by funding multidisciplinary high-risk projects with a strong potential of impact. Congratulations!
02 mai 2019 (16:10)

Julia Garon-Bissonnette, a doctoral student in Psychology (Research) and research assistant for Project STEP, received a Merit Scholarship from the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le développement de l’enfant et la famille (CEIDEF; Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and the Family). Julia was awarded this scholarship for her dedication and involvement in the CEIDEF for the last two years. Congratulations Julia!
30 avril 2019 (16:10)

The research team for Project STEP is proud to announce that doctoral student in Psychology (Research) Julia Garon-Bissonnette was awarded a Master’s Scholarship by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC). Congratulations Julia!
19 avril 2019 (16:15)

Vanessa Bergeron, a doctoral student in Psychology and research assistant in Project STEP, received an Involvement Award for her participation in the Annual Scientific Poster Competition at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières, as well as in “My thesis in 180 seconds” competition. The picture shows the 10 graduate winners, all from the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. Vanessa is the ninth from the left.
16 avril 2019 (16:10)

Gabrielle Duguay, undergraduate student in Psychology and research assistant for Project STEP, received an Involvement Award at the gala de reconnaissance de l’AGE (AGE Recognition Gala) on April 9, 2019 for her involvement in AGE. All of the members in the picture are part of AGE and students at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières. Gabrielle is the second from the left.
26 mars 2019 (16:15)
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Project STEP’s objective is to devise, implement and evaluate an innovative intervention aimed at adults who have experienced adverse events during childhood, and are expecting a child. Learn more about the STEP support program through this video capsule.
21 mars 2019 (16:20)

Mathilde Loiselle, research assistant in Project STEP and Psychology student, won First Prize for undergraduates from the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le dévéloppement de l’enfant et la famille (CEIDEF; Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and the Family), as well as Second Prize for Psychology undergraduates for her poster entitled “Modèle de compréhension de difficultés en santé mentale lors de la grossesse : Contribution respective de deux contextes de violence“ (Model for understanding mental health difficulties during pregnancy: Respective contribution of two violent contexts).
21 mars 2019 (16:20)

Eve Nault-Livernoche won First Prize for graduate students from the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le dévéloppement de l’enfant et la famille (CEIDEF; Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and the Family) for her poster entitled “Les traumatismes interpersonnels dans l’enfance des mères influencent le tempérament de leurs enfants : modèle de transmission intergénérationnelle du risque” (Interpersonal trauma in mothers’ childhood influences their children’s temperament: Model of intergenerational transmission of risk).
13 mars 2019 (16:20)
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Three projects to help victims of criminal acts in the Mauricie region can count on support from Quebec. A grant of more than $157, 000 was announced on Monday by the Minister for the Mauricie region and Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity, Jean Boulet, and Justice Minister and Attorney General of Quebec, Sonia LeBel.
06 décembre 2018 (16:30)

Poster title: Beaucoup d’études sur les impacts négatifs de la maltraitance et toujours peu d’études sur l’intervention: la recherche doit être d’avantage translationnelle (Many studies on the negative impacts of maltreatment, but still few studies on intervention: Research must be more translational). Authors: Julia Garon-Bissonnette, Nicolas Berthelot, Carl Lacharité, Christine Drouin-Maziade, Tristan Milot and Michel Maziade
06 décembre 2018 (16:25)

Poster title: Traumatismes interpersonnels dans l’enfance des mères influencent le tempérament de leurs enfants: Modèle de transmission intergénérationnelle du risque (Interpersonal trauma in mothers’ childhood influences children’s temperament: Model of intergenerational transmission of risk). Authors: Ève Nault-Livernoche, Roxanne Lemieux, Mathilde Loiselle, Dominic Gamache, Claudia Savard and Nicolas Berthelot.
29 novembre 2018 (16:30)

Poster title: Déterminants de l’attachement prénatal : le rôle distinctif de la mentalisation du trauma (Determinants of prenatal attachment: The distinctive role of trauma mentalization). Authors: Julia Garon-Bissonnette , Roxanne Lemieux, Karine Dubois-Comtois and Nicolas Berthelot
22 novembre 2018 (16:35)

Title of oral presentation: Que sait-on de la parentalité en contexte de prématurité au Québec lors du retour à la maison (What do we know about parenthood in the context of prematurity in Quebec upon returning home?) as part of the Place à la relève (New Generation) Event at the CEIDEF
01 septembre 2018 (16:40)
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A third of future parents expecting their first child experienced maltreatment during childhood. From the beginning of pregnancy, they go through many different emotions and self-questioning… Will they reproduce their parents’ behaviour? Will they be able to offer their children a harmonious family environment?
25 juillet 2018 (16:50)

Nicolas Berthelot participated in the recording of a radio interview. This interview was broadcasted by Radio-Canada, 360 PM, in Trois-Rivières on February 6, 2017.
28 avril 2018 (16:40)

Poster title: Accumulation des traumas vécus durant l’enfance : répercussions sur la santé mentale des adultes en attente d’un enfant (Accumulation of traumas during childhood: Repercussions on mental health of adults expecting a child). Authors: Vanessa Bergeron, Nicolas Berthelot and Roxanne Lemieux
11 avril 2018 (16:45)

Poster title: Devenir parent après avoir été maltraité au cours de l’enfance : Disposition psychologique au moment de la grossesse des adultes ayant vécu des abus ou de la négligence durant leur enfance (Becoming a parent after having been maltreated during childhood: Psychological disposition upon during pregnancy in adults who suffered abuse or neglect during childhood). Authors: Julia Gagnon-Bissonnette, Nicola Berthelot and Roxanne Lemieux
11 avril 2018 (16:40)

Ève Nault-Livernoche, undergraduate student in Psychology, won Third Place for her oral presentation on Science Day in Psychology organised by the Psychology Department of the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières
15 mars 2018 (16:45)

11 guests and experts in healthcare, maltreatment and parenthood gathered at Poivre Noir in Trois-Rivières on March 15, 2018 for a consultation meeting concerning intervention with parents exposed to life events during childhood. The objectives of this consultation day were to present the logic model of the STEP support program, the program’s activities and share ideas on the best way to support adult victims of childhood maltreatment who are expecting a child.
22 novembre 2017 (16:45)
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Live presentation from the 14th Annual Seminar of the CRIPCAS. “Le projet STEP : une programmation de recherche visant à intercepter les trajectoires intergénérationnelles du risque associé aux traumas interpersonnels“ (Project STEP: A research program aimed at intercepting intergenerational trajectories of risk associated with interpersonal trauma).
12 juin 2017 (16:55)
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Some 15 experts in public health, maltreatment and parenthood gathered at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (UQTR) on February 21 as part of the project Support the Transition and Engagement in Parenthood (STEP) for adults who experienced maltreatment in childhood. STEP is under the scientific and clinical direction of Professors Nicolas Berthelot and Roxanne Lemieux of the Department of Nursing.
27 mai 2017 (16:55)

Researchers from the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le développement de l’enfant et la famille (CEIDEF; Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and the Family) of the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières (UQTR) were awarded a grant of $940, 832 by the Canada Public Health Agency for a project aimed at supporting the transition to parenthood of adults exposed to traumatic events during childhood.
27 mai 2017 (16:55)
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Becoming a parent is a challenge in itself. Becoming a parent when one has experienced neglect or abuse in childhood is another ball game. It is precisely to better address the specific needs of these future parents that Professor Nicolas Berthelot, from the Department of Nursing at the University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières, and his team created Project STEP
20 mai 2016 (16:55)

Poster Title: : Portrait psychosocial de femmes enceintes ayant vécu des événements difficiles durant l’enfance (A psychosocial portrait of pregnant women who experienced adverse events during childhood). Authors: Vanessa Bergeron, Aurélie Baker-Lacharité, Odette Bernazzani, Karin Ensink and Nicolas Berthelot