RISQ contributes to the knowledge transfer with practice settings through activities such as visits with partners and various seminars, presentations or training sessions.
Visits with partners are an event where researchers, stakeholders, decision makers, students and research professionals meet in a given region to share knowledge and discuss the links between research and practice, and their impacts on addiction and substance abuse interventions or policy development. Would you like a visit to your region? Read this document to determine which formula best meets your needs.
RISQ periodically works with its partners to organize seminars, presentations and training sessions including the annual seminar Convergence Research Intervention (CRI) and the Sommet sur les dépendances.
Each year, RISQ organized with the IUD, the HERMES team, the AQCID and the AIDQ the CRI! Traditionally, the event is held the first Thursday in June and is a key event for all stakeholders, decision makers, students and research professionals interested in the vast field of addictions.
The Sommet sur les dépendances was set up by eight partners of the addiction network to promote knowledge transfer and the development of skills in the area. The first edition was held in November 2018 at the Centre Mont-Royal in Montréal and brought together more than 50 speakers!
Thanks to the valued contributions of our speakers, in this section you can access the PowerPoint presentations used during our various knowledge sharing activities.