Allan Edelsparre
Causes of polymorphic foraging strategies and consequences for dispersal in Drosophila melanogaster
Co-supervised with Mark Fitzpatrick, University of Toronto
Claudie Lachance
Linking movement syndromes to growth, survival, and movement in stream fish
Zaccaria Kacem
How do soundscapes influence habitat use and movements of stream-dwelling fish and crayfish?
Co-supervised with Raphaël Proulx, UQTR
Théo Allart
Habitat fragmentation and predator-prey interactions in lacustrine fish
Co-supervised with Andrea Bertolo, UQTR
Helder M.V. Espírito-Santo
Reproductive strategies and fine-scale habitat use of Amazonian stream fishes
Katherine Roach
Quantifying fish habitat use and movements in the St. Lawrence River using chemical markers
Philippe Massicotte
Resolving the influence of habitat heterogeneity on fish species richness in two biogeographic provinces
Ryan Woodland
Incorporating temporally dynamic baselines in isotopic mixing models
Yorick Reyjol
Among- and within-tributary responses of riverine fish assemblages to habitat features
Ellen M. Camara
Multiscale analyses of environmental effects on community structure of tropical stream fish
João Batista Pereira
Spatial modeling of fish abundances in a stream network
Helder M.V. Espírito-Santo
Habitat-dependent movement rates in stream fish
Luzia Lourenço
Spatial variation in somatic growth rate of Geophagus brasiliensis in tropical streams
Marc Pépino
Impacts of highways on brook charr in streams
Julie Deschênes
Hierarchical analyses of spatial distribution in stream fish
Luc Farly
Timing of fish migrations inferred from geochemical tracers
Simon Boisvert
Habitat shifts and mercury assimilation in migratory fishes
Adeline Hérault
Ecology and bioenergetics of brook charr stocked in lakes
Svetli Dubeau
Effet de l´El Niño-2009 sur l´abondance spécifique des espèces herbacées inféodées aux milieux humides des îlots sableux en aval du barrage Matawin
Rabah Mazouz
Régionalisation temporelle des caractéristiques des débits de crues printanières au Québec méridional
Estelina Capistrano
Hierarchical modeling of Levy processes, with applications to animal movement
Jean-François Déry
Intrapopulation variation and environmental drivers of seasonal movement in river-dwelling lake sturgeon
Jeffrey Gallant
Influence of physical variables on the movement and behaviour of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) in shallow water
Benjamin Jacob
Effect of diet shift on the allometry of enzymatic activity in fishes from a shallow fluvial lake
Maxime Leveillé
Effects of ontogenetic diet shifts and primary producer biomass on short-term growth of fish
Kathy-Andrée Laplante
Quantifying habitat-dependent mortality risk in lacustrine fishes by means of tethering trials and survival analyses
Stéphanie Gagné
Modelling seasonal increments in size to determine the Supervisor onset of annual growth in fish
Nicola Martel
Basin-wide assessment of forestry impacts on macrobenthos
Katrine Turgeon
Microhabitat models for juvenile Atlantic salmon
Claudia Cossette
Field tests of models of fish movement in streams
Géneviève Bélanger
Analyses of mobility in stream-dwelling brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
Christian Langlois
Feeding behaviour of brook charr and juvenile Atlantic salmon in two contrasting stream habitats
François Audet
Size- and density-dependence of winter mortality among fishes in a man-made marsh
Isabelle Gauthier
Quantitative estimation of Beluga whale densities in the St. Lawrence River
Alain Guitard
Feeding behaviour of brook charr and juvenile Atlantic salmon in two contrasting stream habitats
Simon Trépanier
Self-thinning and production in stream salmonids
Philippe Bourke
Individual variation in spatial distribution and feeding in brook charr of Laurentian Shield lakes
Francisco Tejerina-Garro
Fish community structure in relation to environmental variation in floodplain lakes of the Araguaia River, Brazil
Christian Dussault
Habitat use, growth, apparent survival, and movement of sympatric brook charr and Atlantic salmon