Personnal Pronouns when Offering and Asking for favors
A. In an imperative or command
This construction holds true when the imperative or command is in reference to a favor service, e.g. “Hold this for me,” “Carry this suitcase for me”, etc. In this case, the object and personal pronoun change places and "pour" is omitted since it is built into the construction.
B. In reference to a favor or service
When a statement is in reference to a favor or service, the personal pronoun is placed before the verb and "pour" is once again omitted since is it built into the construction.
Note: This construction is also used when asking a question:
Je te tiens la porte?
May I hold the door for you?
Je te porte la valise?
May I carry the suitcase for you?
C. In the past tense (passé composé)
In the past tense, the personal pronoun is placed after the subject, just as it is in the present tense.