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French Slang

A Closer Look

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Popular Usage of Objective Case Personal Pronouns and "ça".


A. Objective case personal pronouns

The student of French has no doubt learned how to emphasize the subject of a sentence with the use of the personal pronouns moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, and elles, and the demonstrative pronoun ça.


Je m'appelle David

Moi, je m'appelle David.


Tu es très amusant.

Toi, tu es très amusant.


Il est gentil.

Lui, il est gentil.


C'est fantastique!

Ça, c'est fantastique!


However, in colloquial French, these pronouns finish the statement. This construction is extremely popular:


Je m'appelle David, moi.

Tu es très amusant, toi.

Il est gentil, lui.

C'est fantastique, ça!



B. Further popular use of "ça".

The demonstrative pronoun ça is frequently used to emphasize the interrogative terms comment, , pourquoi, quand, and qui. This is a very common usage of ça:


Regarde qui s'approche de nous!


Qui ça? (Who?)

J'vais y alter à midi.

Où ça? (Where to?)