Uwizeyemungu, S., Poba-Nzaou, P., and St-Pierre, J. (2022). Back-end information technology resources and manufacturing SMEs’ export commitment: An empirical investigation. International Business Review, 31(5), 102005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102005
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., Dakouo, M., Tchibozo, A., and Mboup, B. (2022). Patterns of health information exchange strategies underlying health information technologies capabilities building. Health Systems, 11(3), 211-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20476965.2021.1952113.
Poba-Nzaou, P., Galani, M., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Ceric, A. (2021). The impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) on jobs: An Industry perspective. Strategic HR Review, 20(2), 60-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/SHR-01-2021-0003.
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Liu, X. P. (2020). Adoption and performance of complementary clinical information technologies: Analysis of a survey of general practitioners. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 22(7), 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/16300.
Uwizeyemungu, S., Bertrand, J., and Poba-Nzaou, P. (2020). Patterns underlying required competencies for CPA professionals: A content and cluster analysis of job ads. Accounting Education, 29(2), 109-136. https://doi.org/10.1080/09639284.2020.1737157
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., Gaha, K., Laberge, M. (2020).Taxonomy of Business Value Underlying Motivations for E-HRM adoption: An Empirical Investigation based on HR Processes. Business Process Management Journal, 26(6), 1661-1685. https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-06-2018-0150
Raymond, L., Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M., Ortiz de Guinea, A. and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2020), “Information technology-enabled explorative learning and competitive performance in industrial service SMEs: a configurational analysis”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(7), 1625-1651. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-12-2019-0741
Raymond, L., Bergeron, F., Croteau, A.-M. and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2019). Determinants and outcomes of IT governance in manufacturing SMEs: A strategic IT management perspective. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 35, 1-15. (article in press). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accinf.2019.07.001
Uwizeyemungu, S., Poba-Nzaou, P., and Cantinotti, M. (2019). European hospitals' transition toward fully electronic-based systems: Do IT security and privacy practices follow? JMIR Medical Informatics, 7(1), 1-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/11211
Poba-Nzaou, P. and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2019). Worries of Open Source Projects' Contributors: Patterns, Structures and Engagement Implications. Computers in Human Behavior, 96, 174-185. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.02.005.
Poba-Nzaou, P. and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2019). Variation in Electronic Health Record Adoption in European Public Hospitals: A Configurational Analysis of Key Functionalities. Health and Technology, Prépublication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12553-019-00311-w
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Saada, M. (2019). Critical Barriers to Business Intelligence Open Source Software Adoption. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 10(1), 59–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/IJBIR.2019010104.
Uwizeyemungu, S., Raymond, L., Poba-Nzaou, P., and St-Pierre, J. (2018). The complementarity of IT and HRM capabilities for competitive performance: A configurational analysis of manufacturing and industrial service SMEs. Enterprise Information Systems, 12(10), 1336-1358. https://doi.org/10.1080/17517575.2018.1448118
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Clarke, C. (2018). Patterns underlying required HR and IT competencies: A content and cluster analysis of advertisements of HR manager positions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1–24 (Accepted for publication). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2018.1424019
Raymond, L., Uwizeyemungu, S., Fabi, B. and St-Pierre, J. (2018). IT capabilities for product innovation in SMEs: A configurational approach. Information Technology and Management, 19(1), 75–87. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10799-017-0276-x
St-Pierre, J., Bertrand, J., et Uwizeyemungu, S. (2017). Accroître la performance en innovation des PME grâce à la gestion des risques. Étude exploratoire sur des PME manufacturières. Gestion 2000, 34(5), 315-336. https://www.cairn.info/revue-gestion-2000-2017-5-page-315.htm
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Stamate, A. (2016). Empirically derived IT competencies profiles for human resource managers: A working HR students' perspective. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 16(2), 11-30. http://www.na-businesspress.com/JHETP/Poba-NzaouP_Web16_2_.pdf
Poba-Nzaou, P., Lemieux, N., Beaupré, D., and Uwizeyemungu, S. (2016). Critical Challenges Associated With The Adoption of Social Media : A Delphi Survey of Canadian Human Resource Managers. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4011–4019. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296316304398
Poba-Nzaou, P., Uwizeyemungu, S., Raymond, L., and Paré, G. (2014). Motivations underlying the adoption of ERP systems in healthcare organizations: Insights from online stories. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(4), 591-605. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10796-012-9361-1
Raymond, L., St-Pierre, J., Uwizeyemungu, S., and Le Dhin, T. (2014). Internationalization capabilities of SMEs: A comparative study of the manufacturing and industrial service sectors. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 12(3), 230-253. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10843-014-0123-7
Uwizeyemungu, S. and Raymond, L. (2012). Impact of an ERP system's design upon the realization of its business value: A resource-based perspective. Information Technology Management, 13(2), 69-90. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10799-012-0118-9
Raymond, L., Uwizeyemungu, S., Bergeron, F., and Gauvin, S. (2012). A framework for research on e-learning assimilation in SMEs: A strategic perspective. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(6), 592-613. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/03090591211245503
Uwizeyemungu, S. and Raymond, L. (2011). Information technology adoption and assimilation: Towards a research framework for service sector SMEs. Journal of Service Science and Management,4(2), 141-157. https://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=5229
Uwizeyemungu, S. and Raymond, L. (2010). Linking the effects of ERP to organizational performance: Development and initial validation of an evaluation method. Information Systems Management, 27(1), 25-41. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10580530903455122
Uwizeyemungu, S. and Raymond, L. (2009). Exploring an alternative method of evaluating the effects of ERP: A multiple case study. Journal of Information Technology, 24(3), 251-268. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/jit.2008.20
Uwizeyemungu, S. and Raymond, L. (2005). Essential characteristics of an ERP system: conceptualization and operationalization. Journal of Information and Organizational Science, 29(2), 69-81. http://hrcak.srce.hr/78280?lang=en