Claire Dumont, erg., Ph.D.
The Assessment of Computer Task Performance

The Assessment of Computer Task Performance is available in adult and child versions. This toll helps clinicians making recommendations and training for computer access within a reasonable time period. It was designed to be reliable, easy to administer in a standardised manner, and appropriate for a broad range of clients. A new improved child version was elaborated in 2006 and the final version including a large sample of children is now available (2012). A new section was added in 2016 to administer the test with smart boards. 

The test and documentation

Assessment of Computer Task Performance

 Adult Form

 Adult Transparencies

 Child Form 

Child Transparencies

Smart Board Adults

Smart Board Children






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Département d'ergothérapie

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C. P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, G9A 5H7


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