Affiches2019Josefina Maranzano, MD, Mahsa Dadar, PhD, Douglas L. Arnold, MD, D. Louis Collins, PhD, Sridar Narayanan, PhD
MRI T2-weighted, Intensity-Based Classification and Separation of Dirty White Matter from Focal White Matter Lesions in Multiple SclerosisJournal :Congrès : The fourth annual Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS) Forum, February 28 - March 2, Dallas, Texas Description : |
2019St-Pierre MO., Begon M., Bertrand-Grenier A., Sobczak S.
Assessment of hip joint intra-capsular pressure within the acetabular cavity and the lateral chamber during hip testing: a cadaveric preliminary investigationJournal :Congrès : AAOMPT annual conference, October 23-27 2019, Orlando, USA Description : |
2019Héloïse Poulin, M.D 1., Issam Tanoubi, M.D., M.A.(Ed), DESAR 1-2, Anna Nayouf, M.D. 3, Roger Perron 2, David Hakim, M.D. FRCPC 4, Pierre Drolet, M.D., FRCPC 1-2, Marie-Ève Bélanger, M.D., FRCPC 1, Philippe Richebé, M.D., PhD, DESAR 1, Rami Issa, Beng., M.D., FRCPC 1, Gilles Bronchti, M.D.3.
Evaluation of the First-pass Intubation Success Rate with Direct Laryngoscopy versus Videolaryngoscopy in a Hemoptysis Simulated Scenario, using Thiel embalmed corpse: Randomized Trial ProtocolJournal :Congrès : Affiche scientifique présentée, le 7 novembre 2019 au Sommet de Simulation du Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada à Winnipeg Description : |
2019Maranzano, J
Application of an Intensity-Based Classification of Diffusely Abnormal White Matter and Focal White Matter Lesions in longitudinal MRI scans of SPMS participantsJournal :Congrès : International Progressive MS Alliance à Copenhague, avril 2019 Description : |
2018Michaud J., Boudier-Revéret M., Luong D. H., Majdalani C., Pape J., Brismée J.M., Grabs D., Sobczak S.
Coracohumeral ligament injection for adhesive capsulitisJournal :Congrès : Duluth Teach the Teachers Conference, University of Minnesota Medical School, September 27-28 Duluth, Minnesota Description : |
2018C. Dulude, A. Labarre, S. Delisle, D. Savary, P. Ouellet, J-C M. Richard, E. Charbonney et G. Bronchti
An explorative approach to quantify the impact of chest compressions on lung parenchyma using Thiel cadavers, ATS Conference, San Diego, 22 mai 2018Journal :Congrès : ATS Conference, San Diego, 22 mai 2018 Description : |
2018Paquette, T., Tokunaga, R., Leblond, H. et Piché, M.
Contribution of the nucleus basalis of Meynert to cerebral blood flow responses in the ipsilateral but not controlateral primary somatosensory cortex during nociceptive processingJournal :Congrès : SfN 48th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA Description : |
2018St-Pierre M.O., Sobczak S., Fontaine N., Saadé N. et Boivin K.
Quantification of three clinical tests for the assessment of the Femoroacetabular Impingement: preliminary resultsJournal :Congrès : ACSM's 65th Annual Meeting, 9th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® and World Congress on the Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy, du 29 mai au 02 juin 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Description : |
2018Maxim Roy, Florian Robin, Detlev Grabs, Monique Ruel and Sébastien Garneau
Évaluation de l’effet de l’orientation du biseau de l’aiguille sur la facilité d’insertion et le positionnement d’un cathéter para-vertébral par approche écho-guidée : étude pilote cadavériqueJournal :Congrès : Congrès de la Société Française d’Anesthésie et Réanimation, Paris (France), 27.-29.09.2018 Description : |
2018J. Pape, M. Boudier-Revéret, J.M. Brismée, K.K. Gilbert, D. Grabs and S. Sobczak
Accuracy of Bony Land Mark Palpation Guided and Ultrasound Guided Coracohumeral Ligament Infiltrations by a Physiotherapist and Physician - A cadaveric case seriesJournal :Congrès : American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists 2018 Conference, Reno, NV (USA), 07.11.2018 Description : |
2018Forbes A., Develle Y., Bertrand-Grenier A., Cantin C., Sobczak S.
Développement d’un outil d’aide au diagnostic : Validation de la capacité des ultrasons à permettre la reconstruction 3D de corps rigidesJournal :Congrès : Journée scientifique annuelle du REPAR-INTER, 11 mai 2018, Québec, Canada Description : |
2017Munster M, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Dewan BM, Browne K, Sobczak S.
Can Five Minutes of Repetitive Prone Press-ups and Sustained Prone Press-ups Following a Period of Spinal Loading Reverse Spinal Shrinkage?Journal :Congrès : Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, Texas, 02/17/2017. Description : |
2017Boudier-Revéret M., Gilbert K.K., Allégue D.R., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Feipel V., Dugailly P-M., Sobczak S., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effect of Specific Neural Mobilization on Median Nerve Edema Dispersion: A Cadaveric Investigation. Texas Society for Hand Therapy 22nd Annual Education Conference San Antonio, Hand and Shoulder A Legacy: The Therapist / Surgeon Relationship, March 24-26, 2017.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effect of Specific Neural Mobilization on Median Nerve Edema Dispersion: A Cadaveric InvestigationJournal :Congrès : Texas Society for Hand Therapy 22nd Annual Education Conference San Antonio, Hand and Shoulder A Legacy: The Therapist / Surgeon Relationship, March 24-26, 2017. Description : |
2017Allégue D.R., Gilbert K.K.,Boudier-Revéret M., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Feipel V., Sizer, P.S., Dugailly P-M., Sobczak S.
Effet des mobilisations neurodynamiques Sliding et Tensioning sur l'œdème intraneural au sein du nerf médian : Étude in vitroJournal :Congrès : 2ème Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, 18-19 Mai 2017, Montréal, Canada. Description : |
2016Pape J, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Matthijs O, Browne K, Dewan B, Sobczak S.
Increased Spinal Height Using Propped Slouched Sitting Postures: Innovative Ways To Rehydrate Intervertebral DiscsJournal :Congrès : 28th Annual Student Research Week at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA. Description : |
2016Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M, Gilbert KK, Hooper T, Sizer PS, Poortmans B, Matthijs OC, Brismée JM
Intra/inter rater reliability and accuracy of lumbar spine height using musculoskeletal ultrasound : A preliminary investigationJournal :Congrès : Endowed Lecture Series Meeting at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, 09/20/2016. Description : |
2016Pape J, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Matthijs O, Browne K, Dewan B, Sobczak S
Increased Spinal Height Using Propped Slouched Sitting Postures : Innovative Ways To Rehydrate Intervertebral DiscsJournal :Congrès : Endowed Lecture Series Meeting at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, 09/20/2016. Description : |
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