Département d'anatomie
Ethics subcommittee


The Ethics Subcommittee of the Anatomy Teaching and Research Laboratory (SCÉLERA) of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières was created in 2009. It is the gouvening body for all research done on human cadavers. Research is a process to develop knowledge through structured studies. Ethics Subcommittee ensures respectful behavior, values and responsibilities of researchers undertaking a study including human cadavers in or outside of the laboratory of anatomy of the UQTR. The Ethics Subcommittee is composed of seven persons, three of whose members are outside the UQTR and are members of civil society.


The committee is constituted as follows:

President: Johanne Pellerin, Chef technician, Department of anatomy
Secretary: Josefina Maranzano, MD, PhD, Professor of anatomy
Internal members: Detlev Grabs, MD, PhD, Professor of anatomy
Jacques Abbout, Professor Départment Sciences of physical activity
Commis: Vanessa Goupil, Secretary
External members: Marc-Olivier St-Pierre, PhD student
France Lecour


If you have a request for a research project evaluation, simply download the applicable form and return it to the secretary of SCÉLERA (SCELERA@uqtr.ca).

For research companies, who wish to undertake different projects within our laboratory, a specific procedure is required and you should first contact Prof Stéphane Sobczak before submitting a research proposal.

Your request will be processed as soon as possible and we will send you our comments immediately.

Welcome to research!

The SCÉLERA Committee

Version française

Find here the recent research projects with approval of the Ethics subcommittee 

Pour nous joindre

Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca 

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