** This list is non-exhaustive and, although the links are in French, there are services, tools and websites available in English. To access these more easily, please first click on any one of the links on this page, then type English in the search engine and choose faites votre choix in  the Type de ressources drop-down menu and finally click on the RECHERCHER button. **

It is very important to note that the resources and tools proposed here should in no way replace the help and treatment provided by your mental health professional/your doctor. 

These suggestions are to be considered as supplementary to the ressources you are already using (in Quebec’s health and social services network; in community organisations; in the private health sector). It is crucial that you discuss with your doctor and your mental health professional about the things you would like to do in order to improve your mental health.


Because you are the expert of your lived experience but they are the experts in mental health.  Some tools and suggestions which can work well for certain people may be contraindicated for you, your physical and mental health states. 

Mental health professionals and your doctor aim to work with you to help you in a safe way that best meets your needs. 

In case of emergency :