Regular: an active member of the GRIL (including emeritus researchers):
Collaborator: a researcher who satisfies the regular member criteria but who is not a researcher in a Québec university (e.g.researchers in universities outside Québec or government researchers) or any Québec university researcher who satisfies at least two of the following criteria in the previous 6 years:
Honorary: GRIL researcher who has retired from their academic or government position.
Here is a summary of the funding programs available to researcher members of the GRIL. For details, conditions and the procedure to apply, please access the Intranet reserved for members.
Complementary financial support for graduate students. The goal of this program is to increase the collective achievements of researchers within the GRIL, including the co-supervision of graduate students, the production of joint publications and team grant applications.Subvention pour chercheurs pour appuyer les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs.
Complementary financial support for graduate students. The goal of this program is to facilitate collaborations and to increase the number of collective products between GRIL researchers and community (public, municipal or governmental) partners.
This program aims to fund thematic research workshops that address key scientific questions in limnology and aquatic ecology that are relevant for the international scientific community. Issues should include those that are important for freshwater ecosystems in Québec.
This program aims to fund GRIL Data Derbies, which are intensive events (usually 2-3 days) wherein different multidisciplinary teams are created to address novel and concise research questions, using open data supplied to the participants.
This program aims to fund Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir) symposia on topics of interest to the GRIL network. Acfas symposia are platforms for disseminating and discussing research findings among scientists, decision makers, and research users.
This funding support is intended to encourage collaborations between GRIL members and universities outside of Quebec, ideally internationally, and to support the sharing and transfer of knowledge.
How to become a member:
Recruited members by the Comité de direction (CD):
Unsolicited new members (i.e. not previously identified for target areas):
Criteria for acceptance:
Upon acceptance, shall normally become a Collaborator for 2-year trial period; then Regular member if requested and approved by the CD.
GRIL membership application package:
Requested documents must be sent to the GRIL director:
Membership renewal: inactive Regular members may be asked by the CD to become Collaborators.
GRIL is an FRQNT-funded strategic cluster