Teaching (in charge of the course)
Autumn semester, second year of the undergraduate courses in occupational therapy: Erg-1005 Mesures et évaluation en ergothérapie et réadaptation (Assessment and Measurment in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Winter semester, second year of the undergraduate courses in occupational therapy: Erg-1009 Occupations chez les adultes II: santé physique et santé mentale (Occupations among Adults II: Physical and Mental Health)
Winter semester, clinical master's year in occupational therapy: Erg-6009 Évaluation de programme en ergothérapie et en réadaptation (Program Evaluation in Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Summer semester, last semester of the undergraduate courses in occupational therapy: Erg-6002 Faits scientifiques et données probantes (Scientific Facts and Evidences)
Teaching (others)
Contribution to other courses regarding specialised accesses to computers and environment controls
Member of the Program Committee
Member of the Competencies Committee
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C. P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, G9A 5H7