CMC Microsystèmes

Cadence University Program Member

This page provides information about the Cadence software used at our university.

Cadence tools in our curriculum

Cadence software is being used in the following courses :

  • GEI1064 Conception en VLSI
  • GEI6047 Problématiques reliées à la conception en VLSI
  • GEI6039 Microsystèmes
  • GEI1043 Conception des systèmes analogiques

Cadence tools in our research

Cadence software has been used in many research projects in order to develop a set of hardware architectures to implement specific signal processing algorithms.

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Cadence is a trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 555 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134.

Contact information : Daniel Massicotte, Ph.D.

Pour nous joindre

Département de génie électrique
et génie informatique

Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 2481
Téléphone : 819 376-5071
Télécopieur : 819 376-5219
Courriel :

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