DEA Université de Bordeaux, France (2001)
BEd Nipissing University, Canada (1994)
HBA York University, Canada (1991)
Linguistique de sens; sémantique; pragmatique; lexicologie; linguistique de corpus; interface syntaxique-sémantique; référence; expressions référentielles; chaînes de coréférences; analyse de texte.
Sigle | Titre |
FRA1021 | Norme grammaticale et rédaction |
LET7414 | Programme de lecture |
LET7919 | Théories du discours |
LFR1059 | Projet de recherche appliquée |
LNG1097 | Sémantique et pragmatique |
LNG1101 | Le langage et le système linguistique |
Editeur en chef de la série de livres: Routledge Advances in Functional Linguistics
Editeur associé, Journal of World Languages, De Gruyter Mouton
Editeur associé, Lingua, Elsevier
Membre du comité de rédaction pour:
Fontaine, L., Jones, K. & Schönthal, D. 2023. Referring in Language: an integrated approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fontaine, L. 2012. Analysing English Grammar: a systemic-functional introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wegener, R., McCabe, A., Sellami Baklouti, A. & Fontaine, L. (In preparation) The Routledge Handbook of Transdisciplinary Functional Linguistics. London: Routledge.
Tucker, G., Huang, G., Fontaine, L. & McDonald, E. (eds.) 2020. Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar: convergence and divergence. London: Equinox.
Fontaine, L. Davidse, K. & Taverniers, M. (eds.) 2019. On Mood and Speech Function and the ‘why’ of text analysis: In honour of Margaret Berry [Special Issue] Functions of Language, 26, 1.
Thompson, G., Bowcher, W., Fontaine, L. & Schönthal, D. (eds.) 2019. The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
McArthur, T., Lam-McArthur, J. & Fontaine, L. (eds.) 2018. Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sellami-Baklouti, A. & Fontaine, L. (eds.) 2018. Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics: an appliable theory of language. London: Routledge.
Fontaine, L & Xu, H. (under review). Referential choice as a feature of context. Linguistics. Special Issue: Effects of Context on Language: An Information-theoretic Perspective.
Krykoniuk, K., Aldridge-Waddon, M., Fontaine, L. and Roberts, S. (submitted, under review) Reference to patients in nurse shift handover meetings: Exploring the dynamics of referring expressions. Quantitative Linguistics.
Li, K. & Fontaine, L. 2023. The discursive legitimation of corporate ecological identity in Chinese sustainability discourse. Text & Talk.
Thomas, E. & Owen, C. M. & Hunt, F. & Young, N. & Dafydd, M. & Fontaine, L. & Aldridge-Waddon, M. & Sullivan, K. & Lloyd-Williams, S. W. & ap Gruffudd, G. S. & Caulfield, G. 2022. Working towards diagnosing bilingual children's language abilities: issues for teachers in Wales, Wales Journal of Education 24(2). doi:
Fontaine, L. & Williams, L. 2021. A preliminary description of mood in Welsh. Language, Context and Text, 3:2, 200-226.
Zhang, C. & Fontaine, L. 2020. A functional approach to OM-constructions. Lingua. Volume 242. (
Fontaine, L. 2019. A textual perspective on referential metonymy. Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, 37(70), 199-225
Aldridge, M., Bowen, N., Fontaine, L. & Smith, T. 2018. Measuring strength of word association using a multiple response procedure and keystroke logging. Word, 64:4, 218-234.
Fontaine, L. 2018. The noun, grammar and context. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 11, 2-3.
Sarda, L. & Fontaine, L. In press. Motion expression in the verbal and nominal domains: contrastive study of ARRIVE/ARRIVAL in English and French. In Corre, E. & Sarda, L. (eds.) Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description: deconstructing motion events. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Taboada, M. & Fontaine, L. In press. Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis. In Bruhn de Garavito, J., & Schwieter, J. W. (Eds.). Introducing Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Approaches. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fontaine, L. & O’Grady, G. In press. Systemic Functional Grammar. In P. ten Hacken (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 3rd Edition, Elsevier.
Carr, A., Chrispin, L. & Fontaine, L. In press. An empirical investigation into the relationship between process type and situation type. In Williams, J. (ed.) Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Individual. London: Routledge.
Wegener, R. & Fontaine, L. 2023. A functional approach to context. In Romero-Trillo, J. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Language and Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fontaine, L. & McCabe, A. 2023. Systemic Functional Linguistics. In Wei, L., Hua, Z. & Simpson, J. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Routledge, 322-335.
Chrispin, L. & Fontaine, L. 2023. A cognitive-functional approach to ‘watch’ as a verb of perception. In McGregor, W., Van Linden, A., Gentens, C. & Ghesquière, L. (eds.) Reconnecting form and meaning: lexis and grammar from cognitive-functional and usage-based perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Aldridge, M. & Fontaine, L. 2022. Keystroke logging data: What can it tell us? In Aldridge, M. & Asp, E. (eds.) Theories and Evidences in Functional Linguistics. London: Routledge, 37-59.
Fontaine, L. & Wegener, R. 2022. Epilogue. In Aldridge, M. & Asp, E. (eds.) Theories and Evidences in Functional Linguistics. London: Routledge, 170-179.
Fontaine, L. & Jones, K. 2020. We are all one: shifting reference in reconciliation talk. In Zappavigna, M. and Dreyfus, S. (ed.) Discourses of hope and reconciliation. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 185-203.
Fontaine, L. & Schönthal, D. 2020. Referring and the Nominal Group: a closer look at the selector element. In Tucker, G., Huang, G., Fontaine, L. & McDonald, E. (eds.) Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar: Convergence and Divergence. London: Equinox, 174-190.
Fontaine, L. 2019. When leaving is a thing: construing Britain’s exit from the European Union. In Thomas Carter, S. & Hamilton, C. (eds.) Science, SFL and language change: A festschrift in honour of David Banks. Paris: Cambridge Scholars, 183-200.
Fontaine, L. & Schönthal, D. 2019. The rooms of the house: grammar at group rank. In Thompson, G., Bowcher, W, Fontaine, L. & Schönthal, D. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 118-141.
Aldridge, M. & Fontaine, L. 2019. The role of working memory in typing fluency: a new perspective on writing activity. In Sullivan, K. & Lindgren, E. (eds.) Observing writing: logging handwriting and computer keystrokes. Leiden: Brill Editions, 285-305.
Fontaine, L. 2017. Fluid boundaries and the categorization of nominal expressions. In Neumann, S., Wegener, R., Fest, J., Niemietz, P. & Hützen, N. (eds). Challenging Boundaries in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Perspectives. Aachen British and American Studies Series. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, 19-38.
Fontaine, L. 2017. The English Nominal Group: the centrality of the Thing element. In Bartlett, T. & O’Grady, G. (eds) Routledge Systemic Functional Linguistic Handbook. London: Routledge, 267-283.