Sigle | Titre |
GMC1025 | Robotique industrielle |
GMC1030 | Stage de génie mécanique en entreprise |
GMC1035 | Méthodes numériques appliquées à l'ingénierie |
GMC1042 | Stage d'initiation en génie mécanique en entreprise |
GMC1043 | Stage avancé de génie mécanique en entreprise |
GMC1044 | Projet de conception |
GMC1046 | DUAL I |
GMC1047 | Atelier de préparation au projet de conception |
GMC1048 | DUAL II |
GMC6003 | Études spécialisées en génie mécanique I |
GMC6004 | Études spécialisées en génie mécanique II |
GMC6016 | Études spécialisées en génie mécanique III |
ING1045 | Tolérancement et CAO |
[1] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, A. Aminzadeh, H. Ibrahim, D. Rahmatabadi, V. Francois, and J.-C. Cuillière, “A Novel Automated Approach for Geometric Reconstruction and Flexible Remanufacturing of Spur Gears Using Point Cloud Mapping Analysis,” Comput. Aided. Des. Appl., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 92–108, 2022.
[2] A. Aminzadeh, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, M. S. Meiabadi, D. G. Mohan, and K. Ba, “A Survey of Process Monitoring Using Computer-Aided Inspection in Laser-Welded Blanks of Light Metals Based on the Digital Twins Concept,” Quantum Beam Sci., vol. 6, no. 2, p. 19, 2022.
[3] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, A. Aminzadeh, V. B. F. Kemda, and N. Barka, “3D hardness profile mapping and geometrical defect prediction of laser-welded galvanized steel blanks using wobbling technology: an experimental investigation,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 120, no. 3, pp. 2229–2246, 2022.
[4] A. Aminzadeh, N. Nasiri, N. Barka, A. Parvizi, K. Abrinia, M. Moradi, and S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, “Statistical Analysis of Laser-Welded Blanks in Deep Drawing Process: Response Surface Modeling,” J. Mater. Eng. Perform., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 2240–2256, 2022.
[5] K. Bensalem, N. Barka, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, A. Sadeghian, and M. Mouradi, “Effects of laser process parameters on the hardness profile of AISI 4340 cylindrical samples: statistical and experimental analyses,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., pp. 1–19, 2022.
[6] A. Hashemi, H. Gholami, U. Venkatadri, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, S. Khouri, A. Wojciechowski, and D. Streimikiene, “A New Direct Coefficient-Based Heuristic Algorithm for Set Covering Problems,” Int. J. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1131–1147, 2022.
[7] A. Fayad, H. Ibrahim, A. Ilinca, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, and M. Issa, “Energy Efficiency Improvement of Diesel–Electric Trains Using Solar Energy: A Feasibility Study,” Appl. Sci., vol. 12, no. 12, p. 5869, 2022.
[8] D. G. Mohan, J. Tomków, and S. S. Karganroudi, “Laser Welding of UNS S33207 Hyper-Duplex Stainless Steel to 6061 Aluminum Alloy Using High Entropy Alloy as a Filler Material,” Appl. Sci., vol. 12, no. 6, p. 2849, 2022.
[9] K. Ba, J. Levesque, A. Gakwaya, and S. S. Karganroudi, “Residual stress investigation of quenched and artificially aged aluminum alloy 7175,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 116, no. 5, pp. 1537–1553, 2021.
[10] M. Parvinzadeh, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, N. Omidi, N. Barka, and M. Khalifa, “A novel investigation into the edge effect reduction of 4340 steel disc through induction hardening process using magnetic flux concentrators,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 115, no. 9, pp. 2959–2971, 2021.
[11] A. Aminzadeh, S. S. Karganroudi, N. Barka, and A. El Ouafi, “A real-time 3D scanning of aluminum 5052-H32 laser welded blanks; geometrical and welding characterization,” Mater. Lett., vol. 296, p. 129883, 2021.
[12] A. Aminzadeh, S. S. Karganroudi, and N. Barka, “A novel approach of residual stress prediction in ST-14/ST-44 laser welded blanks; mechanical characterization and experimental validation,” Mater. Lett., vol. 285, p. 129193, 2021.
[13] H. Gholami, F. Abu, J. K. Y. Lee, S. S. Karganroudi, and S. Sharif, “Sustainable Manufacturing 4.0—Pathways and Practices,” Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 24, p. 13956, 2021.
[14] A. Aminzadeh, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, and N. Barka, “Experimental and numerical investigation of forming defects and stress analysis in laser-welded blanks during deep drawing process,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 1193–1207, 2021.
[15] A. Omrani, S. Langlois, P. Van Dyke, S. Lalonde, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, and L. Dieng, “Fretting fatigue life assessment of overhead conductors using a clamp/conductor numerical model and biaxial fretting fatigue tests on individual wires,” Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 2021.
[16] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, S. Shojaei, R. Hashemi, D. Rahmatabadi, S. Jamalian, A. Aminzadeh, and H. Ibrahim, “Insight into the Influence of Punch Velocity and Thickness on Forming Limit Diagrams of AA 6061 Sheets—Numerical and Experimental Analyses,” Metals (Basel)., vol. 11, no. 12, p. 2010, 2021.
[17] S. S. Karganroudi, A. Aminzadeh, V. B. F. Kemda, and N. Barka, “A Novel Method of Defect Detection Based on Experimental Investigation of Galvanized Steel Welded Plates Using Wobble Laser Process,” 2021.
[18] A. Fayad, H. Ibrahim, A. Ilinca, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, and M. Issa, “Energy Recovering Using Regenerative Braking in Diesel–Electric Passenger Trains: Economical and Technical Analysis of Fuel Savings and GHG Emission Reductions,” Energies, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 37, 2021.
[19] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, M. Moradi, M. Aghaee Attar, S. A. Rasouli, M. Ghoreishi, J. Lawrence, and H. Ibrahim, “Experimental and Numerical Analysis on TIG Arc Welding of Stainless Steel Using RSM Approach,” Metals (Basel)., vol. 11, no. 10, p. 1659, 2021.
[20] M. Parvinzadeh, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, N. Omidi, N. Barka, and M. Khalifa, “A novel investigation into edge effect reduction of 4340 steel spur gear during induction hardening process,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 605–619, 2021.
[21] S. S. Karganroudi, M. Moradi, M. A. Attar, S. A. Rasouli, M. Ghoreishi, J. Lawrence, and H. Ibrahim, “Experimental and Numerical Analysis on TIG Arc Welding of Stainless Steel Using RSM Approach,” Metals (Basel)., vol. 11, no. 10, p. 1659, 2021.
[22] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, B. H. Nasab, D. Rahmatabadi, M. Ahmadi, M. D. Gholami, M. Kasaeian-Naeini, R. Hashemi, A. Aminzadeh, and H. Ibrahim, “Anisotropic Behavior of Al1050 through Accumulative Roll Bonding.,” Mater. (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 14, no. 22, 2021.
[23] K. Ziane, A. Ilinca, S. S. Karganroudi, and M. Dimitrova, “Neural network optimization algorithms to predict wind turbine blade fatigue life under variable hygrothermal conditions,” Eng, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 278–295, 2021.
[24] N. Barka, S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, R. Fakir, P. Thibeault, and V. B. Feujofack Kemda, “Effects of laser hardening process parameters on hardness profile of 4340 steel spline—an experimental approach,” Coatings, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 342, 2020.
[25] S. S. Karganroudi, V. B. F. Kemda, and N. Barka, “A novel method of identifying porosity during laser welding of galvanized steels using microhardness pattern matrix,” Manuf. Lett., vol. 25, pp. 98–101, 2020.
[26] A. Omrani, S. Langlois, P. Van Dyke, S. S. Karganroudi, and S. Lalonde, “Fatigue strength evaluation for individual strands of overhead conductors using a biaxial fretting fatigue test bench,” in MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019, vol. 300, p. 6003.
[27] S.-A. Tahan, “Sasan Sattarpanah Karganroudi, Jean-Christophe Cuillière, Vincent François &,” Int J Adv Manuf Technol, vol. 97, pp. 353–373, 2018.
[28] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. François, and S.-A. Tahan, “‘What-if’ scenarios towards virtual assembly-state mounting for non-rigid parts inspection using permissible loads,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 97, no. 1–4, pp. 353–373, 2018.
[29] S. S. Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. François, and S.-A. Tahan, “Assessment of the robustness of a fixtureless inspection method for nonrigid parts based on a verification and validation approach,” J. Verif. Valid. Uncertain. Quantif., vol. 2, no. 4, 2017.
[30] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, “Contribution à l’inspection automatique des pièces flexibles à l’état libre sans gabarit de conformation.” Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2017.
[31] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. François, and S.-A. Tahan, “Modeling and numerical simulation of multi-layered fiber-reinforced materials applied for non-rigid parts deformation during assembly process,” 2016.
[32] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. Francois, and S.-A. Tahan, “Automatic fixtureless inspection of non-rigid parts based on filtering registration points,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 687–712, 2016.
[33] S. S. Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. Francois, and S.-A. Tahan, “Automatic fixtureless inspection of non-rigid parts based on filtering registration points,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 87, no. 1–4, pp. 687–712, 2016.
[34] S. S. Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. Francois, and S.-A. Tahan, “An improvement of fixtureless inspection for non-rigid parts based on filtering sample points,” 2015.
[35] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. Francois, and S.-A. Tahan, “An improvement of fixtureless inspection for non-rigid parts based on filtering sample points,” 2015.
[36] S. Sattarpanah Karganroudi, J.-C. Cuillière, V. Francois, and S.-A. Tahan, “Inspection automatique de pièces flexibles sans gabarit de conformité,” 2015.