Philippe Gendron
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Philippe Gendron
Professeur clinicien
Langues parlées
  • Français
  • Anglais
Réseau social
Research Gate

2019-2020 : Postdoctorat en physiologie | Centre de médecine préventive et d'activité physique, Institut de cardiologie de Montréal

2014-2019 : Doctorat en sciences biomédicales | Université de Montréal (en extension à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)

2012-2014 : Maîtrise en sciences de l'activité physique | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

2009-2012 : Baccalauréat en kinésiologie | Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise

Santé et sécurité au travail (Physiologie du travail)

  • Astreinte thermique et réponses psychophysiologiques
  • Acclimatation à la chaleur et alternance travail/repos
  • Promotion de l'activité physique et des saines habitudes de vie
  • Prévention primaire des maladies cardiométaboliques
Liste des cours enseignés
Sigle Titre
EPK1201 Intervention en kinésiologie et populations symptomatiques
EPK1226 Evaluation de la condition physique et des habitudes de vie en kinésiologie
EPK6064 Sujets spéciaux
EPK6075 Problématiques de recherche en physiologie de l'exercice et du travail
EPK6079 Problématiques de recherche en sciences de l'activité physique
POD1094 Introduction à la recherche en podiatrie
PPK1019 Nutrition, santé et activité physique
PPK1034 Perfectionnement de la physiologie de l’exercice appliquée à l’ÉPS
PPK1062 Projet de fin d'études
PPK1068 Physiologie de l'exercice en kinésiologie I
PPK1072 Physiologie de l'exercice en kinésiologie II
PPK1076 Stage d'observation en kinésiologie
PPK1077 Stage d'initiation à l'intervention en kinésiologie
PPK1079 Externat en kinésiologie
TDS6032 Projet de recherche en thérapie du sport

Liste complète des publications :

étudiant(e)s sous ma supervision

Poirier S, Gendron P, Houle J, Trudeau F (2024). A prospective study of health-related lifestyle changes among police cadets. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 79(5-6), 167-176.

Sire T, Carbonneau N, Houle J, Trudeau F, Gendron P (2024). Factors related to firefighters’ food behaviors at the fire station: a quantitative study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66(11), e576-e583.

Deshayes TA, Hsouna H, Ait Ali Braham M, Arvisais D, Pageaux B, Ouellet C, Jay O, Dal Maso F, Begon M, Saidi A, Gendron P, Gagnon D (2024). Work-rest regimens for work in hot environments: a scoping review. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 67, 304-320.

Marcel-Millet P & Gendron P (2024). On-duty resting heart rate variability at the fire station is related to cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity levels in firefighters. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 66(3), e111-e115.

Sire T, Roy K, Marcel-Millet P, Poirier S, Gendron P (2023). Cardiovascular disease risk factors in career firefighters: a 6-year follow-up study. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 78(7-8), 443-446.

Poirier S, Gendron P, Houle J, Trudeau F (2023). Physical activity, occupational stress, and cardiovascular risk factors in law enforcement officers: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65(11), e688-e694.

Gendron P, Laurencelle L, Lajoie C, Trudeau F, Houle J, Goulet EDB (2023). Change in heart rate variability during two firefighting work cycles. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 29(2), 453-460.

Poirier S, Allard-Gaudreau N, Gendron P, Houle J, Trudeau F (2022). Health, safety and wellness concerns among law enforcement officers: an inductive approach. Workplace Health & Safety, 71(1), 34-42.

Poirier S, Gendron A, Gendron P, Lajoie C (2022). Fitness components associated with performance of a law enforcement physical employment standard in police cadets. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 62(7), 981-989.

Barry H, Gendron P, Gagnon C, Bherer L, Gagnon D (2022). Passive heat acclimation does not modulate processing speed and executive functions during passive heat exposure. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 47(3), 261-268.

Jeker D, Claveau P, Abed MEF, Deshayes TA, Lajoie C, Gendron P, Hoffman MD, Goulet EDB (2022). Programmed vs. thirst-driven drinking during prolonged cycling in a warm environment. Nutrients, 14(1), 141.

Ravanelli NM, Gendron P, Gagnon D (2021). Revisiting the evaluation of central versus peripheral thermoregulatory control in humans. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 321(2), R91-R99.

Gendron P, Gravel H, Barry H, Gagnon D (2021). Seven days of hot water heat acclimation does not modulate the change in heart rate variability during passive heat exposure. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 46(3), 257-264.

Gendron P, Lajoie C, Laurencelle L, Lemoyne J, Trudeau F (2020). Physical training in the fire station and firefighters’ cardiovascular health. Occupational Medicine, 70(4), 226-232. 

Gendron P, Trudeau F, Laurencelle L, Goulet EDB, Houle J, Lajoie C (2019). Shortened recovery period between firefighting work bouts increases cardiac response disproportionately with metabolic rate. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 61(5), e217-e225. 

Gendron P, Lajoie C, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F (2018). Cardiovascular health profile in Québec male and female police officers. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 74(6), 331-340. 

Dionne JF, Lajoie C, Gendron P, Freiberger E, Trudeau F (2018). Physiological and psychological adaptations of trained cyclists to spring cycling camps. Journal of Human Kinetics, 64, 137-146. 

Gendron P, Lajoie C, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F (2018). Cardiovascular disease risk factors in female firefighters. Occupational Medicine, 68(6), 412-414. 

Gendron P, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F, Lajoie C (2018). Deoxy[Hb+Mb] increases consistently up to peak oxygen consumption in elite cyclists. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 30(1), 11-19.

Gendron P, Lajoie C, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F (2018). Cardiovascular disease risk factors in Québec male firefighters. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(6), e300-e306. 

Gendron P, Dufresne P, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F, Bergeron-Vaillancourt S, Bonal A, Lajoie C (2016). Performance and cycling efficiency after supra-maximal interval training in trained cross-country mountain bikers. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 28(1), 19-30. 

Gendron P, Freiberger E, Laurencelle L, Trudeau F, Lajoie C (2015). Greater physical fitness is associated with better air ventilation efficiency in firefighters. Applied Ergonomics, 47, 229-235.