Sigle | Titre |
CPR1003 | Concepts chiropratiques |
CPR1030 | Questions chiropratiques |
CPR1034 | Recherche de littérature |
CPR1035 | Méthodes de recherche en chiropratique |
DAL6003 | Méthodes de recherche qualitative et quantitative en santé |
EPK6074 | Problématiques de recherche en réadaptation musculosquelettique |
GSS1001 | Introduction au diagnostic |
MPR1002 | Orthopédie et rhumatologie |
RAL1006 | Radiologie pulmonaire, abdominale et procédures spécialisées |
SAG1037 | Méthodes de recherche appliquée à la pratique sage-femme |
2023- World Rehabilitation Alliance (WRA) – Representing World Spine Care on the Research workstream. WRA is a WHO global network of stakeholders whose mission is to support the implementation of the Rehabilitation 2030:
2023- SPINE20 Initiative is an advocacy group in an effort to improve spine care on a global level through recommending policies in the G20 countries:
2020- Membre du comité exécutif et du conseil scientifique, Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI):
2017-2018 Scientific Committee. International Neck and Back Forum, Laval University, July 5-8, 2019.
2017 World Health Organisation (WHO), on behalf of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC): Contribution to the Integrated People-Centered Health Services (IPCHS) project. Lead athe WHO: Stephanie Anh, Toro Polanco, Nuria
2015- Arthritis Alliance of Canada Research Committee. Advisory Committee: Deborah Marshall, Jeff Dixon, Hani El-Gabalawy.
2015-2017 Member of the Steering Committee: Guideline-International-Network (G-I-N) Implementation Working Group Steering Committee. Lead by: Anna Gagliardi, (Chair), Samia Al Habib, Melissa Armstrong, Susanne Bernhardsson, Melissa Brouwers, Heather Buchan, Andre Bussieres, Dave Davis, Sue Huckson, Roberta James, Jorma Kormulainen, Sandra Zelman Lewis, Catherine Marshall, Danielle Mazza, Melina Willson, Robin Vernooij, Kari Gali, Raija Sipila:
2014- 2016 Member of the National Model of Care for Low Back Pain Steering Committee: The Bone and Joint Canada. Lead by: Julia Alleyne, Raj Ramperaud, Rhona Mcglasson.
2017-2018 Comité de Pilotage, Département Chiropratique, UQTR.
2014-2015 et 2017-2018 Membre du comité de sélection – embauche de professeur. Département chiropratique, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
2022 Ronald Melzack (2022) – Canadian Journal of Pain Paper of the Year Award. Augeard N, Bostick G, Miller J, Walton D, Tousignant-Laflamme Y, Hudon A, Bussières A, Cooper L, McNiven N, Thomas A, Singer L, Fishman SM, Bement MH, Hush JM, Sluka KA, Watt-Watson J, Carlesso LC, Dufour S, Fletcher R, Harman K, Hunter, Ngomo S, Pearson N, Perreault K, Shay B, Stilwell P, Tupper S, Wideman T. (2021) Development of a National Pain Management Competency Profile to Guide Entry-level Physiotherapy Education in Canada, Canadian Journal of Pain, 2022;6(1):1-11. DOI: 10.1080/24740527.2021.2004103 (Award April 2023)
2022 Best article of 2021 voted by the Editorial Board of Chiropractic Manual Therapy. Côté, P., et al. (2021). The global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 29(1), 8.
2019 Silver Quill award, Canadian Physiotherapy Association (Awarded May, 2019). Wideman T, Miller J, Thomas A Bussières A, Bostick, G Advancing Pain Education in Canadian Physiotherapy Programmes: Results of a Consensus-Generating Workshop Volume 70, 1st Edition. Winter 2018
2019 Finalist in the 2019 Haldeman award competition. (Nominated, March 2019) Bussières A, Stewart G, Ornelas J, et al. The conservative management of spinal stenosis: A clinical practice guideline and Best Practice Document. A joint collaboration of the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative and Bone and Joint Canada. 15th World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress - 2019 European Chiropractors' Union Convention. Berlin, Germany, March 20-23 2019.
2018 Chercheur de l'année, Association Chiropratique Canadienne
2012-2018 Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) Professorship in Rehabilitation Epidemiology, McGill University ($300,000), UQTR ($200,000)
2012 Médaille de distinction chiropratique 2012, Ordre des Chiropraticiens du Québec
2010-2012 CHIR Fellowship Award (Health Professional) in the Area of Primary Care ($110,000)
2010-2012 KT Canada PhD Student Fellowship award ($35,000)
2012 15th Interdisciplinary Conference of the GSAED, University of Ottawa – Best presentation
2009 Canadian Chiropractic Association - Young Investigator Award
05/2009 Second prize, European Chiropractic Union (ECU) convention. Sardinia, Suisse. Bussières AE, Laurencelle L, Peterson C. Diagnostic imaging guidelines implementation study: A randomized trial with postal follow-ups.
03/2009 Award paper, Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference (ACC-RAC), National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. ACC-RAC XVI – Las Vegas (USA): Bussières AE, Laurencelle L, Peterson C. Diagnostic imaging guidelines implementation study: A randomized trial with postal follow-ups.
2010-2012 Excellence scholarship, PhD Population Health program. Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, University of Ottawa.
2008-2010 Admission scholarship, PhD Population Health program. Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, University of Ottawa.
1991 Summa cum laude and Clinic honours, Doctorate of Chiropractic, CMCC.
Certification :
-Professeur (régulier), Département chiropratique, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (2002- )
-Professeur Adjoint, School Physical and Occupational Therapy (2023- )
-Assistant Professor, School Physical and Occupational Therapy (2012-2023)
-Enseignant-Chercheur Sénior, Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie, (2021- ):
-Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, 203 Applied Research Centre. University of Manitoba (2022- )
-Chaire de Recherche FCRC en Réadaptation Épidémiologie (2012-2018)
Project lead: Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative (CCGI)-(2012-2018)
-Associate Member, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine McGill University (2010-2018)
-Professeur associé au Département de réadaptation, Faculté de médecine, Université Laval (2015-2017)