Pierre Bénard
Page personnelle

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tous

Ph.D. (Physique), Physique de la matière condensée, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada

M.Sc. (Physique), Physique statistique, Université de Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Ph.D. (Physics), Condensed Matter Theory, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

M.Sc. (Physics), Statistical Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise

Physique statistique, Simulations Monte Carlo Grand Canonique Quantique, Sciences des Matériaux, Physique théorique, Adsorption, Matériaux microporeux, Nanostructures de carbone, Graphène, Matériaux 2d, Hydrogène, Gaz Naturel, Biométhane, Biogaz, Purification, Stockage, Séparation de gaz, Énergies renouvelables

Statistical Physics, Path Integral Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations, Material Science, Theoretical Physics, Adsorption, Microporous Materials, Carbon Nanostructures, Graphene, 2d Materials, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Biomethane, Biogas, Purification, Storage, Gas Separation, Renewable Energy

Liste des cours enseignés
Sigle Titre
ASP1002 Astrophysique
NRG7703 Problèmes spéciaux III
PHQ1014 Physique statistique
PHQ1019 Physique mathématique
PHQ1023 Mécanique classique II
PHQ1036 Electricité et magnétisme
PHQ1039 Problèmes de physique contemporaine
PHQ6003 Physique statistique avancée
PHQ6012 Équations d'état
PMO1014 Mécanique des fluides
PMO6010 Gaz et solides
PMO6013 Phénomènes de transfert de chaleur et de masse
PPH1004 Le cosmos en perspective


  1. Durette, D., Bénard, P., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Investigation of the hydrogen adsorbed density inside the pores of MOF-5 from path integral grand canonical Monte Carlo at supercritical and subcritical temperature (2016) Science Bulletin, pp. 1-7. Article in Press.
  2. Ubaid, S., Zacharia, R., Xiao, J., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Tessier, P., Charge-discharge cycling, flowthrough cooling and para-ortho conversion for cooling bulk hydrogen storage tank filled with MOF-5 (2016) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2), pp. 1044-1052. 


  1. Xiao, J., Bénard, P., Chahine, R., Charge-discharge cycle thermodynamics for compression hydrogen storage system (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, . Article in Press.
  2. Xiao, J., Peng, Y., Bénard, P., Chahine, R., Thermal effects on breakthrough curves of pressure swing adsorption for hydrogen purification (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, . Article in Press.
  3. Gomez, L.F., Zacharia, R., Bénard, P., Chahine, R., Multicomponent adsorption of biogas compositions containing CO2, CH4 and N2 on Maxsorb and Cu-BTC using extended Langmuir and Doong–Yang models (2015) Adsorption, 21 (5), pp. 433-443.
  4. Ubaid, S., Zacharia, R., Xiao, J., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Tessier, P., Effect of flowthrough cooling heat removal on the performances of MOF-5 cryo-adsorptive hydrogen reservoir for bulk storage applications (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (30), pp. 9314-9325.
  5.  Gomez, L.F., Zacharia, R., Bénard, P., Chahine, R., Simulation of binary CO2/CH4 mixture breakthrough profiles in mil-53 (al) (2015) Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, art. no. 439382,
  6. Xiao, J., Li, R., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Heat and mass transfer model of multicomponent adsorption system for hydrogen purification (2015) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (14), pp. 4794-4803. 


  1. Dundar, E., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Potential theory for prediction of high-pressure gas mixture adsorption on activated carbon and MOFs (2014) Separation and Purification Technology, 135 (1), pp. 229-242.
  2. Ubaid, S., Xiao, J., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Effect of para-ortho conversion on hydrogen storage system performance (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (22), pp. 11651-11660.
  3. Petitpas, G., Bénard, P., Klebanoff, L.E., Xiao, J., Aceves, S., A comparative analysis of the cryo-compression and cryo-adsorption hydrogen storage methods (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (20), pp. 10564-10584.
  4. Dundar, E., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Corrigendum to "Performance comparison of adsorption isotherm models for supercritical hydrogen sorption on MOFs" [Fluid Phase Equilib. 363 (2014) 74-85] (2014) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 367, p. 1.
  5. Angers, B., Hourri, A., Benard, P., Demaël, E., Ruban, S., Jallais, S., Modeling of hydrogen explosion on a pressure swing adsorption facility (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (11), pp. 6210-6221.
  6. Chernyavsky, B., Benard, P., Oshkai, P., Djilali, N., Numerical investigation of subsonic hydrogen jet release (2014) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (11), pp. 6242-6251.
  7. Gagnon-Thibault, É., Cossement, D., Guillet-Nicolas, R., Masoumifard, N., Bénard, P., Kleitz, F., Chahine, R., Morin, J.-F. Nanoporous ferrocene-based cross-linked polymers and their hydrogen sorption properties (2014) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 188, pp. 182-189.
  8. Dundar, E., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Performance comparison of adsorption isotherm models for supercritical hydrogen sorption on MOFs (2014) Fluid Phase Equilibria, 363, pp. 74-875.
  9. Fofana, D., Natarajan, S.K., Hamelin, J., Benard, P., Low platinum, high limiting current density of the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) based on multilayer cathode catalyst approach (2014) Energy, 64, pp. 398-403.


  1. Fofana, D., Hamelin, J., Bénard, P. Modelling and experimental validation of high performance low platinum multilayer cathode for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) (2013) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (24), pp. 10050-10062. Cited 2 times.
  2. Xiao, J., Zhou, Z., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Lumped parameter model for charge-discharge cycle of adsorptive hydrogen storage system (2013) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 64, pp. 245-253. Cited 1 time.
  3. Xiao, J., Yang, H., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Improvement of heat transfer model for adsorptive hydrogen storage system (2013) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, . Article in Press. Cited 1 time.
  4. Xiao, J., Peng, R., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. CFD model for charge and discharge cycle of adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon (2013) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (3), pp. 1450-1459. Cited 1 time.


  1. Xiao, J., Liu, Y., Wanga, J., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Finite element simulation of heat and mass transfer in activated carbon hydrogen storage tank (2012) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (23-24), pp. 6864-6872. Cited 9 times.
  2. Xiao, J., Hu, M., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Finite element simulation for charge-discharge cycle of cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (17), pp. 12947-12959. Cited 3 times.
  3. Xiao, J., Tong, L., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. CFD simulation for charge-discharge cycle of cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (17), pp. 12893-12904. Cited 4 times.
  4. Xiao, J., Li, Q., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Lumped parameter simulation for charge-discharge cycle of cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage system (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (18), pp. 13400-13408. Cited 2 times.
  5. Dundar, E., Zacharia, R., Chahine, R., Bénard, P. Modified potential theory for modeling supercritical gas adsorption (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (11), pp. 9137-9147. Cited 3 times.
  6. Xiao, J., Wang, J., Cossement, D., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Finite element model for charge and discharge cycle of activated carbon hydrogen storage (2012) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 (1), pp. 802-810. Cited 12 times.


  1. Hourri, A., Gomez, F., Angers, B., Bénard, P.Computational study of horizontal subsonic free jets of hydrogen: Validation and classical similarity analysis (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (24), pp. 15913-15918. Cited 2 times.
  2. Deng, C., Tong, L., Chen, B., Xiao, J., Benard, P. Direct numerical simulation for fluid flow in porous media (2011) Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao (Jiaotong Kexue Yu Gongcheng Ban)/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science and Engineering), 35 (6), pp. 1257-1260. Cited 2 times.
  3. Ye, F., Hu, B., Xiao, J., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Multiscale modeling of vehicular sorption-based hydrogen storage system (2011) Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 32 (7), pp. 1116-1122.
  4. Chernyavsky, B., Wu, T.C., Péneau, F., Bénard, P., Oshkai, P., Djilali, N. Numerical and experimental investigation of buoyant gas release: Application to hydrogen jets (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (3), pp. 2645-2655. Cited 2 times.
  5. Hourri, A., Angers, B., Bénard, P., Tchouvelev, A., Agranat, V. Numerical investigation of the flammable extent of semi-confined hydrogen and methane jets (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (3), pp. 2567-2572. Cited 4 times.


  1. Xiao, J., Tong, L., Deng, C., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Simulation of heat and mass transfer in activated carbon tank for hydrogen storage (2010) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (15), pp. 8106-8116. Cited 18 times.
  2. Paggiaro, R., Bénard, P., Polifke, W. Cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon. I: Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption vessels and comparison with liquid and compressed gas hydrogen storage (2010) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2), pp. 638-647. Cited 19 times.
  3. Paggiaro, R., Michl, F., Bénard, P., Polifke, W. Cryo-adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon. II: Investigation of the thermal effects during filling at cryogenic temperatures (2010) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (2), pp. 648-659. Cited 13 times.


  1. Ortiz, C., Skorek, A.W., Lavoie, M., Bénard, P. Parallel CFD analysis of conjugate heat transfer in a dry-type transformer (2009) IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 45 (4), pp. 1530-1534. Cited 9 times.
  2. Péneau, F., Pedro, G., Oshkai, P., Bénard, P., Djilali, N. Transient supersonic release of hydrogen from a high pressure vessel: A computational analysis (2009) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (14), pp. 5817-5827. Cited 6 times.
  3. Hourri, A., Angers, B., Bénard, P. Surface effects on flammable extent of hydrogen and methane jets (2009) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (3), pp. 1569-1577. Cited 4 times.
  4. Richard, M.-A., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Gas adsorption process in activated carbon over a wide temperature range above the critical point. Part 1: Modified Dubinin-Astakhov model (2009) Adsorption, 15 (1), pp. 43-51. Cited 39 times.
  5. Richard, M.-A., Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Gas adsorption process in activated carbon over a wide temperature range above the critical point. Part 2: Conservation of mass and energy (2009) Adsorption, 15 (1), pp. 53-63. Cited 19 times.


  1. Bénard, P., Chahine, R., Chandonia, P.A., Cossement, D., Dorval-Douville, G., Lafi, L., Lachance, P., Paggiaro, R., Poirier, E. Comparison of hydrogen adsorption on nanoporous materials (2007) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 446-447, pp. 380-384. Cited 35 times.
  2. MacIntyre, I., Tchouvelev, A.V., Hay, D.R., Wong, J., Grant, J., Benard, P. Canadian hydrogen safety program (2007) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (13), pp. 2134-2143. Cited 17 times.
  3. Lachance, P., Bénard, P. Specific surface effects on the storage of hydrogen on carbon nanostructures (2007) International Journal of Green Energy, 4 (4), pp. 377-384. Cited 3 times.
  4. Bénard, P., Chahine, R. Storage of hydrogen by physisorption on carbon and nanostructured materials (2007) Scripta Materialia, 56 (10), pp. 803-808. Cited 126 times.


  1. Poirier, E., Chahine, R., Bénard, P., Lafi, L., Dorval-Douville, G., Chandonia, P.A. Hydrogen adsorption measurements and modeling on metal-organic frameworks and single-walled carbon nanotubes (2006) Langmuir, 22 (21), pp. 8784-8789. Cited 43 times.
Collaborations internationales en recherche et en enseignement

Chine, Université Technique de Wuhan (2010-2015)

Allemagne, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2013-2015)

Allemagne, Technische Universitäte München (2005-2010)

États-Unis, Sandia National Laboratories (2013-2015)

États-Unis,Savannah River National Laboratories (2015-)

Royaume-Uni, Health and Safety Laboratory (2013-2015)

Prix et distinctions

Prix d'Excellence en Recherche de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association Academic Award of Excellence, Institut de recherche sur l’hydrogène, prix collectif à l’IRH (2012)

Top cited article 2007-2011 award, Scripta Materialia, Elsevier

Subvention Nouveau chercheur Université Industrie, CRSNG (1998-2001)


Directeur adjoint, Institut de recherche sur l'hydrogène

Membre du bureau de direction, Centre Québécois sur les Matériaux Fonctionnels (CQMF)

Membre du Comité 37 sur la sécurité de l'hydrogène, Agence Internationale de l'Énergie (IEA-HIA)

Membre du Comité scientifique, Réseau Stratégique du CRSNG H2Can

Membre du Comité technique, Initiative d’introduction de l’hydrogène dans l’industrie minière (HMII/NRCAN) 

Professeur associé, Institut national de la recherche scientifique – Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (2004-2014)

Professeur Invité, Université technique de Wuhan

Projets de recherche en cours /Current research activities : 


Études des systèmes de stockage d’hydrogène basés sur la cryoadsorption par modélisation thermodynamique et par la mécanique des fluides computationnelle

Thermodynamic and CFD Studies of hydrogen storage systems based on cryoadsorption


Optimisation des systèmes de séparation de mélanges gazeux par d'adsorption modulée en pression et purification du biogaz

Optimization of pressure swing adsorption systems for biogas upgrading and hydrogen purification


Modélisation par la physique statistique des isothermes d’adsorption de mélanges gazeux

Statistical Physics Modeling of adsorption isotherms of gas mixtures


Modélisation cinétique des processus d’adsorption dans des systèmes de purification d’hydrogène et de biogaz basés sur l’adsorption modulée en pression par la méthode des éléments finis

Modeling of the adsorption processes in pressure swing adsorption systems for hydrogen purification and biogas upgrading through the finite element method


Modélisation ab-initio de membranes minces d’alliage de Nickel et de Cuivre et calcul du coefficient de diffusion par l’approche Monte Carlo Cinétique pour la purification de l’hydrogène

Ab initio modeling of thin membranes of nickel and copper alloys and calculation of the diffusion coefficient using the Kinetic Monte Carlo method for hydrogen purification.


Étude des processus d’adsorption de l’hydrogène sur des nanostructures de carbone et des structures métallo-organique par la méthode Monte Carlo Grand Canonique par Intégrales de parcours

Study of the adsorption processes of hydrogen on carbon nanostructres and metal organic framework using Path Integral Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations


Étude de la structure de la phase adsorbée d’hydrogène supercritique à basses température : calcul du facteur de structure et comparaison avec les phases solides et liquides d’hydrogène.

Study of the structure of the adsorbed phase of hydrogen in the low-temperature supercritical régime: Calculation of the structure factor and comparison with liquid and solid hydrogen


Ab-initio Study of two dimensional graphene-like nanostructures for gas separation

Étude ab initio de nanostructures bidimensionnelles basées sur le graphène pour la séparation de gaz


Study of the structure of underexpanded hydrogen jets close to surfaces

Étude de la structure de jets turbulents d’hydrogène près des surfaces


Développement de modèles physiques simplifiés pour vérifier la sécurité d’installations d’hydrogène

Development of simplified models for hydrogen safety studies