Noémie Carbonneau
Page personnelle

Noémie Carbonneau
Titulaire de chaire de recherche
Chaire du Canada sur les déterminants psychologique

Langues parlées
  • Français
  • Anglais

Stage postdoctoral en psychologie sociale, Université McGill, Canada

Doctorat en psychologie, UQAM, Canada

Baccalauréat en psychologie, Université Laval, Canada

Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise
  • Psychologie sociale/de la santé
  • Psychologie de l'alimentation
  • Comportements alimentaires (saines habitudes alimentaires, alimentation intuitive)
  • Relations interpersonnelles (relations amoureuses, soutien social)
  • Motivation et Théorie de l'audétermination (TAD)


  • Social/Health Psychology
  • Eating Psychology
  • Eating Behaviours (Healthy Eating Habits, Intuitive Eating)
  • Interpersonal Relationships (Romantic Relationships, Social Support)
  • Motivation and Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Liste des cours enseignés
Sigle Titre
PSY1010 Méthodes de recherche en psychologie II
PSY1022 Activité de recherche en psychologie I
PSY1023 Activité de recherche en psychologie II
PSY1024 Psychologie sociale II
PSY1050 Psychologie positive : bonheur et santé optimale
PSY1069 Psychol. de l'alimentation : environ. social, comporte. aliment. et image corporelle

Articles récents :

- Carbonneau, N., Holding, A., Lavigne, G., & Robitaille, J. (2021). Feel good, eat better: The role of self-compassion and body esteem in mothers’ healthy eating behaviours. Nutrients, 13, 3907.

- Carbonneau, N., Cantin, M., Barbeau, K., Lavigne, G., & Lussier, Y. (2021). Self-compassion as a mediator of the relationship between adult women’s attachment and intuitive eating. Nutrients, 13, 3124.

- Carbonneau, N., Hamilton, L., & Musher-Eizenman, D. R. (2021). From dieting to delight: Parenting strategies to promote children’s positive body image and healthy relationship with food. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 62, 204-212.

- Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Carbonneau, N., Gendron, M., Lussier, Y., & Bégin, C. (2020). Like mother, like daughter: Association of maternal negative attitudes towards people of higher weight with adult daughters’ weight bias. Body Image, 34, 277-281.

- Carbonneau, N., Goodman, L. C., Roberts, L. T., Bégin, C., Lussier, Y., & Musher-Eizenman, D. R. (2020). A look at the intergenerational associations between self-compassion, body esteem, and emotional eating within dyads of mothers and their adult daughters. Body Image, 33, 106-114.

- Roberts, L. T., Carbonneau, N., Goodman, L. C., & Musher-Eizenman, D. R. (2020). Retrospective reports of childhood feeding in mother-daughter dyads. Appetite, 149, 104613.

- Carbonneau, N., Martos, T., Sallay, V., Rochette, S., & Koestner, R. (2019). Examining the associations of autonomy and directive support given and received with relationship satisfaction in the context of goals that romantic partners have for one another. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 874-882.

Carbonneau, N., & Milyavskaya, M. (2017). Your goals or mine? Women’s personal and vicarious eating regulation goals and their partners’ perceptions of support, well-being, and relationship quality. Motivation and Emotion, 41, 465-477.

- Carbonneau, É., Carbonneau, N., Lamarche, B., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Bradette-Laplante, M., Laramée, C., & Lemieux, S. (2016). Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 for the French-Canadian adult population. Appetite, 105, 37-45.

Carbonneau, N., Carbonneau, É., Cantin, M., & Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P. (2015). Examining women's perceptions of their mother's and romantic partner's interpersonal styles for a better understanding of their eating regulation and intuitive eating. Appetite, 92, 156-166.

Prix et distinctions
  • Prix d'excellence de la relève du Réseau de l'Université du Québec, 2020.
  • Prix de la relève scientifique de l'UQTR, 2020.
  • Prix du nouveau chercheur décerné par la Société Canadienne de Psychologie (SCP), 2019.
  • Mention honorifique « Rising Star » de l’Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2018.
  • Bourse de carrière Junior 1 du FRQS, 2018.