Sigle | Titre |
PSY1022 | Activité de recherche en psychologie I |
PSY1023 | Activité de recherche en psychologie II |
SEX1006 | Déviances et agressions sexuelles |
SEX1010 | Violence interpersonnelle, agressions sexuelles et victimologie |
SRP6027 | Séminaire lié à l'essai ou à la thèse |
Membre du comité éditorial du journal Archives of Sexual Behavior
Membre du comité éditorial du Journal of Sex Research
Membre du comité éditorial du Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Membre du Conseil d'Administration de la Maison Radisson (Trois-Rivières)
Membre du collège professoral pour le programme d'enseignement en Sécurité Publique
Membre du service de mentorat pour les nouveaux professeurs
Joyal, C.C., & Carpentier, J. (2022). Concordance and discordance between paraphilic interests and behaviors: A follow-up study. The Journal of Sex Research, 59(3), 385-390.
Brassard, M.L., & Joyal, C.C. (2022). Predicting forensic inpatient violence with odor identification and neuropsychological measures of impulsivity: A preliminary study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 147, 154-158.
Vicenzutto, A., Joyal, C.C., Telle, É., & Pham, T. H. (2022). Risk Factors for Sexual Offenses Committed by Men With or Without a Low IQ: An Exploratory Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 820249. 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.820249
Joyal, C. C. (2022). The neuroanatomical bases of pedophilia and the importance of distinguishing genuine vs. acquired types: A systematic review. Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention.
Labrecque, F., Potz, A., Larouche, É., & Joyal, C.C. (2021). What Is So Appealing About Being Spanked, Flogged, Dominated, or Restrained? Answers from Practitioners of Sexual Masochism/Submission. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(4), 409-423.
Joyal, C.C., Carpentier, J., McKinnon, S., Normand, C. and Poulin, M-H. (2021).Sexual knowledge, desires and experience of adolescents and young adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: An exploratory study. Autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.685256
Amborski, A.M., Bussières, È-L., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P. and Joyal, C.C. (2021). Sexual Violence against Persons with Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence and Abuse.
Joyal, CC. (2021). Problems and controversies with psychiatric diagnoses of paraphilia. In: L. A. Craig & R. M. Bartels (Eds.), Sexual Deviance: Understanding and managing deviant sexual interest and paraphilic disorders. Wiley-Blackwell.
Morais, H, Puszkiewicz,KL and Joyal, CC. (2021). The Neuropsychology of Adolescent and Adult who have Committed a Sexual Offense. In: J. Fabian (Ed.) Violence Risk in Criminal Offender Populations: A Forensic Psychological and Neuropsychological Perspective. Wiley.
Joyal, CC, Tardif, M et Spearson-Goulet, J.A. (2020). Executive functions and social cognition in juveniles who have sexually offended. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 37, 179-202.
Joyal, C.C., Kärgel, C., Kneer, J., Amelung, T., Mohnke, S., Tenbergen, G., Walter, H., Kruger, T.H.C (2019). The Neurobiological Origins of Pedophilia: Not That Simple. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16, 153–154. 10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.10.015
Renaud, P, Joyal, CC., Neveu, S-M., Rouleau, J-L. (2019). Sexual Presence: A qEEG Analysis of Sexual Arousal to Synthetic Pornography. International Journal of Telepresence.
Joyal., C.C. (2018). Controversies in the definition of paraphilias. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 1378-1380.
Joyal, C. C., Neveu, S. M., Boukhalfi, T., Jackson, P. L., & Renaud, P. (2018). Suppression of sensorimotor alpha power associated with pain expressed by an avatar: A preliminary EEG study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12.
Frigon, I., Joyal, C. C., & Nolin, P. (2018). Neuropsychological Profiles of Neglected Children. J Neuroscience and Neuropsychology 2: 105.
Joyal, C.C. et Morais, H. (2018). Neuropsychological and neurological assessments of sexual homicide offenders : Their current and potential functions in the prosecution, detention, therapeutic progression, and release of individual cases. Dans : J. Proulx, A. Carter, E Beauregard, A. Mokros, R Darjee, and J. James (Éds). International Handbook of Sexual Homicide. Wiley éditeur.
Joyal, CC. (2017). Linking Crime to Paraphilia: Be Careful with Label. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 864-865. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-016-0903-3
Joyal, C.C. (2017). Paraphilias. Dans: Todd Shackelford and Viviana Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer, éditeur.
Joyal, CC et *Spearson-Goulet, J.-A. (2017). Neuropsychologie des agresseurs sexuels. Dans : T. Pham et F. Cortoni (Éds) : Traité de l'agression sexuelle. Montréal, Qc :PUM, éditeur.
Jones, S., Christian C. Joyal, Josh M. Cisler, and Shasha Bai (2017). Exploring Emotion Regulation in Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: An fMRI Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26, 40-57 DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2016.1259280.
Joyal, CC et Carpentier, J. (2017). The prevalence of paraphilic interests and behaviors in the general population: A provincial survey. Journal of Sex Research. 54, 161-171. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1139034.
Joyal, CC, Carpentier, J. & *Martin, C. (2016). Discriminant factors for adolescent sexual offending: On the usefulness of considering both victim age and sibling incest. Child and Sex Abuse, 54, 10-22.
Joyal, CC et coll. (2016). Troubles du contrôle des impulsions. Dans P. Lalonde et G Pinard (Eds) Psychiatrie clinique : Une approche bio-psycho-sociale. Montréal, Qc : Gaëtan Morin Éditeur.
Joyal, CC. (2015). Defining “Normophilic” and “Paraphilic” Sexual Fantasies in a Population-Based Sample: On the Importance of Considering Subgroups. Sexual Medicine, 3, 321-330.
*Morais, H. B., Joyal, C. C., Alexander, A. A., *Fix, R. L., & Burkhart, B. R. (2015). The Neuropsychology of Adolescent Sexual Offending Testing an Executive Dysfunction Hypothesis. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, DOI : 1079063215569545.
Joyal, CC, *Cossette, A & *Lapierre, V. (2015). What exactly is an unusual sexual fantasy?Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 328-340
*Henry, M., *Jacob, L., & Joyal, C. C. (2015). Évaluation clinique de l'impulsivité. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 36(2), 7-30.
Boukhalfi, T., Joyal, C.C, Bouchard, S., *Neveu, S. M., & Renaud, P. (2015). Tools and Techniques for Real-time Data Acquisition and Analysis in Brain Computer Interface studies using qEEG and Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality Environment. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 46-51.
Joyal, CC., *Jacob, L., *Cigna, M. H., Guay, J. P., & Renaud, P. (2014). Virtual facial expressions of emotions: An initial concomitant and construct validity study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 787-793.
Joyal, CC, *Plante-Beaulieu, J. & *De Chanterac, A. (2014) The neuropsychology of sexual offenders: A meta-analysis. Sex Abuse, A journal of Research and Treatment, 26, 149-177.
Joyal, C.C. (2014). How Anomalous Are Paraphilic Interests? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 1241-1243.
France, 1992
États-Unis: 1998
Finlande, 2001
Angleterre: 2005
Allemagne : 2011
France: 2012
2022 Training for International Sexology Supervisors (English) click here: Supervisors Low res
2022 Talk for the Safer Society Foundation (English with French subtitles) click here: Safer Society 2022
2022 La Presse "La violence sexuelle bien en vue". Sites pornographiques _ La violence sexuelle bien en vue _ La Presse
2017 Émission "Découverte" (in French): "Peut-on guérir de la pédophilie" Vidéo: Découverte.mp4 High Res Résumé (pdf): Peut-on guérir la pédophilie_ _ ICI
2017 Émission "Sexplora" Radio-Canada "Le pouvoir et la sexualité" (in French).
2017 Forbes magazine "Why would high-powered men masturbate in front of women?" Here: Why Would High-Powered Men Masturbate In Front Of Women_
2016 Émission "Sexplora" Radio-Canada "Le fétichisme" (in French).
2016 Série "Coupable ou malade", Canal D.
2015 Émission "Le Code Chastenay" (in french): "Scruter le cerveau des agresseurs sexuels". Vidéo: Code Chastenay
2015 Québec Science "Fantasmes: Du côté de l'interdit"