Le corps professoral
Lévesque, Esther
Directrice de département

Écologie végétale

3455 Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3351

Cours enseignés :

Formation :
  • Stage Postdoctoral, Centre d’Études Nordiques, Université Laval
  • Doctorat en écologie végétale, Department of Botany, University of Toronto

Thèse de doctorat

Lévesque, E. 1997.  Plant distribution and colonization in extreme polar deserts, Ellesmere Island, Canada. PhD Thesis, Dept. of Botany, University of Toronto.  331p.

Intérêts de recherche :

Écologie végétale

Écologie Arctique

Changements climatiques en milieu nordique

Suivi environnemental communautaire

Quelques communications et publications :

Quelques publications 

Boulanger-Lapointe, N., G.H.R. Henry, E. Lévesque, A. Cuerrier, S. Desrosiers, J. Gérin-Lajoie, L. Hermanutz and L. Siegwart Collier. (2020). Climate and environmental drivers of berry productivity from forest-tundra ecotone to the High Arctic in Canada. Arctic Science https://doi.org/10.1139/AS-2019-0018 

Prevéy, J.S. & 37 co-auteurs dont E. Lévesque. 2019.  Warming shortens flowering seasons of tundra plant communities.  Nature ecology & evolution 3:45-52.

Boulanger-Lapointe, N., J. Gérin-Lajoie, L. Siegwart Collier, S. Desrosiers, C. Spiech, G.H.R. Henry, L. Hermanutz, E. Lévesque, A. Cuerrier, 2019. Berry plants and berry picking in Inuit Nunangat: traditions in a changing socio-ecological landscape.  Human Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-018-0044-5

Bjorkman, A., I.H. Myers-Smith, S.C. Elmendorf, S Normand, N Rüger and 125 co-auteurs dont E. Lévesque, 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature, 562pages57–62

Perreault, N., E. Lévesque, D. Fortier and L.J. Lamarque, 2015. Thermo-erosion gullies boost the transition from wet to mesic vegetation. Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 12191-12228, doi:10.5194/bgd-12-12191-2015.

Myers-Smith, I.H. et al. 2015. Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome.  Nature Climate Change. july 2015 DOI 10.1038/NCLIMATE2697.

Doiron, M., G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque. 2015. Trophic mismatch and its effects on the growth of young in an Arctic herbivore.  Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/gcb.13057.

Boulanger-Lapointe, N., Lévesque, E., Boudreau, S., Henry, G., Schmidt, N. 2014. Population structure and dynamics of Arctic willow (Salix arctica) in the High Arctic. Journal of Biogeography, 41: 1967-1978.

Doiron, M., G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque. 2014. Effects of experimental warming on nitrogen concentration and biomass of forage plants for an arctic herbivore.  J. of Ecology 102 : 508-517

Dufour Tremblay, G., Lévesque, E. and Boudreau, S. 2012. Dynamics at the treeline: differential responses of Picea mariana and Larix laricina to climate change in eastern subarctic. Environmental research letters, 7 (044038): 1-10.

Tremblay, B., E. Lévesque and S. Boudreau 2012. Recent expansion of erect shrubs in the Low Arctic: evidence from Eastern Nunavik. Environ. Res. Lett. 7 (035501) : 1-11.

Doiron, M., P. Legagneux, G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque 2013. Broad-scale satellite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data predict plant biomass and peak date of nitrogen concentration in Arctic tundra vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science, 16 (2): 343-351.

Elmendorf, S. C. et al. 2012. Tundra vegetation change and recent climate warming : Is there evidence at the plot scale? Nature Climate Change 2: 453–457

Vincent, W.F., Fortier, D., Lévesque, E., Boulanger-Lapointe, N., Tremblay, B., Sarrazin, D., Antoniades, D., Mueller, D.R. 2011. Extreme ecosystems and geosystems in the Canadian High Arctic: Ward Hunt Island and vicinity. Ecoscience 18 (3): 236-261.

Myers-Smith, I. H. et al. 2011. Shrub expansion in tundra ecosystems: dynamics, impacts and research priorities. Environmental Research Letters 6: 045509.

Prix et distinctions :

Intérêts de recherche

  • Écologie végétale arctique
  • Interactions biotiques 
  • Perturbations
  • Interactions pergélisol-végétation-neige
  • Écologie des arbustes et petits fruits
  • Suivi environmental communautaire en milieu nordique (www.cen.ulaval.ca/avativut/)

Quelques publications 

Perreault, N., E. Lévesque, D. Fortier and L.J. Lamarque, 2015. Thermo-erosion gullies boost the transition from wet to mesic vegetation. Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 12191-12228, doi:10.5194/bgd-12-12191-2015.

Myers-Smith, I.H. et al. 2015. Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome.  Nature Climate Change. july 2015 DOI 10.1038/NCLIMATE2697.

Doiron, M., G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque. 2015. Trophic mismatch and its effects on the growth of young in an Arctic herbivore.  Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/gcb.13057.

Cuerrier, A., Brunet, N.D., Gérin-Lajoie, J., Downing, A. and Lévesque, E. 2015. The Study of Inuit Knowledge of Climate Change in Nunavik, Quebec: A Mixed Methods Approach. Hum Ecol DOI 10.1007/s10745-015-9750-4

Boulanger-Lapointe, N., Lévesque, E., Boudreau, S., Henry, G., Schmidt, N. 2014. Population structure and dynamics of Arctic willow (Salix arctica) in the High Arctic. Journal of Biogeography, 41: 1967-1978.

Doiron, M., G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque. 2014. Effects of experimental warming on nitrogen concentration and biomass of forage plants for an arctic herbivore.  J. of Ecology 102 : 508-517

Samson, G., J. Gérin-Lajoie, E. Lévesque, J.-F. Gagnon,.Y. Gauthier and A. Cuerrier, 2013. Le rapport aux savoirs en contexte inuit. Esprit Critique, 17 : 94-109. http://www.calameo.com/read/0009930031c89fc3f57ec

Henry, G.H.R., K.A. Harper, W. Chen, J.R. Deslippe, R.F. Grant, P.M. Lafleur, E. Lévesque, S.D. Siciliano, S.W. Simard, 2012. Effects of observed and experimental climate change on terrestrial ecosystems in northern Canada: results from the Canadian IPY program. Climatic Change 115: 205-234.

Dufour Tremblay, G., De Vriendt, L., Lévesque, E., Boudreau, S., 2012. The importance of ecological constraints on the control of multi-species treeline dynamics in eastern Nunavik, Québec. American Journal of Botany, 99(10): 1638-1646.

Dufour Tremblay, G., Lévesque, E. and Boudreau, S. 2012. Dynamics at the treeline: differential responses of Picea mariana and Larix laricina to climate change in eastern subarctic. Environmental research letters, 7 (044038): 1-10.

Tremblay, B., E. Lévesque and S. Boudreau 2012. Recent expansion of erect shrubs in the Low Arctic: evidence from Eastern Nunavik. Environ. Res. Lett. 7 (035501) : 1-11.

Doiron, M., P. Legagneux, G. Gauthier and E. Lévesque 2013. Broad-scale satellite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data predict plant biomass and peak date of nitrogen concentration in Arctic tundra vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science, 16 (2): 343-351.

Elmendorf, S. C. et al. 2012. Tundra vegetation change and recent climate warming : Is there evidence at the plot scale? Nature Climate Change 2: 453–457

Vincent, W.F., Fortier, D., Lévesque, E., Boulanger-Lapointe, N., Tremblay, B., Sarrazin, D., Antoniades, D., Mueller, D.R. 2011. Extreme ecosystems and geosystems in the Canadian High Arctic: Ward Hunt Island and vicinity. Ecoscience 18 (3): 236-261.

Myers-Smith, I. H. et al. 2011. Shrub expansion in tundra ecosystems: dynamics, impacts and research priorities. Environmental Research Letters 6: 045509.

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