Sobczak, Stéphane
3513 Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3986
Cours enseignés :
Formation :
Post-doctorat, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Lubbock, Texas, USA. Doctorat (PhD) en Sciences Biomédicales et Pharmaceutiques, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (M.Sc.) préparatoire au Doctorat en Sciences Biomédicales et Pharmaceutiques, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (M.Sc.) en Sciences de la Motricité, orientation Kinésithérapie Ostéopathique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. Diplôme d'études spécialisées (DES) en Sciences de la Motricité, orientation Kinésithérapie Ostéopathique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. Licence en Kinésithérapie et Réadaptation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. Candidature en Kinésithérapie et Réadaptation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique.
Carrière scientifique : Professeur titulaire en anatomie clinique, département d'anatomie de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. (Poste actuel) Professeur régulier en anatomie clinique, département d'anatomie de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. (de 2015 à 2021) Collaborateur Scientifique, Unité de recherche en Ostéopathie, Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité, Université Libre de Bruxelles. (Depuis 2014) Collaborateur Scientifique, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, ScD program, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA. (Depuis 2013) Collaborateur Scientifique au sein du laboratoire d'Anatomie Fonctionnelle, Faculté des Sciences de la Motricité, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique. (Depuis 2012) Professeur Assistant au sein du Laboratoire d'Anatomie, Biomécanique et Organogenèse (Pr. M. Rooze), Faculté de Médecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles. L'activité exercée était une activité de recherche et d'enseignement, Belgique. (2002-2012) Intérêts de recherche :
Quelques communications et publications :
Babaei-Ghazani A., Majdalani C., Luong DH., Bertrand-Grenier A., Sobczak S., Sonoelastography of the shoulder: A narrative review, Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, Rehabilitation for Musculoskeletal Conditions, June 2021, In press. Forbes A, Cantin V, Bertrand-Grenier A, Develle Y, Dubé Y, Ménard-Lebel C, Sobczak S. Musculoskeletal ultrasound for 3D bone modeling: Application to lumbar vertebrae. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 2021 May, In press. Grabs D., Faghahati F., Lampron A., Sobczak S., Maranzano J., Nayouf A. The vascular exploration of the proximal femoral artery perforator region, an ideal donor site to choose cutaneous flaps of thin, supple, glabrous skin: A cadaveric study. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, January 2021, in press. Normand M., Tang T., Brismée JM., Sobczak S., Clinical evaluation of thumb base osteoarthritis: A scoping review. Journal of Hand Therapy, January 2021, in press. Lohman Bonfiglio CM., Gilbert K., Brismée JM., Sobczak S., Hixson KM., James CR., Sizer P. Upper limb neurodynamic testing with radial and ulnar nerve biases: an analysis of cervical spinal nerve mechanics. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, January 2021, In press. St-Pierre MO., Boivin K., Saadé N., Fontaine N., Sobczak S. Influence of standardized procedures on intra- and inter-reliability in hip clinical assessment, accepted in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, September 2020. Dimov I., Sobczak S., Grabs D., Nayouf A. The median sacral artery in rectal blood supply: a cadaveric study. Accepted in clinical anatomy, April 2020. Soucy B., Luong D. H., Michaud J., Boudier-Revéret M., Sobczak S., Accuracy of Ultrasound-Guided Pudendal Nerve Block at the Ischial Spine and Alcock's Canal Levels: A Cadaveric Study, accepted in Pain Medecine, April 2020. Pape J., Boudier-Revéret M., Brismée JM., Gilbert K., Grabs D., Sobczak S., Accuracy of Unguided and Ultrasound Guided Coracohumeral Ligament Infiltrations: A Cadaveric Case Series, accepted in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, February 2020. St-Pierre MO., Sobczak S., Saadé N., Fontaine N., BoEn ivin K. Quantification and Reliability of hip internal rotation and the FADIR test in supine position using a smartphone application in an asymptomatic population, Accepted in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, october 2019. Lehoux MC., Sobczak S., Cloutier F., Charest S., Bertrand-Grenier A., Shear wave elastography potential to characterize spastic muscles stiffness in stroke survivors: Literature review. Accepted in Clinical Biomechanics, November 2019. Nichols C., Brismée JM., Hooper T., Bertrand-Grenier A., Gilbert K., St-Pierre MO., Kapila J., Sobczak S., Glenohumeral Joint Capsular Tissue Tension Loading Correlates Moderately with Shear Wave Elastography: A Cadaveric Investigation, Accepted in Ultrasonography, July 2019. Mouraux D., Lenoir C., Turgay T., Brassinne E, Sobczak S., The long term effect of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS1) on disability and quality of life after foot injury, accepted in Disability and Rehabilitation, July 2019. Hallur SS, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Dierick F, Dewan B, Thiry P, Sobczak S., Three-Dimensional Spinal Position with and without manual distraction load increases spinal height, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. April 2019; In Press. Majdalani C., Boudier-Revéret M., Pape J., Brismée JM., Michaud J., Luong D. H., Grabs D., Chang KV., Chen WS., Wu CH., Sobczak S., Accuracy of Two Ultrasound-Guided Coracohumeral Ligament Injection Approaches: A Cadaveric Study, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, in press, January 2019. Nayouf A., Lampron A., Faghahati S., Sobczak S., Localization of the emergence of perforator vessels according to the sartorius muscle from the proximal superficial femoral artery in case of cutaneous flap in a cadaver study, Microsurgery, 2019, 39(1), 95. Munster MM, Brismee JM, Sizer PS, Browne K, Dewan B, Litke A, Pape JL, Sobczak S. Can five minutes of repetitive prone press-ups and sustained prone press-ups following a period of spinal loading reverse spinal shrinkage? Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2019; 35(3), 259-67. Brismée JM, Pape JL, Woodhouse LJ, Reid D, Bellot N, Matthijs OC, Reumont F, Sobczak S. Reflections and Future Directions on Extending Physiotherapy Scope of Practice to Improve Quality of Care and Preserve Healthcare Resources. Physical Therapy; 2018, 24(4), 827-829. Pape JL, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Matthijs OC, Browne KL, Dewan BM, Sobczak S. Increased Spinal Height Using Propped Slouched Sitting Postures: Innovative Ways To Rehydrate Intervertebral Discs, Applied Ergonomics, 2018, 66(1), 6-17. Boudier-Revéret M., Gilbert K.K., Allégue D.R., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Sizer P. S., Feipel V., Dugailly P-M., Sobczak S. Effect of Neurodynamic Mobilization on Fluid Dispersion in Median Nerve at the Level of the Carpal Tunnel: A Cadaveric Study. Musculoskeletal Sciences and Practice, 2017, 31, 45-51. Pagé I., Descarreaux M., Sobczak S., Development of a new palpation method using alternative landmarks for the determination of thoracic transverse processes: an in-vitro study, Manual Therapy (Musculoskeletal Science and Practice), 2017, 27, 142-9. Mouraux D., Brassinne E., Sobczak S., Nonclercq A., Warzée N., Tuna T., Sizer P., B. Penelle. 3D augmented reality mirror visual feedback applied to the treatment of persistent neuropathic pain in the upper extremity. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, J Man Manip Ther. 2017, 25(3): 137-143. Poortmans V., Brismée J.M., Poortmans B., Matthijs O.C., Dugailly P.M., Sobczak S. Assessment of lumbar spine height changes measurements following sustained lumbar extension posture: comparison between Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Stadiometry, Journal of manipulative and Physiological therapeutics, 2016, 39(8):586-93. Sobczak S., Dugailly -M., Gilbert KK., Hooper T., Sizer PS., Poortmans B., Matthijs OC., Brismée JM., Intra/inter rater reliability and accuracy of lumbar spine height using musculoskeletal ultrasound: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 2016, 29(1): 171-82. PMID: 26406194 Benoît B., Sobczak S., Salem W., Feipel V., Dugailly P.-M., 3D motion reliability of occipital condylar glide testing: from concept to kinematics evidence. Manual Therapy, 2016, 21:159-64. PMID: 26261003 Dugailly P.-M., De Santis R., Tits M., Sobczak S., Vigne A, Feipel V. Head repositioning accuracy in patients with neck pain and asymptomatic subjects: concurrent validity, influence of motion speed, motion direction and target distance. European Spine Journal, 2015, 24(12): 2885-91. PMID: 26438174 Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S., Van Geyt B., Bonnechère B., Maroye L., Moiseev F., Rooze M., Salvia P., Feipel V. Head-trunk kinematics during high-velocity low-amplitude manipulation of the cervical spine in asymptomatic subjects: helical axis computation and anatomic motion modeling. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2015, 38(6): 416-24. PMID: 26215899 Gilbert K.K, Smith M.P., Sobczak S., Brismée J.M., James C.R., Sizer PS., Effects of lower limb neurodynamic mobilization on intraneural fluid dispersion of the fourth lumbar nerve root: an unembalmed cadaveric investigation. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, 2015, 23(5):239-45. PMID: 26955255 Salem W., Coomans Y., Klein P., Sobczak S., Dugailly P.M., Sagittal thoracic and lumbar spine morphology in upright standing and lying prone positions among healthy subjects: influence of various biometric features. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2015, 40(15): E900-8. PMID: 25839386 Lohman C., Gilbert K.K., Sobczak S., Brismée J.M., James C.R., Day M., Smith M.P., Taylor L., Dugailly P.-M., Pendergrass T.P., Sizer P.S. Cervical Nerve Root Displacement and Strain During Upper Limb Neural Tension Testing: Part 1. A Minimally Invasive Assessment in Unembalmed Cadavers. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2015, 40(11):793-800. PMID: 26091154 Lohman C., Gilbert K.K., Sobczak S., Brismée J.M., James C.R., Day M., Smith M.P., Taylor L., Dugailly P.-M., Pendergrass T.P., Sizer P.S. Cervical Nerve Root Displacement and Strain During Upper Limb Neural Tension Testing: Part 2. Role of Foraminal Ligaments in the Cervical Spine. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2015, 40(11):801-8. PMID: 26091155 Soubrier A., Salem W., Klein P., Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M. Quantification de la rigidité postéro-antérieure de la colonne lombaire via le « spring test» chez des sujets symptomatiques. Etude de deux techniques de mobilisation myofasciale de l'abdomen. Main Libre, 2015; 3 : 85-91. Dugailly P.-M., Beyer B., Sobczak S., Salvia P., Feipel V., Global and regional kinematics of the cervical spine during upper cervical spine manipulation. A reliability analysis of 3D motion data. Manual Therapy, 2014; 19(5): 472-7. Dugailly P.-M., Beyer B., Sobczak S., Salvia P., Rooze M., Feipel V., Kinematics of the upper cervical spine during high velocity-low amplitude manipulation. Analysis of intra- and inter-operator reliability for pre-manipulation positioning and impulse displacements. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2014; 24(5): 621-27. Loyd B, Gilbert K, Sizer P, Atkins L, Sobczak S, Brismee JM, Pedergrass T. The relationship between various anatomical landmarks used for localizing the first rib during surface palpation. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, 2014, 22(3): 129-33. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S., Lubansu A., Rooze M., Van Sint Jan S., Feipel V., Validation protocol for assessing the upper cervical spine kinematics and helical axis: an in vivo preliminary analysis for axial rotation, modeling and motion representation. 2013, Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 4(1): 10-15. Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M., Feipel V., Baillon B., Rooze M., Salvia P., Van Sint Jan S., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorders: Effect on moment arms of thigh muscles, 2013, Clinical Biomechanics, 28(2): 187-92. Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M., Baillon B., Lefevre P., Rooze M., Salvia P., Feipel V., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorders: Effect on femoro-tibial kinematics, Clinical Biomechanics, 2012, 27(10): 1011-16. Sobczak S., Salvia P., Dugailly P.-M., Lefèvre P., Feipel V., Van Sint Jan S. and Rooze M., Use of embedded strain gages for the in-vitro study of proximal tibial cancellous bone deformation during knee flexion-extension movement: development, reproducibility and preliminary results of feasibility after frontal low femoral osteotomy, Technical note, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2011, 6(1) : 12 (10 pages). Sobczak S., Rotsaert P., Vancabeke M., Van Sint Jan S., Salvia P., Feipel V., In vitro biomechanical study of proximal row Carpectomy, Clinical Biomechanics, 2011, 26(7) : 718-24. Sobczak S., Baillon B., Feipel V., Van Sint Jan S., Salvia P., Rooze M., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorder: Preliminary study variation of deformation in the tibial proximal epiphyseal cancellous bone, Surgical and Radiologic anatomy, 2011, 33(5) : 439-49. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S., Mooisev F., Sholukha V., Salvia P., Feipel V., Rooze M. and Van Sint Jan S, Musculoskeletal modeling of the suboccipital spine: kinematics analysis, muscle lengths, and muscle moment arms during axial rotation and flexion extension, Spine, 2011, 36 (6), E413-422. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S., Sholukha V., Van Sint Jan S., Salvia P., Feipel V and Rooze M., In vitro 3D-kinematics of the upper cervical spine: helical axis and simulation for axial rotation and flexion extension, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 2010, 32, 141-151. Rotsaert P., Sobczak S., Gaede F., Verbeurgt C., Vancabeke M., Salvia P., Rooze M., Approche expérimentale des répercussions biomécaniques de la résection de la première rangée du carpe, Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, 2007 (93), 143. Van Sint Jan S., Salvia P., Feipel V., Sobczak S., Rooze M., Sholukha V.. In-vivo registration of both electrogoniometry and medical imaging : development and application on the ankle joint, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2006, 53(4), 759-762. Van Sint Jan , Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M., Feipel V., Lefèvre P., Lufimpadio J.L., Salvia P., Viceconti M., Rooze M., Low-dose computed tomography: A solution for in vivo medical imaging and accurate patient-specific 3D bone modelling?, Clinical Biomechanics, 2006, 21, 992-998. Dugailly P.M., Dermience G., Sobczak S., Salvia P., Klein P., Van Sint Jan S., Hilal I., Feipel V., Rooze M., 3D muscle moment arms using musculoskeletal modelling of the upper cervical spine, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2005, (8), 83-84. Salvia P., Sholukha V., Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S., Feipel V., In vivo kinematics of human wrist joints: combination of medical imaging and three-dimensional electrogoniometry, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2005, (8), 249-250. Sobczak S., Gilbert B., Feipel V., Van Sint Jan S., Lefèvre P., Salvia P., Rooze M., Development and use the strain gauge for study the constraint of tibio-femoral joint in dynamic movement: feasibility and first results, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2005, (8)s1, 259-260. Dugailly P.M., Sobczak S., Salvia P., Sholovkha V., Klein P., Van Sint Jan S., Hilal I., Feipel V., Rooze M., Upper cervical spine modeling: in-vitro 3D kinematics and helical axis estimation, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2005, (8) S1, 87-88. Prix et distinctions :
Quelques publications : Sobczak S. et al., Intra/inter rater reliability and accuracy of lumbar spine height using musculoskeletal ultrasound: A preliminary investigation. JBMR, 2015, in press. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S. et al., Head-trunk kinematics during high-velocity low-amplitude manipulation of the cervical spine in asymptomatic subjects: helical axis computation and anatomic motion modeling. JMPT, 2015, in press. Benoît B., Sobczak S. et al., 3D motion reliability of occipital condylar glide testing: from concept to kinematics evidence. Man Ther, 2015, in press. Gilbert K.K, Smith M.P., Sobczak S. et al., Effect of Neural Mobilization on Intraneural Fluid Dispersion of a Lumbar Nerve Root: A Cadaveric Investigation, JMMT, 2015, in press. Lohman C., Gilbert K.K., Sobczak S. et al., Cervical Nerve Root Displacement and Strain During Upper Limb Neural Tension Testing: Part 1. A Minimally Invasive Assessment in Unembalmed Cadavers. Spine, 2015, 40(11):793-800. Lohman C., Gilbert K.K., Sobczak S. et al., Cervical Nerve Root Displacement and Strain During Upper Limb Neural Tension Testing: Part 2. Role of Foraminal Ligaments in the Cervical Spine. Spine, 2015, 40(11):801-8. Sobczak S. et al., In vivo lumbar spine height change following sustained lumbar extension posture: Comparison of stadiometry versus diagnostic ultrasound measurements. JMMT, 2014, online publication. Sobczak S. et al., Lumbar spine height changes measurements using diagnostic ultrasound: An in vitro reliability and validation study. JMMT, 2014, online publication. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S. et al., Validation protocol for assessing the upper cervical spine kinematics and helical axis: an in vivo preliminary analysis for axial rotation, modeling and motion representation. 2013, J Cranio Junc Spine, 4(1): 10-15. Sobczak S. et al., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorders: Effect on moment arms of thigh muscles, 2013, Clin Biomech, 28(2): 187-92. Sobczak S. et al., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorders: Effect on femoro-tibial kinematics, Clin Biomech, 2012, 27(10): 1011-16. Sobczak S. et al., Use of embedded strain gages for the in-vitro study of proximal tibial cancellous bone deformation during knee flexion-extension movement: development, reproducibility and preliminary results of feasibility after frontal low femoral osteotomy, J Orthop Surg Res, 2011, 6(1) : 12 (10 pages). Sobczak S. et al., In vitro biomechanical study of proximal row Carpectomy, Clin Biomech, 2011, 26(7): 718-24. Sobczak S. et al., In vitro biomechanical study of femoral torsion disorder: Preliminary study variation of deformation in the tibial proximal epiphyseal cancellous bone, Surg Radiol anat, 2011, 33(5) : 439-49. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S. et al., Musculoskeletal modeling of the suboccipital spine: kinematics analysis, muscle lengths, and muscle moment arms during axial rotation and flexion extension, Spine, 2011, 36 (6), E413-422. Dugailly P.-M., Sobczak S. et al., In vitro 3D-kinematics of the upper cervical spine: helical axis and simulation for axial rotation and flexion extension, Surg Radiol Anat, 2010, 32, 141-151. |
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