Leblond, Hugues
Directeur de comité de programme de cycles supérieurs Directeur de département Anatomie
3501C Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3306
Formation :
Ph.D. Sciences Neurologiques (2000) Université de Montréal, Canada. M.Sc. Sciences Biologiques (1995) Université de Montréal, Canada. B.Sc. Sciences Biologiques (1993) Université de Montréal, Canada. Intérêts de recherche :
Quelques communications et publications :
Paquette, T., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2022) Spinal neurovascular coupling is preserved in a rat model of chronic back pain. PAIN doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002762 Tokunaga, R., Takahashic, Y., Touj, S., Hotta, H., Leblond, H., Kato, F. and Piché, M. (2022) Attenuation of widespread hypersensitivity to noxious mechanical stimuli by inhibition of GABAergic neurons of the right amygdala in a rat model of chronic back pain. European Journal of Pain 26 : 911-928. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.1921 Tokunaga, R., Paquette, T., Tsurugizawa, T., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2021) Fasting prevents medetomidine-induced hyperglycaemia and alterations of neurovascular coupling in the somatosensory cortex of the rat during noxious stimulation. Eur J Neurosci. 54(3) : 4906-4919. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15350. Online ahead of print. Paquette, T., Piché, M., Leblond, H. (2021) Contribution of astrocytes to neurovascular coupling in the spinal cord of the rat. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 71(16): 1-9. doi: 10.1186/s12576-021-00800-6. Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Bouyer, J., Piché, M., Côté, MP., Leblond, H. (2021) Locomotor deficits induced by lumbar muscle inflammation involve spinal microglia and are independent of KCC2 expression in a mouse model of complete spinal transection. Exp Neurol. 338(113592) : 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2020.113592. Develle, Y., Leblond, H. (2020) Biphasic effect of buspirone on the H-reflex in acute spinal decerebrated mice. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 13 : 573. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00573. Paquette, T., Tokunaga, R., Touj, S., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2019) Regulation of cortical blood flow responses by the nucleus basalis of Meynert during nociceptive processing. Neuroscience Research. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2019.01.008. Rustamov N., Northon S., Tessier J., Leblond H., Piché M. (2019) Integration of bilateral nociceptive inputs tunes spinal and cerebral responses. Scientific Reports 9 (7143) 1-15. Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Piché, M., Leblond, H. (2019) H-reflex disinhibition by lumbar muscle inflammation in a mouse model of spinal cord injury. Neuroscience Letters 690:36-41. Duval, T., Saliani, A., Nami, H., Nanci, A., Stikov, N., Leblond, H., Cohen-Adad, J. (2018) Axons morphometry in the human spinal cord. NeuroImage 185:119-128. Paquette, T., Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2018) Functional imaging of nociceptive and pain-related activity in the spinal cord and brain: insights from neurovascular coupling studies. The Anatomical Records 301 : 1585-1595. Paquette, T., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2018) Isoflurane anesthesia does not affect spinal cord neurovascular coupling: evidence from decerebrated rats. The Journal of Physiological Sciences 69 (1) : 13-21. Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Josset, N., Bretzner, F., Leblond, H. (2018) Facilitation of locomotor spinal networks activity by buspirone after a complete spinal cord injury in mice. J. Neurotrauma 35(18):2208-2221, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1089/neu.2017.5476 De Tillieux, P., Topfer, R., Foias, A., Leroux, I., El Maâchi., I., Leblond, H., Stikov, N., Cohen-Adad, J. (2018) A pneumatic phantom for mimicking respiration-induced artifacts in spinal MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 79 (1) : 600-605. Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Piché, M., Leblond, H. (2017) Lumbar muscle inflammation alters spinally-mediated locomotor recovery induced by training in a mouse model of complete spinal cord injury. Neuroscience 359 : 69-81. Piché, M., Paquette, T., Leblond, H. (2017) Tight neurovascular coupling in the spinal cord during nociceptive stimulation in intact and spinal rats. Neuroscience 355 : 1-8. Uchida, S., Bois, S., Guillemot, J.P., Leblond, H., Piché, M. (2016) Systemic blood pressure alters cortical blood flow and neurovascular coupling during nociceptive processing in the primary somatosensory cortex of the rat. Neuroscience 343 : 250-259. Guillot, M., Gravel, P., Gauthier M-L., Leblond, H., Tremblay, M., Rossignol, S., Martel-Pelletier, J., Pelletier, J-P., de Guise, J.A., Troncy, E. (2015) Coxofemoral joint kinematics using video-fluoroscopic images of treadmill walking cats: development of a technique to objectively assess OA-associated disability. JFMS Vol. 17(2) 134–143. Jordan, L.M., McVagh, J., Noga, B.R., Cabaj, A.M., Majczyński, H., Sławińska, U., Provencher, J., Leblond, H., Rossignol, S. (2014) Cholinergic Mechanisms in Spinal Locomotion. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8(132):1-24 Frigon, A., Hurteau, M.F., Thibaudier, Y., Leblond, H., Telonio, A., D'Angelo, G. (2013) Split-belt walking alters the relationship between locomotor phases and cycle duration in intact and chronic spinalized adult cats. J. Neurosci. 33(19):8559-66. Martinez, M., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Leblond, H., Rossignol, S. (2012) Effect of locomotor training in completely spinalized cats previously submitted to a spinal hemisection. J.Neurosci. 32(32): 10961-10970. Martinez, M., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Leblond, H., Rossignol, S. (2012) Incomplete spinal cord injury promotes durable functional changes within the spinal locomotor circuitry. J.Neurophysiol 108 : 124-134. Alluin, O., Karimi-Abdolrezaee, S., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Leblond, H., Fehlings, M., Rossignol, S. (2011) Kinematic study of locomotor recovery following spinal cord clip compression injury in rats. J Neurotrauma. 28(9):1963-81. Martinez, M., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Leblond, H., Rossignol, S. (2011) Recovery of hindlimb locomotion after incomplete spinal cord injury in the cat involves spontaneous compensatory changes within the spinal locomotor circuitry. J Neurophysiol. 106(4):1969-84. Cohen-Adad, J., Leblond, H., Delivet-Mongrain, H., Martinez, M., Rossignol, S. (2011) Wallerian degeneration after spinal lesions in cats detected with diffusion tensor imaging and tract-based spatial statistics. NeuroImage 57(3):1068-76. Gossard, J.P., Sirois, J., Noué, P., Côté, M.P., Ménard, A., Leblond, H., Frigon, A (2011) The spinal generation of phases and cycle duration. In: Breathe, Walk and Chew, the neural challenge. J.-P. Gossard, R. Dubuc, A. Kolta (Eds), Prog Brain Res. 2011;188:15-29. Goguin, A., Lesage, F., Leblond, H., Pélégrini-Isaac, M., Rossignol, S. et Benali, H. (2010) A low cost implantable Near-Infrared imaging system of spinal cord activity in the Cat. IEEE Transactions a Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 4: 329-335. Barrière, G., Frigon, A., Leblond, H., Provencher, J. et Rossignol, S. (2010) Dual spinal lesion paradigm in the cat: evolution of the kinematic locomotor pattern J Neurophysiol 104 (2) : 1119-33. Gravel P., Tremblay M., Leblond, H. Rossignol S. et de Guise J.A. (2010) A semi-automated software tool to study treadmill locomotion in the rat: from experiment videos to statistical gait analysis. J Neurosci Meth 190 (2); 279-88. Frigon A., Barrière G., Leblond H. et Rossignol S. (2009) Asymmetric changes in cutaneous reflexes after a partial spinal lesion and retention following spinalization during locomotion in the cat. J Neurophyusiol 102 (5) ; 2667-80. Cohen-Adad J., Hoge R.D., Leblond H., Xie G., Beaudoin G., Song A.W., Krueger G., Doyon J., Benali H. et Rossignol S. (2009) Investigations on spinal cord fMRI of cats under ketamine. Neuroimage 44 (2) : 328-39. Delivet-Mongrain H., Leblond H. et Rossignol S. (2008) Effects of localized intraspinal injections of a noradrenergic blocker on locomotion of high decerebrate cats. J Neurophysiol 100 (2) : 907-21. Cohen-Adad J., Benali H., Barrière G., Leblond H., Hoge R.D. et Rossignol S (2008) Développement clinique de l’IRM du tenseur de diffusion de la moelle épinière dans un contexte de lésion médullaire. IRBM 29 (4) : 255-260. Alaverdashvili M., Leblond H., Rossignol S. et Whishaw I.Q. (2008) Cineradiographic (video X-ray) analysis of skilled reaching in a single pellet reaching task provides insight into relative contribution of body, head, oral, and forelimb movement in rats. Behav Brain Res. 192 (2) : 232-47. Barrière G., Leblond H., Provencher J. et Rossignol S. (2008) Prominent role of the spinal central pattern generator in the recovery of locomotion after partial spinal cord injuries. J Neurosci. 28 (15) : 3976-87. Rossignol S., Barrière G., Frigon A., Barthélemy D., Bouyer L., Provencher J., Leblond H. et Bernard G. (2007) Plasticity of locomotor sensorimotor interactions after peripheral and/or spinal lesions. Brain Res Rev. 57 (1) : 228-40. Barthélemy, D., Leblond, H., Rossignol, S. (2007) Characteristics and mechanisms of spinal locomotion induced by intraspinal microstimulation and dorsal root stimulation. J. Neurophysiol 97: 1986-2000. Barthélemy D., Leblond H., Provencher J., Rossignol S. (2006) Non-locomotor and locomotor hindlimb responses evoked by electrical microstimulation of the lumbar cord in spinalized cats. J. Neurophysiol. 96(6):3273-92. Langlet C., Leblond H., Rossignol S. (2005) The mid-lumbar segments are needed for the expression of locomotion in chronic spinal cats, J. Neurophysiol. J Neurophysiol 93: 2474–2488. Rossignol S, Brustein E, Bouyer L, Barthelemy D, Langlet C. et Leblond H. (2004) Adaptive changes of locomotion after central and peripheral lesions. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 82 (8-9); 617-27. Leblond H., L’Esperance M., Orsal D. et Rossignol S. (2003) Treadmill locomotion in the intact and spinal mouse, J. Neurosci. 2003 Dec 10;23(36):11411-9. Rossignol S., Bouyer L., Langlet C., Barthélemy D., Chau C., Giroux N., Brustein E., Marcoux J., Leblond H., et Reader T.A. (2004) Determinants of locomotor recovery after spinal injury in the cat. Dans: Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and Movement, S. Mori, M Wiesendanger, DG Stuart (Eds), Amsterdam: Elsevier, Prog.Brain Res. 143; 163-172. Ménard A., Leblond H. et Gossard J.P. (2003) The modulation of monosynaptic transmission by presynaptic inhibition during fictive locomotion in the cat, Brain Res. 964 (1); 67-82. Rossignol S., Bouyer L., Barthélemy D., Langlet C. et Leblond H. (2002) Recovery of locomotion in the cat following spinal cord lesions. Brain Res. Rev. 40; 257-266. Rossignol S., Chau C., Giroux N., Brustein E., Bouyer L., Marcoux J., Langlet C., Barthélemy D., Provencher J., Leblond H., Barbeau H. et Reader T.A. (2002) The cat model of spinal injury. Dans: Spinal Cord Trauma: Regeneration, Neural Repair and Functional Recovery, L. Mckerracher, G. Doucet and S. Rossignol (Eds), Elsevier, Progr. Brain Res.137; 151-168. Ménard A., Leblond H. et Gossard J.P. (2002) Sensory integration in spinal cord pathways controlling presynaptic inhibition of proprioceptive afferents during fictive locomotion in the cat, J. Neurophysiol. 88: 163-171. Leblond H., Ménard A. et Gossard J.P. (2001) Corticospinal control of locomotor pathways generating extensor activities in the cat, Exp. Brain Res. 138.2: 173-184. Leblond H., Ménard A. et Gossard J.P. (2000) Bulbospinal control of spinal cord pathways generating locomotor extensor activities in the cat, J. Physiol. 525.1: 225-240. Leblond H., Ménard A. et Gossard J.P. (1998) Vestibulo- and reticulospinal control of the extensor half-centre in locomotion, Dans: Neuronal Mechanism for Generating Locomotor Activity. Ed.: Kiehn O., Harris-Warrick L.M., Jordan L.M., Hultborn H. et Kudo N., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Vol. 860: 563-565. Ménard A, Leblond H et Gossard J.P. (1998) The modulation of presynaptic inhibition in single muscle primary afferents during fictive locomotion in the cat, J. Neurosci. 19: 391-400. Leblond H. et Gossard J.P. (1997) Supraspinal and segmental signals can be transmitted through separate spinal cord pathways to enhance locomotor activity in extensor muscles in the cat, Exp. Brain Res. 114: 188-192. Leblond H. et Cabana T. (1997) Myelination of the ventral and dorsal roots of the C8 and L4 segments of the spinal cord at different stages of development in the gray opossum, Monodelphis domestica, J. Comp. Neurol. 386: 203-216. Leblond H. et Cabana T. (1996) Populations of myelinated nerve fibers in the C8 and L4 ventral and dorsal root in the opossum, Monodelphis domestica, Acta Anat. 155: 194-199. Prix et distinctions :
Prix d’excellence en enseignement (2016); Le Prix d'excellence en enseignement est la plus haute reconnaissance institutionnelle en matière d'excellence en enseignement. Prix de la direction pour l’excellence de la prestation de travail, volet équipe (2016); Ce prix a été décerné à toute l’équipe du Laboratoire d’anatomie humaine incluant les professeurs du département et les employés de soutien. |
Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca