Département d'anatomie
Les professeurs
Grabs, Detlev
3503 Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3387
Cours enseignés :
Hiver 2025
  • MED1044 - Médecine relationnelle 1 et 2
Formation :

1999   Université Fribourg (Suisse)

            Habilitation en Anatomie et Biologie cellulaire

         Thèse de l'habilitation: “The cycle of small synaptic vesicles”


1996   Ordre de médecines, Berlin (Allemagne)    

            Spécialisation en Anatomie


1994-1996  Yale University (USA)

            Postdoctorat en neuroscience


1991+1992  Université Ulm (Allemagne)

            Postdoctorat en neuroscience


1990   Humboldt-Université Berlin (Allemagne)

          Approbation (MD) et titre de Docteur (PhD)

           Thèse du doctorat: “Morphometric-stereological investigations of the hippocampal long term potentiation with respect to the double hierarchic analysis of variance”


1986   Humboldt-Université Berlin (Allemagne)

            Maîtrise en médecine

           Mémoire de la maîtrise : “Enzymatic activities of the energy supplying metabolism in muscles of competitors in cyclic sports”


1983 - 1990   Humboldt-Université Berlin (Allemagne)

            Études de médecine humaine (MD-PhD)

Intérêts de recherche :
Quelques communications et publications :

31. C. Tremblay, D. Grabs, D. Bourgouin and G. Bronchti

            Cutaneous vascularization of the femoral triangle in respect to groin incisions. J Vasc Surg. (2016), in press.


30. V. Freire, D. Grabs, M. Lepage-Saucier and T.P. Moser

   Ultrasound-guided facet joint injections in the cervical spine: A cadaveric feasibility study.
J Ultra Med. (2016), in press.


29. T.P. Moser,  N.J. Bureau, D. Grabs and E. Cardinal 

            Accessory head of the biceps tendon vs. aponeurotic expansion of the supraspinatus tendon. J Ultrasound Med (2015), 34, 173-174. 


28. T.P. Moser, E. Cardinal, N.J. Bureau, R. Guillin, P. Lanneville and D. Grabs

         The aponeurotic expansion of the supraspinatus tendon: anatomy and prevalence in a series of 150 shoulder MRIs. Skeletal Radiol. (2015), 44, 223-231.


27. J. Desroches, U. Grabs and D. Grabs

            Selective ultrasound guided pectoral nerve targeting in breast augmentation: How to spare the brachial plexus cords?, Clin Anat. (2013), 26, 49–55.


26. C.J. Christel, R. Schaer, S. Wang, T. Henzi, L. Kreiner, D. Grabs, B. Schwaller and A. Lee

            Calretinin regulates Ca2+-dependent inactivation and facilitation of Cav2.1 Ca2+ channels through a direct interaction with the α12.1 subunit. Biol Chem. (2012) 287 (47), 39766 –39775


25. J. Guay, D. Grabs :

            A cadaver study to determine the minimum volume of methylene blue or black naphthol required to completely color the nerves relevant for anesthesia during breast surgery. Clin Anat. (2011), 24, 202-208.


24. D. Grabs, L. Escher and M. Bergmann :

            Expression of SV2 in the developing chick cerebellum:Comparison with Calbindin and AMPA glutamate receptors 2/3. Anatom. Rec. 291 (2008), 538–546.


23. D. Grabs and M. Bergmann:

            Constitutive and regulated exocytosis: Is dynamin the switch? A single cell multiplex RT-PCR study. Cell Tissue Res. 322 (2005), 237-244.


22. P. Wannier-Morino, G. Rager, P. Sonderegger and D. Grabs:

            Expression of neuroserpin in the visual cortex of the mouse during developmental critical period. Eur. J. Neurosci. 17 (2003), 1853-1860.


21. M. Bergmann*, D. Grabs*, J. Roder, G. Rager and A. Jeromin:

            Differential expression of neuronal calcium sensor-1 in the developing chick retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 449 (2002), 231-240, *equal contribution.


20. D. Grabs, M. Bergmann and G. Rager:

            Developmental expression of amphiphysin in the retinotectal system of the chick: From mRNA to protein. Eur. J. Neurosci. 12 (2000), 1545-1553.


19. M. Bergmann, D. Grabs and G. Rager:

            Expression of presynaptic proteins is closely correlated with the chronotopic pattern of axons in the retinotectal system of the chick.    J. Comp. Neurol. 418 (2000), 361-72.


18. D. Grabs:

            The cycle of small synaptic vesicles. Habilitation, Universität Fribourg (Schweiz) (1999).


17. M. Bergmann, D. Grabs and G. Rager:

            Developmental expression of dynamin in the chick retinotectal system. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 47 (1999), 1297-1306.


16. V.I. Slepnev , G.C. Ochoa GC, M.H. Butler, D. Grabs, P. DeCamilli:

            Role of phosphorylation in the regulation of the assembly of endocytic coat complexes. Science 281 (1998), 821-824.


15. A. Volchuk, S. Narine, L.J. Foster, D. Grabs, P. De Camilli and A. Klip:

            Perturbation of dynamin II with an amphiphysin SH3 domain increases GLUT4 glucose transporters at the plasma membrane in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Dynamin II participates in GLUT4 endocytosis. J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998), 8169-8176.


14. R. Bauerfeind, C. David, D. Grabs, P.S. McPherson, Y. Nemoto, V. I. Slepnev, K. Takei and P. De Camilli:

            Recycling of synaptic vesicles. Adv. Pharmacol. 42 (1998), 253-257.


13. M. Butler, C. David, G.-C. Ochoa, Z. Freyberg, L. Daniell, D. Grabs,O. Cremona and P. DeCamilli:

            Amphiphysin II (SH3P9; BIN1), a member of the Amphiphysin/Rvs family, is concentrated in the cortical cytomatrix of axon initial segments and nodes of ranvier in brain and around T tubules in skeletal muscle. J. Cell Biol. 137 (1997),1355-1367.


12. O. Shupliakov, P. Löw, D. Grabs, H. Gad, C. David, P. DeCamilli and L. Brodin:

            Disruption of dynamin-SH3 domain interaction impairs clathrin-mediated synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Science 276 (1997), 259-263.


11. D. Grabs, V. I. Slepnev, Z. Songyang, C. David, M. Lynch, L. Cantley and P.DeCamilli:

            The SH3 domain of amphiphysin binds the proline rich domain of dynamin at a single site which defines a new SH3 binding consensus sequence.      J. Biol. Chem. 272 (1997), 13419-13425.


10. M. Bergmann, P. A.Fox, D. Grabs, A. Post and K. Schilling:

            Expression and subcellular distribution of glutamate receptor subunits 2/3 in the developing cerebellar cortex. J. Neurosci. Res. 43 (1996), 78-86.


9. D. Grabs, M. Bergmann, M. Urban, A. Post and M. Gratzl:

            Rab3 proteins and SNAP-25, essential components of the exocytosis machinery in conventional synapses, are absent from ribbon synapses of the mouse retina. Eur. J. Neurosci. 8 (1996), 162-168.


8. P. S. McPherson, E. P. Garcia, V. I. Slepnev, C. David, X. Zhang, D. Grabs, W. S. Sossin, R. Bauerfeind, Y. Nemoto and P. De Camilli:

            A presynaptic inositol-5-phosphatase. Nature 379 (1996), 353-357.


7. D.Grabs, M. Bergmann, Th. Schuster, P. A. Fox, M. Brich and M. Gratzl:

            Differential expression of synaptophysin and synaptoporin during pre- and postnatal development of the rat hippocampal network. Eur. J. Neurosci. 6 (1994), 1765-1771.


6. M. Bergmann, Th. Schuster, D. Grabs, B. Marquèze-Pouey, H. Betz, H.Traurig, A.Mayerhofer and M. Gratzl:

            Synaptophysin and synaptoporin expression in the developing rat olfactory system. Dev. Brain Res. 74 (1993), 235-244.


5. W. Ovtscharoff, M. Bergmann, B. Marquèze-Pouey, P. Knaus, H. Betz, D. Grabs, I. Reisert and M. Gratzl:

            Ontogeny of synaptophysin and synaptoporin expression in the central nervous system: Differential expression in striatal neurons and their afferents during development. Dev. Brain Res. 72 (1993), 219-225.


4. D. Grabs, J. Voss, Th. Schuster, J. Wenzel, H. Willer und M. Krug:

            Morphometrisch-stereologische Untersuchungen zur hippocampalen Langzeitpotenzierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zweifachen hierarchischen Varianzanalyse. J. Brain Res. 33 (1992), 549-555.


3. D. Grabs, J. Voss, Th. Schuster, J. Wenzel und M. Krug:

            Heterosynaptic changes in number and shape of the transmission zones of axo-spino-dendritic synapses in the central nervous system following long-term potention. J. Brain Res. 32 (1991), 541-545.


2. D. Grabs und J. Voss:

            Morphometrisch-stereologische Untersuchungen zur hippocampalen Langzeitpotenzierung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zweifachen hierarchischen Varianzanalyse. Promotion A, Humboldt-Universität Berlin (1990).


1. E. Hasard, B. Gabriel, D. Grabs:

            Enzymaktivitäten energieliefernder Stoffwechselsysteme in der Muskulatur von Sporttreibenden zyklischer Sportarten. Med. Sport 28 (1988), 195-199.


Prix et distinctions :
Pour nous joindre

Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca 

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