Département d'anatomie
Les professeurs
Bronchti, Gilles
3451 Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3352
Cours enseignés :
Formation :

Post-doctorat, Institut d'anatomie, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Suisse 1990 - 1994

Doctorat en neurosciences, Université de Tel-Aviv, Israel - 1990

Maitrise en Zoologie, Université de Tel-Aviv, Israel - 1983

BSc en biologie, Université de Tel-Aviv, Israel - 1978

Intérêts de recherche :

Système nerveux central; systèmes sensoriels, aveugle; audition; cortex; plasticité cérébrale; connexions neuronales; Central nervous system; sensory systems; blindness; plasticity; neuronal connectivity

Quelques communications et publications :
  1. Touj S, Paquette T, Bronchti G, Piché M (2021) Early and late visual deprivation induce hypersensitivity to mechanical and thermal noxious stimuli in the ZRDBA mouse, Eur. J Pain, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1839.
  2. Touj S, Gallino D, Chakraverty M, Bronchti G, Piché M (2021) Structural brain plasticity induced by early blindness, Eur.J.Neurosci, 2021;53:778–795. https://doi.org/10.1111/ Neurosci ejn.15028.
  3. Pecsi EL, Bronchti G, Crispino F, Forbes SL, (2020) Perspectives on the Establishment of a Canadian Human Taphonomic Facility: The Experience of REST[ES], Forensic Science International: Synergy 2:287-292
  4. Maranzano J, Dadar M, Bertrand-Grenier A, Frigon E-M, Pellerin J, Plante S, Duchesne S, Tardif CL, Boire D, Bronchti G, (2020) A novel ex vivo, in situ method to study the human brain through MRI and histology, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 345, 1 November 2020, 108903.
  5. Touj S, Cloutier S, Jemâa A, Piché M, Bronchti G, Al Aïn S. (2020) Better olfactory performance and larger olfactory bulbs in a mouse model of congenital blindness, Chem Senses, 45 (7):523–531.. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjaa052. PMID: 32766717
  6. Savary D, Drennan IR, Badat B, Grieco DL, Piraino T, Lesimple A, Charbonney E, Fritz C, Delisle S, Ouellet P, Mercat A, Bronchti G, Brochard L, Richard J-C, on behalf of the CAVIAR group (2020) Gastric insufflation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A study in human cadavers, Resuscitation, Volume 146, 1 January 2020, Pages 111-117. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.10.014. Epub 2019 Nov 12. PMID: 31730897
  7. Beaumier M, Deshêtres A, Despatis M-A, Bronchti G, Laurencelle L, (2019) Traduction en langue française de la grille STARD 2015 : Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies, Revue francophone de cicatrisation, 4 :36-40.
  8. Touj S, Togunaka R, Al-Aïn S, Bronchti G, Piché M, (2019) Pain Hypersensitivity is Associated with Increased Amygdala Volume and c-Fos Immunoreactivity in Anophthalmic Mice, Neuroscience DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.08.035
  9. Savary D, Charbonney E, Delisle S, Rigollot M, Ouellet P, Bronchti G, Richard JC; CAVIAR Group of Researchers (2018). Capnographic waveforms obtained in experimental Thiel cadaver model after intubation. Resuscitation. 017 Jul; 116:e1-e2.
  10. Grieco DL, Brochard L, Drouet A, Telias I, Delisle S, Bronchti G, Ricard C, Rigollot M, Badat B, Ouellet P, Charbonney E, et al. (2018) Intrathoracic airway closure impacts CO2 signal and delivered ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Sep 26.
  11. Dessureault-Dober I, Bronchti G, Bussières A, (2018) Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for thoracic outlet syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapies, Volume 41, Issue 9, November–December 2018, Pages 789-799
  12. Massé IO, Bronchti G, Boire D. Effects of enucleation on the direct reciprocal corticocortical connections between primary visual and somatosensory cortices of the mouse. Version révisée soumise (janvier 2018) à Cerebral Cortex.
  13. Charbonney E, Delisle S, Savary D, Bronchti G, Rigollot M, Drouet A, Bilal Badat, Ouellet P, Gosselin P, Mercat A, Brochard L and Richard J-CM, (2018) A new physiological model for studying the effect of chest compression and ventilation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: The Thiel Cadaver, Resuscitation (sous presse, janvier 2018)
  14. Touj S, Houle S, Ramla D, Jeffrey-Gauthier R, Hotta H, Bronchti G, Martinoli M-G, and Piché M, Sympathetic regulation and anterior cingulate cortex morphology are altered in a rat model of chronic back pain." Neuroscience, (2017)
  15. Savary D, Charbonney E, Delisle S, Marceau R, Paul O, Bronchti G, Richard JC; CAVIAR Group of Researchers. Capnographic waveforms obtained in experimental Thiel cadaver model after intubation. Resuscitation. 2017 Jul; 116:e1-e2. doi: 0.1016/j.resuscitation.2017.05.002. Epub 2017 May 6.
  16. Massé IO, Ross S, Bronchti G, Boire D. (2016) Asymmetric direct reciprocal connections between primary visual and somatosensory cortices of the mouse. Cerebral Cortex, 2016 Aug 13. [Epub ahead of print]
  17. Laramée ME, Smolders K, Hu TT, Bronchti G, Boire D, Arckens L. (2016) Congenital anophthalmia and binocular neonatal enucleation differently affect the proteome of primary and secondary visual cortices in mice. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159320. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159320.
  18. Tremblay C, Bourgouin D, Grabs D, Bronchti G. (2016) “Cutaneous vascularization of the femoral triangle in respect to groin incisions” Journal of Vascular Surgery.
  19. Massé I, Guillemette S, Laramée ME, Bronchti G, Boire D (2014) “ Strain differences of the effect of enucleation and anophthalmia on the size and growth of sensory cortices in mice” Brain Research 588(7): 113-126.
  20. Laramée, ME., Bronchti G, Boire D, (2014). "Primary visual cortex projections to extrastriate cortices in enucleated and anophthalmic mice." Brain Struct Funct. 219: 2051–2070.
  21. Laramée ME, Prince S, Rockland KS, Bronchti G, Boire D, (2013). "Principal component and cluster analysis of layer V pyramidal cells in visual and non-visual cortical areas projecting to the primary visual cortex of the mouse." Cereb Cortex 23(3): 714-728.
  22. Charbonneau V, Laramée ME, Boucher V, Bronchti G, Boire D, (2012)Cortical and subcortical projections to primary visual cortex in anophthalmic, enucleated and sighted mice; Eur.J.Neurosci. 36 (7):2949-2963, 2012.
  23. Laramée ME, Kurotani T, Rockland KS, Bronchti G, Boire D, (2011) Indirect pathway between the primary auditory and visual cortices through layer V pyramidal neurons in V2L in mouse and the effects of bilateral enucleation, Eur J Neurosci. 2011 Jul;34(1):65-78.
  24. Blanchet J, Longpré F, Bureau G, Morissette M, DiPaolo T, Bronchti G and Martinoli M-G, (2008) Resveratrol, a red wine polyphenol, protects dopaminergic neurons in MPTP- treated mice, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 1;32(5):1243-50. Dans cette collaboration j'étais responsable de l'encadrement de l'étudiante (1er auteure) pour le travail sur des coupes sériées et pour l'analyse quantitative stéréologique.
  25. Chabot N, Charbonneau V, Laramée M-E, Tremblay R, Boire D, Bronchti G, (2008) Subcortical auditory input to the primary visual cortex in anophthalmic mice, Neurosci.Lett. Vol 433/2 pp 129-134.
  26. Chabot N, Robert S, Tremblay R, Miceli D, Boire D and Bronchti G, (2007) Audition activates differently the visual system in neonatally enucleated mice compared to anophthalmic mutant Eur.J.Neurosci. Vol. 26, pp. 2334–2348.
  27. Piché M, Chabot N, Bronchti G, Miceli D, Lepore F and Guillemot JP, (2007) Auditory responses in the visual cortex of neonatally enucleated rats. Neurosci. 145 (3):1144-1156, 2007.
  28. Croquelois, A., G. Bronchti, and E. Welker, (2005) Cortical origin of functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) of the adult mouse after thalamic lesion, Eur.J.Neurosci., 21:1798-1806
  29. Piché, M., S. Robert, D. Miceli, and G. Bronchti, (2004) Environmental enrichment enhances auditory take-over of the occipital cortex in anophthalmic mice, Eur.J.Neurosci., 20 (12):3463-3472 
  30. Zhang, JS, JA Kaltenbach, J Wang, and G. Bronchti (2003) Changes in [14C]-2-deoxyglucose uptake in the auditory pathway of hamsters previously exposed to intense sound, Hearing Res., 185(1-2):13-21
  31. Bronchti,G., P. Heil., R. Sadka, A. Hess, H. Scheich, and Z. Wollberg (2002) Auditory activation of 'visual' cortical areas in the blind mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) Eur.J.Neurosci. 16(2):311-329
  32. Bronchti, G., M.-E. Corthésy, and E. Welker, (1999) Partial denervation of the whiskerpad in adult mice: altered patterns of metabolic activity in barrel cortex. Eur.J.Neurosci., 11:2847-2855.
  33. Corthésy, M.-E., G. Bronchti, and E. Welker, (1999) Partial denervation of the whiskerpad in adult mice: pattern and origin of reinnervation, Eur.J.Neurosci., 11:2835-2946.
  34. Bronchti, G., M.-E. Corthésy, and E. Welker, (1997) Does nerve regeneration restore normal functional patterns in mouse barrel cortex? in Brain Plasticity, Advances in Neurology, Vol 73, edited by H.J. Freund, B.A. Sabel and O.W. Witte, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia.
  35. Welker, E., M. Armstrong-James, G. Bronchti, W. Ourednik, F. Gheorghita-Baechler, R. Dubois, D.L. Guernsey, H. Van der Loos, and P.E. Neumann (1996) Altered sensory processing in the somatosensory cortex of the mouse mutant barrelless. Science 271:1864-1867.
  36. Barnéoud, P., G. Bronchti, and H. Van der Loos (1994) Vision influences paw-preference in mice. Behav.Brain Res. 62:157-164.
  37. Bronchti, G., N. Schönenberger, E. Welker, and H. Van der Loos (1992) Barrelfield expansion after eye removal in mice. NeuroReport 3:489-492.
  38. Rado, R., G. Bronchti, Z. Wollberg, and J. Terkel (1992) Sensitivity to light of the blind mole rat: behavioural and neuroanatomical study. Isr.J.Zool. 38:323-331.
  39. Heil, P., G. Bronchti, Z. Wollberg, and H. Scheich (1991) Invasion of the visual cortex by the auditory system in the naturally blind mole rat. NeuroReport 2:735-738.
  40. Bronchti, G., R. Rado, J. Terkel, and Z. Wollberg (1991) Retinal projections in the blind mole rat: a WGA-HRP tracing study of a natural degeneration. Dev.Brain Res. 58(2):159-170.
  41. Bronchti, G., P. Heil, H. Scheich, and Z. Wollberg (1989) Auditory pathway and auditory activation of primary visual targets in the blind mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi): I. A 2-deoxyglucose study of subcortical centers. J.Comp.Neurol. 284:253-274.
  42. Golani, I., G. Bronchti, D. Moualem, and P. Teitelbaum (1981) "Warm-up" along dimensions of movement in the ontogeny of exploration in rats and other infant mammals. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA, 75(11):7226-7229.
Prix et distinctions :

2017 : président d’honneur du concours d’affiche scientifiques, UQTR

2015 : corécipiendaire, prix de la direction UQTR, Excellence de la prestation de travail en équipe attribuée au laboratoire d’anatomie

2014 : prix d’excellence en enseignement – Carrière – Université du Québec

2010 : prix d'excellence en enseignement, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

1998 : co-récipiendaire du Prix Pfizer pour la recherche fondamentale en Neurosciences avec les professeurs Welker et Newmann co-auteurs de l'article paru dans Science fin 1996.

1996 – 1998 : Fellow du McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Oxford. Cette bourse fut utilisée pour 2 visites à Oxford où j'ai appris les techniques de traçage de connexions neuronales sur des cerveaux fixés. J'ai aussi contribué à l'implantation des techniques de déoxyglucose à l'University Laboratory of Physiology.

Pour nous joindre

Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca 

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