Département d'anatomie
La direction
Desroches, Guillaume
Directeur de comité de programme de premier cycle
3501B Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3081
Cours enseignés :
Hiver 2025
  • PHT1310 - Physiothérapie musculosquelettique 1, extrémités
Formation :

2011-2015 : B.Sc. et M.Sc. Physiothérapie, Université de Montréal

2010-2014 : Postdoctorat, Réadaptation, Université de Montréal

2008-2010 : Postdoctorat, Biomécanique, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon-1

2004-2008 : Ph.D., Biomécanique, École de technologie supérieure

2001-2004 : B.Sc., Kinésiologie, Université Laval

Intérêts de recherche :

- Troubles neuro-musculosquelettiques au quadrant supérieur

- Analyse et modélisation biomécanique

- Électromyographie (EMG)

Quelques communications et publications :

Lalumiere M., Desroches G., Gourdou P., Routhier F., Bouyer L., Gagnon D., Manual wheelchair users gradually face fewer challenges in postural stability and control with increasing levels of resistance while maintaining a rear-wheel wheelie., Hum Mov Sci., 2018, 62, 194-201;

Chenier F., Champagne A., Desroches G., Gagnon D. H., Unmatched perceptions of speed between manual wheelchair propulsion overground and on a treadmill in long-term manual wheelchair user., Gait and Posture, 2018, 61, 398-402 ;

Desroches G., Desmeules, F., Gagnon D H, Characterization Of Humeral Head Displacements During Dynamic Glenohumeral Neuromuscular Control Exercises Using Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging: A Feasability Study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 2017, 29 (2017), 150-154 ;

Babineau A C, Gagnon D H, Champagne A, Desroches G, Aissaoui R, Trunk and shoulder kinematic, kinetic and electromygraphic adaptations to slope increases during motorized treadmill propulsion among manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury., Biomed Research International, 2015(2015), 15 pages ; 

Gagnon D H, Babineau A C, Champagne A, Desroches G, Aissaoui R, Pushrim biomechanical changes with progressive increases in slope during motorized treadmill manual wheelchair propulsion in individuals with spinal cord injury., Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2014, 51(5) : p. 789-802 ;

Lalumière M., Gagnon D H, Routhier F, Bouyer LJ, Desroches G, Upper Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics During the Performance of a Stationary Wheelie in Manual Wheelchair Users with a Spinal Cord Injury., J Appl Biomech, 2014, Mar 5 ;

Desroches G., Gagnon D H, Nadeau S, Popovic M R, Magnitude of forward trunk flexion influences upper limb muscular efforts and dynamic postural stability requirements during sitting pivot transfers in individuals with spinal cord injury. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2013. 23(6) : p. 1325-1333 ;

Samson W, Van Hamme A, Desroches G, Dohin B, Dumas R, Chèze L, Biomechanical maturation of joint dynamics during early childhood: Updated conclusions., Journal of Biomechanics, 2013, 46(13), p. 2258-2263 ;

Lalumière M., Gagnon D H, Hassan J, Desroches G, Zory R, Pradon D, Ascending curbs of progressively higher height increases forward trunk flexion along with upper extremity mechanical and muscular demands in manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury. J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 2013, 23(6) : p. 1434-1445 ;

Desroches G., Gagnon D, Nadeau S, Popovic M R, Effects of sensorimotor trunk impairments on trunk and upper limb joint kinematics and kinetics during sitting pivot transfers in individuals with a spinal cord injury., Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), 2013, 28(1) : 1-9 ;

Lalumiere M, Gagnon D, Routhier F, Desroches G, Hassan J, Bouyer LJ, Effects of rolling resistances on handrim kinetics during the performance of wheelies among manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury., Spinal Cord, 2013, 51(3) : p. 245-251 ;

Desroches G, Vermette M, Gourdou P, Gagnon D, Development of an automated method to detect sitting pivot transfer phases using biomechanical variables:  toward a standardized method. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 2011, 9(7) ;

Samson W, Dohin B, Desroches G, Chèze L, Dumas R, Foot mechanics during the six first years of independent walking, Journal of Biomechanics, 2011, 44(7) : p. 1321-1327 ; 

Desroches G, Dumas R, Chèze L, Expression of joint moments in a joint coordinate system: application at the shoulder and the knee., Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2010, 132(11): p. 114503-4 ;

Desroches G, Dumas R, Pradon D, Chèze L, Indice d’inconfort basé sur les efforts articulaires au poignet, au coude et à l’épaule lors de la propulsion manuelle en fauteuil roulant : étude de cas, Sciences et Technologie pour le handicap, 2010, 4(1), p. 89-108 ; 

Desroches G, Dumas R, Pradon D, Vaslin P, Lepoutre F.X, Chèze L, Upper limb joint dynamics during wheelchair propulsion, Clinical Biomechanics, 2010, 25(4), p. 299-306 ;

Samson W, Desroches G, Chèze L, Dumas R, 3D joint dynamics analysis of healthy children’s gait, Journal of Biomechanics, 2009, 42(13), p. 2447-2453 ;

Aissaoui R, Desroches G, Stroke pattern classification during manual wheelchair propulsion in the elderly using fuzzy clustering, Journal of Biomechanics, 2008, 41(11), p. 2438-2445 ;

Desroches G, Aissaoui R, Bourbonnais D, The direction of the resulting force at the pushrim and the load sustained by the shoulder during manual wheelchair propulsion, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2008, 89(6), p.1155-1161 ;

Desroches G, Aissaoui R, Bourbonnais D, The effect of resultant force at the pushrim on shoulder kinetics during manual wheelchair propulsion: a simulation study, IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Egineering, 2008, 55(4), p.1423-1431 ;

Desroches G, Aissaoui R, Bourbonnais D, The effect of system tilt and seat to backrest angles on the load sustained by the shoulder during wheelchair propulsion, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2006, 43(7), p. 871-882 ;

Taeasdale N, Cantin V, Desroches G, Blouin J, Simoneau M, Attentional demands while driving in a simulator: effects of driving straights on open roads and when approaching an intersection, Advances in Transportation Studies: An international journal, special issue, 2004, p.29-38.

Prix et distinctions :
Pour nous joindre

Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca 

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