Le corps professoral

Marie-Pierre Gagnon-Girouard

Marie-Pierre Gagnon-Girouard


Cours enseignés

Hiver 2025
  • PSY1012 - Psychologie de la santé
  • PSY1023 - Activité de recherche en psychologie II


Doctorat en psychologie, Ph.D. (orientation Recherche/Clinique), Université Laval
Baccalauréat en psychologie, B.A., Université Laval

Intérêts de recherche

- préjugés corporels et stigmatisation liée au poids
- image corporelle
- troubles des comportements alimentaires

- comportements de santé et régulation du poids
- psychologie de la santé

- weight bias and weight-related stigma 
- body image
- eating disorders

- eating behaviors
- health behaviors and weight regulation
- health psychology

Quelques communications et publications
  1. Bélanger, E., Marquis, E., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., & Brisson, B. (accepted). Feminist identification, social dominance orientation, and weight bias in me. Journal of Community Psychology.


  1. Boudreault, V., Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., Carbonneau, N., Labossière, S., Bégin, C., & Parent, S. (2021). Extreme weight control behaviors among adolescent athletes: Links with weight-related maltreatment from parents and coaches and sport ethic norms. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 10126902211018672.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., Carbonneau, N., Gendron, M., Lussier, Y., & Bégin, C. (2020). Like mother, like daughter: Association of maternal negative attitudes towards people of higher weight with adult daughters’ weight bias. Body Image, 34, 277-281.


  1. Bégin, C., Carbonneau, E., Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Mongeau, L., Paquette, M. C., Turcotte, M., & Provencher, V. (2019). Eating-Related and Psychological Outcomes of Health at Every Size Intervention in Health and Social Services Centers Across the Province of Québec. American Journal of Health Promotion, 33(2), 248-258.


  1. Boucher, K., Côté, M., Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Ratté, C., & Bégin, C. (2018). Eating Pathology Among Patients With Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: The Role of Narcissism and Self-Esteem. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 206(10), 776-782.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P., Chenel-Beaulieu, M. P., Aimé, A., Ratté, C., & Bégin, C. (2018). Psychological Meanings of Eating Disorders and Their Association With Symptoms, Motivation Toward Treatment, and Clinical Evolution Among Outpatients. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 367-379.


  1. Côté, M., Gagnon-Girouard, M.-P. , Sabourin, S. & Bégin, C. (2018). Emotion suppression and food intake in the context of a couple discussion: A dyadic analysis. Appetite, 120, 109-114.


  1. Leblanc, C-A., Marquis, E., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P & Brisson, B. (2017). Towards a United Front against Weight Bias. Social Behavioral Research and Practice, 2 (2), e7-e9.


  1. Thibault, I., Pauzé, R., Lavoie, É., Mercier, M., Pesant, C., Monthuy-Blanc, J., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P. (2017). Identification des pratiques prometteuses dans le traitement de l’anorexie mentale. Santé Mentale au Québec, 42(1), 379-390.


  1. Côté, M., Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., Provencher, V., & Bégin, C. (2016). Induced dyadic stress and food intake: Examination of the moderating roles of body mass index and restraint. Eating behaviors, 23, 86-90.


  1. Carbonneau, N., Carbonneau, É., Cantin, M., & Gagnon-Girouard, M. P. (2015). Examining women's perceptions of their mother's and romantic partner's interpersonal styles for a better understanding of their eating regulation and intuitive eating. Appetite, 92, 156-166.


  1. Boucher, K., Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., & Ratté. (2015). The relationship between multidimensional narcissism, explicit and implicit self-esteem in eating disorders. Psychology, 6(15), 2025.


  1. Maltais-Giguère, J., Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Daoust, M., and Provencher, V. (2014). Depressive Symptoms and Food Intake among Weight-Preoccupied Women: Do Eating Behaviors and Attitudes or BMI Mediate This Association? Health, 6, 2802-2813.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., Turcotte, O., Paré-Cardinal, M., Lévesque, D., St-Pierre Tanguay, B., & Bégin, C. (2014). Image corporelle, satisfaction sexuelle et conjugale chez des couples hétérosexuels. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 46(2), 134.


  1. Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Aimé, A., & Ratté, C. (2013). Trajectories of eating and clinical symptoms over the course of a day hospital program for eating disorders. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 21, 249-264.


  1. Bégin, C., St-Louis, M-E., Turmel, S., Tousignant, B., Marion, L-P., Ferland, F., Blanchette-Martin, N., & Gagnon-Girouard, M-P. (2012). Does food addiction distinguish a specific subgroup of overweight/obese overeating women? Health, 4(12), 1492-1499.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M. P., Turcotte, O., Paré-Cardinal, M., Lévesque, D., St-Pierre Tanguay, B., & Bégin, C. (2014). Image corporelle, satisfaction sexuelle et conjugale chez des couples hétérosexuels. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 46(2), 134.


  1. Bégin, C., De Grandpré, S., & Gagnon-Girouard, M. P. (2012). Eating and psychological profiles of women with higher depressive symptoms who are trying to lose weight. Journal of Obesity, 2012.


  1. Leblanc, V., Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Corneau, L., Tremblay, A., & Lemieux, S. (2012). Associations between eating patterns, dietary intakes and eating behaviors in premenopausal overweight women. Eating Behaviors, 13, 162-165.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Gagnon, C., Bégin, C., Provencher, V., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Subtyping weight-preoccupied overweight/obese women along restraint and negative affect. Appetite, 55, 742-745.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Gagnon, C., Bégin, C., Provencher, V., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Couple dissatisfaction and eating profile: A mediation effect of coping style. Eating and Weight Disorders: Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 15, 240-246.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Bégin, C., Provencher, V., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2010). Psychological impact of a “Health-at-every-size” intervention on weight-preoccupied overweight/obese women. Journal of Obesity, 2010.


  1. Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Bégin, C., Provencher, V., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2009). Can we apply the dual pathway model of overeating to a population of weight-preoccupied overweight women? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42, 244-252.


  1. Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2008). Personality traits in overweight and obese women: Associations with BMI and eating behaviors. Eating Behaviors, 9, 294-302.


  1. Provencher, V., Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Gagnon, H.C., Tremblay, A., Boivin, S., & Lemieux, S. (2007). Defined weight expectations in pre-menopausal overweight and obese women: Anthropometrical, psychological and eating behavioral correlates. International. Journal of Obesity, 31, 1731-1738.


  1. Bégin, C., Gagnon-Girouard, M-P., Provencher, V., & Lemieux, S. (2006). Traitement de l’obésité : soutenir l’individu dans l’appropriation de sa démarche. Psychologie Canadienne, 47, 316-332.
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