Le corps professoral

Christian Joyal

Christian Joyal


Cours enseignés

Automne 2024
  • SEX1006 - Déviances et agressions sexuelles
  • SRP6027 - Séminaire lié à l'essai ou à la thèse
Hiver 2025
  • SEX1010 - Violence interpersonnelle, agressions sexuelles et victimologie
  • SRP6027 - Séminaire lié à l'essai ou à la thèse


  • Maîtrise en psychologie, Université de Montréal
  • Doctorat en neuropsychologie, Université de Montréal
  • Postdoctorat en Neurologie, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
  • Postdoctorat en Psychiatrie Légale, Helsinki University, Finlande
Intérêts de recherche
  • Neuropsychologie, neuroimagerie, sexualité, déviances sexuelles, pédophilie.
Quelques communications et publications


Joyal, C.C., & Carpentier, J. (2022). Concordance and discordance between paraphilic interests and behaviors: A follow-up study. The Journal of Sex Research59(3), 385-390. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.1986801

Brassard, M.L., & Joyal, C.C. (2022). Predicting forensic inpatient violence with odor identification and neuropsychological measures of impulsivity: A preliminary study. Journal of Psychiatric Research147, 154-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.01.021

Vicenzutto, A., Joyal, C.C., Telle, É., & Pham, T. H. (2022). Risk Factors for Sexual Offenses Committed by Men With or Without a Low IQ: An Exploratory Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry13, 820249. 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.820249

Joyal, C. C. (2022). The neuroanatomical bases of pedophilia and the importance of distinguishing genuine vs. acquired types: A systematic review. Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention. https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.5571

Labrecque, F., Potz, A., Larouche, É., & Joyal, C.C. (2021). What Is So Appealing About Being Spanked, Flogged, Dominated, or Restrained? Answers from Practitioners of Sexual Masochism/Submission. The Journal of Sex Research, 58(4), 409-423. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2020.1767025

Joyal, C.C., Carpentier, J., McKinnon, S., Normand, C. and Poulin, M-H. (2021).Sexual knowledge, desires and experience of adolescents and young adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: An exploratory study. Autism. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.685256

Amborski, A.M., Bussières, È-L., Vaillancourt-Morel, M-P. and Joyal, C.C. (2021). Sexual Violence against Persons with Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis. Trauma, Violence and Abuse. https://doi.org/10.1177/1524838021995975

Joyal, CC. (2021). Problems and controversies with psychiatric diagnoses of paraphilia. In: L. A. Craig & R. M. Bartels (Eds.), Sexual Deviance: Understanding and managing deviant sexual interest and paraphilic disorders. Wiley-Blackwell. 

Morais, H, Puszkiewicz,KL and Joyal, CC. (2021). The Neuropsychology of Adolescent and Adult who have Committed a Sexual Offense. In: J. Fabian (Ed.) Violence Risk in Criminal Offender Populations: A Forensic Psychological and Neuropsychological Perspective. Wiley.

Joyal, CC, Tardif, M et Spearson-Goulet, J.A. (2020). Executive functions and social cognition in juveniles who have sexually offended. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. 37, 179-202. https://doi.org/10.1177/1079063218807487

Joyal, C.C., Kärgel, C., Kneer, J., Amelung, T., Mohnke, S., Tenbergen, G., Walter, H., Kruger, T.H.C (2019). The Neurobiological Origins of Pedophilia: Not That Simple. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16, 153–154. 10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.10.015

Renaud, P, Joyal, CC., Neveu, S-M., Rouleau, J-L. (2019). Sexual Presence: A qEEG Analysis of Sexual Arousal to Synthetic Pornography. International Journal of Telepresence. www.researchgate.net/publication/346554336_Sexual_Presence_A_qEEG_Analysis_of_Sexual_Arousal_to_Synthetic_Pornography

Joyal., C.C. (2018). Controversies in the definition of paraphilias. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 1378-1380.

Joyal, C. C., Neveu, S. M., Boukhalfi, T., Jackson, P. L., & Renaud, P. (2018). Suppression of sensorimotor alpha power associated with pain expressed by an avatar: A preliminary EEG study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2018.00273

Frigon, I., Joyal, C. C., & Nolin, P. (2018). Neuropsychological Profiles of Neglected Children. J Neuroscience and Neuropsychology 2: 105. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/94db/dd59c1781e50a3640d57aeb584ea50f288f0.pdf

Joyal, C.C. et Morais, H. (2018). Neuropsychological and neurological assessments of sexual homicide offenders : Their current and potential functions in the prosecution, detention, therapeutic progression, and release of individual cases. Dans : J. Proulx, A. Carter, E Beauregard, A. Mokros, R Darjee, and J. James (Éds). International Handbook of Sexual Homicide. Wiley éditeur.

Joyal, CC. (2017). Linking Crime to Paraphilia: Be Careful with Label. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 864-865. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-016-0903-3

Joyal, C.C. (2017). Paraphilias. Dans: Todd Shackelford and Viviana Weekes-Shackelford (Eds), Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer, éditeur.

Joyal, CC et *Spearson-Goulet, J.-A. (2017). Neuropsychologie des agresseurs sexuels. Dans : T. Pham et F. Cortoni (Éds) : Traité de l'agression sexuelle. Montréal, Qc :PUM, éditeur.

Jones, S., Christian C. Joyal, Josh M. Cisler, and Shasha Bai (2017). Exploring Emotion Regulation in Juveniles Who Have Sexually Offended: An fMRI Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26, 40-57 DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2016.1259280.

Joyal, CC et Carpentier, J. (2017). The prevalence of paraphilic interests and behaviors in the general population: A provincial survey. Journal of Sex Research. 54, 161-171. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1139034.

Joyal, CC, Carpentier, J. & *Martin, C. (2016). Discriminant factors for adolescent sexual offending: On the usefulness of considering both victim age and sibling incest. Child and Sex Abuse, 54, 10-22.

Joyal, CC et coll. (2016). Troubles du contrôle des impulsions. Dans P. Lalonde et G Pinard (Eds) Psychiatrie clinique : Une approche bio-psycho-sociale. Montréal, Qc : Gaëtan Morin Éditeur.

Joyal, CC. (2015). Defining “Normophilic” and “Paraphilic” Sexual Fantasies in a Population-Based Sample: On the Importance of Considering Subgroups. Sexual Medicine, 3, 321-330.

*Morais, H. B., Joyal, C. C., Alexander, A. A., *Fix, R. L., & Burkhart, B. R. (2015). The Neuropsychology of Adolescent Sexual Offending Testing an Executive Dysfunction Hypothesis. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, DOI : 1079063215569545.

Joyal, CC, *Cossette, A & *Lapierre, V. (2015). What exactly is an unusual sexual fantasy?Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12, 328-340

*Henry, M., *Jacob, L., & Joyal, C. C. (2015). Évaluation clinique de l'impulsivité. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 36(2), 7-30.

Boukhalfi, T., Joyal, C.C, Bouchard, S., *Neveu, S. M., & Renaud, P. (2015). Tools and Techniques for Real-time Data Acquisition and Analysis in Brain Computer Interface studies using qEEG and Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality Environment. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 46-51.

Joyal, CC., *Jacob, L., *Cigna, M. H., Guay, J. P., & Renaud, P. (2014). Virtual facial expressions of emotions: An initial concomitant and construct validity study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience8, 787-793.

Joyal, CC, *Plante-Beaulieu, J. & *De Chanterac, A. (2014) The neuropsychology of sexual offenders: A meta-analysis. Sex Abuse, A journal of Research and Treatment, 26, 149-177.

Joyal, C.C. (2014). How Anomalous Are Paraphilic Interests?  Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 1241-1243.

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