Département des langues modernes et de traduction

Section Traduction

La direction
Cantin, Vincent
Directeur de département
1060A Pierre-Boucher
819 376-5011, poste 2120
Cours enseignés :
Formation :

Docorat en kinésiologie, Université Laval, Canada

Maitrise en kinésiologie, Université Laval, Canada

Intérêts de recherche :

Locomotion, orthèse plantaire, maux de dos, préadaptation, biomécanique, contrôle moteur

Gait, foot orthose, low back pain, prehabilitation, biomechanics, motor control

Quelques communications et publications :
  1. Moisan G, Descarreaux M, Cantin V. Effects of chronic ankle instability on kinetics, kinematics and muscle activity during walking and running: a systematic review. Gait & Posture. 2016 Dec 29;52:381-399.
  2. Dubois JD, Cantin V, Piché M, Descarreaux M. Physiological and Psychological Predictors of Short-term Disability in Workers with a History of Low Back Pain: a Longitudinal Study. Plos One. 2016  Oct 26;11(10).
  3. Moisan G, Cantin V. Effects of two types of foot orthoses on lower limb muscle activity before and after a one-month period of wear. Gait & Posture. 2016 May 46;75:80.
  4. Marchand AA, Suitner M, O’Shaughnessy J, Châtillon CÉ, Cantin V, Descarreaux M, Effects of a prehabilitation program on patients' recovery following spinal stenosis surgery: a pilot study protocol. Trials. 2015 Oct 27.
  5. Legault E, Cantin V, Descarreaux M. Musculoskeletal symptoms in an adolescent athlete population: a comparative study. BMC Musculoskeletal disorders. 2015 Aug 20;16:210.
  6. Brousseau-Foley M, Cantin V. Use of hyaluronic acid gel filler versus sterile water in the treatment of intractable plantar keratomas: a pilot study. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2015 Jan-Feb;105(1):22-6.
  7. Abboud J, Nougarou F, Pagé I, Cantin V, Massicotte D, Descarreaux M. Trunk motor variability in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2014 Dec;114(12):2645-54.
  8. Legault E, Cantin V, Descarreaux M. Assessment of musculoskeletal conditions and their impacts in the adolescent population: adaptation and validation of a questionnaire. BMC Pediatrics. 2014 Jul 3;14(1):173.
  9. Brousseau-Foley M, Cantin V. Digital and Interdigital Corns: A Report of Two Cases with Use of Hyaluronic Acid Gel Filler. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2014 Jul;104(4):413-6.
  10. Marchand AA, Cantin V, Murphy B, Stern P, Descarreaux M. Is performance in goal oriented head movements altered in patients with chronic tension type headache? BMC Musculoskeletal disorders. 2014 May 26;15(1):179.
  11. Dutil M, Handrigan G, Corbeil P, Cantin V, Simoneau M, Teasdale N, & Hue O. The impact of obesity on balance control in community-dwelling older women. Age. 2013 Jun;35(3):883-90.
Prix et distinctions :

Membre du Groupe de Recherche sur les Affections Neuro-musculo-squelettiques (GRAN)

Pour nous joindre

Département des langues modernes et de traduction
Pavillon : Ringuet
Local : 2067
Courriel : dir.dep.lmt@uqtr.ca
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3481
Télécopieur : 819 376-5169

Site web du département

Site web section Langues modernes

Site web section Traduction