ANG1017 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Niveau :  Deuxième année
Département : Langues modernes et traduction
Crédits :3 crédits
Description :
To enable students to participate indiscussions and to produce written expository prose texts pertaining to their field of academic and professional interests.

Intensive practice of oral English in specialized fields. Study and production of different kinds of essays. Oral presentation and professional exchanges. Documenting and delivering papers. This course will be adapted to specific students' needs (i.e. Science, Health sciences, Computer Science...).

Préalable 1 :

ANG1015 English in the Work Place

Horaire du cours à la session hiver 2026

Université du Québec
à Trois-Rivières

3351, boul. des Forges,
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G8Z 4M3
Information générale :
Téléphone : 819 376-5011
Sans frais : 1 800 365-0922