Société néerlando-belge d'étude du dix-huitième siècle (Werkgroep 18e Eeuw) (Dutch/Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Werkgroep 18e Eeuw))Dutch/Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Werkgroep 18e Eeuw)
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The Werkgroep 18e Eeuw is the Dutch/Belgian society for eighteenth-century studies founded in 1968. It is an interdisciplinary society whose interests and activities focus on the contribution of the northern and southern Netherlands to eighteenth-century European culture. The Werkgroep organises annual symposia and publishes a semi-annual De Achttiende eeuw containing articles in various languages, with English or French summaries of all Dutch contributions. The members of the Werkgroep also receive a newsletter two or three times per year.

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Président(e) PresidentFokko Jan DIJKSTERHUIS
Secrétaire SecretaryIvo NIEUWENHUIS
Trésorier(ière) TreasurerHenk BOELS