Société norvégienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle (NORSK SELSKAP FOR 1700-TALLSSTUDIER) (Norwegian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (NORSK SELSKAP FOR 1700-TALLSSTUDIER))Norwegian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (NORSK SELSKAP FOR 1700-TALLSSTUDIER)
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Founded in 1998. Publishes a bulletin containing bibliographical material related to eighteenth-century studies in Norway and Scandinavia and information on activities and conferences. Organises every second year a conference on eighteenth-century studies. Proceedings are published.

Site Web Website
Président(e) PresidentInga Henriette UNDHEIM
Secrétaire SecretaryJohanne Slettvoll KRISTIANSEN
Trésorier(ière) TreasurerAre Bøe PEDERSEN