PPH-1001, Histoire des sciences


PPH-1001 - Bibliographie

Bibliographie - Livres (général)

  1. ALDER, Ken, Mesurer le monde - L'incroyable histoire de l'invention du mètre (Flammarion, 2005).
  2. BELL, E.T., Les grands mathématiciens (Payot, Paris, 1961).
  3. BERNAL, J. D. Science in History, 4th ed. MIT Press. 1970.
  4. BLAY, Michel. La naissance de la science classique au XVIIe siècle (Nathan, 1999).
  5. BOORSTIN, Daniel J. The Discoverers (Random House, 1983).
  6. BURKE, James. The Day the Universe Changed (London 1985).
  7. CADEDDU, Antonio, Les vérités de la science : pratique, récit, histoire : le cas Pasteur (L.S. Olschki, 2005).
  8. CHARTRAND, Luc, DUCHESNE, Raymond, GINGRAS, Yves, Histoire des sciences au Québec (Boréal, 2008).
  9. CHAZAL, Gérard. Les femmes et la science (Ellipses, 2006).
  10. COPERNICUS, Nicolaus, HAWKING, Stephen,On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres (Running Press, 2002).
  11. de la COTARDIÈRE, P (éditeur), Histoire des sciences de la préhistoire à nos jours (Tallandier, Paris, 2004).
  12. DARWIN, Charles, The Origine of Species (Bantam Classics, 2008).
  13. DUFFIN, Jacalyn. History of Medicine: A Scandalously Short Introduction (University of Toronto Press, 1999).
  14. EDIS, Taner. An Illusion of Harmony : Science and Religion in Islam (Prometheus Books, 2007).
  15. EMSLEY, Jogh, Molecules of Murder (RSC Publishing, 2008).
  16. EMSLEY, John, The Elements of Murder (Oxford, 2005).
  17. EMSLEY, John, Nature's Building Blocks - An A-Z Guide to the Elements (Oxford, 2001).
  18. GALILEI, Galileo, HAWKING, Stephen,Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (Running Press, 2002).
  19. GILBERT, William, De Magnete (Dover, 1958).
  20. GILLE, Bertrand. Histoire des techniques: technique et civilisations, technique et sciences (Gallimard, 1978).
  21. GINGRAS, Yves, KEATING, Peter, LIMOGES, Camille, Du scribe au savant (Boréal, 1999).
  22. GRANT, Edward. A History of Natural Philosophy : From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2007).
  23. GREENBERG, A., A Chemical History Tour: Picturing Chemistry from Alchemy to Modern Molecular Science (Wiley-Interscience, 2000).
  24. GREGORY, Frederick. Natural Science in Western History (Houghton Mifflin, 2008).
  25. GRIBBIN, John, dir. Une brève histoire des sciences (Larousse, 1999).
  26. HAWKING, Stephen, On The Shoulders Of Giants (Running Press, 2003).
  27. HENRY, John. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  28. KEPLER, Johannes, HAWKING, Stephen, Harmonies of the World (Running Press, 2002).
  29. IQBAL, Muzaffar. Science and Islam (Greenwood Press, 2007).
  30. KUHN, T.S., La révolution copernicienne (Livre de poche, Paris, 1992).
  31. LEVERE, Trevor H., Transforming Matter (John Hopkins, 2001).
  32. LLOYD, G.E.R., Une histoire de la science grecque (Seuil, Paris, 1993).
  33. MAYR, E., Histoire de la biologie. Diversité, évolution et hérédité (Fayard, Paris, 1989).
  34. EWMAN, William Royall. Atoms and Alchemy: Chemistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution (University of Chicago Press, 2006).
  35. NICOLAOU, K.C., MONTAGNON, T., Molecules That Changed the World (Wiley-VCH, 2008).
  36. NOEL, William, NETZ, Reviel, Le codex d'Archimède (JC Lattès, 2008).
  37. RAICHVARG, Daniel. Savants et ignorants : une histoire de la vulgarisation des sciences (Seuil, 1991).
  38. REEVES, Hubert, Chroniques du ciel et de la vie (Seuil, 2005)
  39. RONAN, Colin A. Histoire mondiale des sciences (Éditions du Seuil, 1988).
  40. RUSSO, François. Éléments de bibliographie de l'histoire des sciences et des techniques (Hermann, 1969).
  41. SERRES, Michel, dir. Éléments d'histoire des sciences (Bordas, 1989).
  42. TATON, René, dir. Histoire générale des sciences. 4 volumes (Presses universitaires de France, 1957-1964, 1966, 1994)

Revues spécialisées

  1. Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences
  2. British Journal for the History of Science
  3. Bulletin of the History of Medicine
  4. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences
  5. Isis : Official Journal of the History of Science Society
  6. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
  7. Journal of the History of Biology
  8. Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications / Revue d'histoire des sciences
  9. Social Studies of Science
  10. Technology and Culture

Autres ouvrages

  1. Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science and its Cultural Influences, 1975-.
  2. Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, 1987-
  3. Wellcome Bibliography of the History of Medicine, 1991-2004

En ligne :


  1. Histoire des sciences et technologies

Wikipedia - français

  1. Chronologie des sciences
  2. Chronologie de l'astronomie
  3. Histoire des sciences
  4. Histoire de l'astronomie
  5. Histoire de la biologie
  6. Histoire des mathématiques
  7. Histoire de la médecine
  8. Histoire de la physique
  9. Histoire de l'électricité
  10. Histoire dela zoologie et botanique
  11. Histoire de l'écologie
  12. Histoire des techniques
  13. Sciences grecques
  14. Sciences islamiques
  15. Science du Moyen Âge

Wikipedia - anglais

  1. Portal : History of science
  2. Cetegory : History of science
  3. History of science
  4. History of science in early cultures
  5. History of science in Classical Antiquity
  6. History of science in the Middle Ages
  7. History of science in the Renaissance
  8. Scientific revolution
  9. History of Natural sciences
  10. History of astronomy
  11. History of biology
  12. History of chemistry
  13. History of ecology
  14. History of geography
  15. History of geology
  16. History of mathematics
  17. History of paleontology
  18. History of physics
  19. History of the social sciences
  20. History of anthropology
  21. History of economic thought
  22. History of linguistics
  23. History of political science
  24. History of psychology
  25. History of sociology
  26. History of technology
  27. History of agricultutal science
  28. History of computer science
  29. History of material science
  30. History of medicine
  31. List of Timelines - Sciences

Wikipedia - anglais

  1. Category : History of science


  1. Astronomy: Journey to the Cosmic Frontier, 3/e, par John D Fix
  2. Astronomy Timeline
  3. Chemical Achievers, the Human Face of the Chemical Sciences
  4. Chemistry Stamps
  5. History of Chemistry - Chemical Heritage Foundation
  6. SCETI, The Edgar Fahs Smith collection
  7. This week in the History of Chemistry
  8. Synchronopedia Timeline Reference Wall Charts