Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et en environnement aquatique

GRIL Research Axes

Axis 1 – Freshwater Ecosystem Biocomplexity

This axis is concerned with the structure and the fundamental functioning of Limnoscapes: emphasis is placed on the interactions between organisms, populations and communities that influence fluxes of energy and matter. GRIL researchers are especially interested in the study of the interactions between the different components of Limnoscapes, notably physical, chemical and biological links and exchanges. Limnoscapes present several ecotones upon which research in the GRIL focuses: land-water and atmosphere-water interfaces, aquatic ecosystems structure and complexity, interaction of wetlands and macrophytes with water bodies and the flux between lotic and lentic systems. In addition to better understanding links between ecotones, GRIL researchers work towards an enhanced knowledge of limits and thresholds of aquatic ecosystems, as well as co-evolutionary links, using approaches from genomic to purely physical or chemical.

Theme 1.1 – Biological Structure and Function in Freshwaters
Theme 1.2 – The Impact of Physical Processes
Theme 1.3 – Aquatic Biogeochemistry

Axis 2 – Current Challenges Facing Freshwater Ecosystems

This axis deals with anthropogenic factors affecting the structure and functioning of Limnoscapes. Aquatic ecosystems must adapt to many new stresses and challenges, including climatic changes, invasive species, forest-cover loss, population increase, chemical and light pollution, microbeads, and urbanisation. The Limnoscape approach allows us to study these challenges at the various spatial and temporal scales at which they operate, allowing a greater understanding of the patterns that emerge across vast geographical expanses and long temporal series.

Theme 2.1 – Effects of Climatic Changes
Theme 2.2 – Anthropic Impacts
Theme 2.3 – Quantifying Freshwater Ecosystem Services

GRIL is an FRQNT-funded strategic cluster
