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Groupe de Recherche en Biologie Végétale

Maire, Vincent




Curriculum Court 

Doctorat reçu de l'université Blaise Pascal sour la supervision de Jean-François Soussana et Nicolas Gross (INRA-UREP, France).

Intérêts de recherche 

Traits fonctionnels; Stratégies fonctionnelles; Niche fonctionnelle; Écologie végétale; Écologie microbienne des sols; Flux de C-N-H2O;  Écophysiologie; Écologie des communautés et des écosystèmes


Courriel :,

Téléphone : (819) 376-5011, poste: 3318 


RIVE : Centre de recherche sur les interactions Bassins-Versants - Écosystèmes Aquatiques / Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
SÈVE (à venir) : Centre de recherche interinstitutionnel en sciences du végétal / Université de Sherbrooke

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Page du département des sciences de l'environnement UQTR
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De Kauwe M.G., Y.-S. Lin , I.J. Wright, B.E. Medlyn, K.Y. Crous, D.S. Ellsworth, V. Maire, I.C. Prentice, O.K. Atkin, A. Rogers, U. Niinemets, S. Serbin, P. Meir, J. Uddling, H.F. Togashi, L. Tarvainen, L.K. Weerasinghe, B.J. Evans, F.Y. Ishida, and T.F. Domingues (2016) A test of the “one-point method” for estimating maximum carboxylation capacity from field-measured, light-saturated photosynthesis. New Phytologist in press.

Pontes L. da S., V. Maire, J. Schelberg and F. Louault ., 2015. Grass strategies and grassland community responses to environmental drivers: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35(4): 1297-1318.

Maire V., I.J. Wright, I.C. Prentice, N. Batjes, R. Bhaskar, P. van Bodegom, W. Cornwell, D. Ellsworth, U. Niinemets, A.G. Ordonez, P.B. Reich, and L. Santiago (2015) Global soil and climate effects on leaf photosynthetic traits and rates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24(6): 706–717.

Prentice I., N. Dong, S. Gleason, V. Maire, I. Wright (2014) Balancing the costs of carbon gain and water transport: testing a new theoretical framework for plant functional ecology. Ecology Letters 17(1): 82-91.

Maire V., N. Gross, C. Wirth, D. Hill, R. Martin, I.J. Wright and J.-F. Soussana (2013) Disentangling coordination among functional traits using an individual-centred model: Impact on plant performance at intra- and inter-specific levels. 
Plos One 8(10):e38345.

Maire V., G. Alvarez, J. Colombet, A. Comby, R. Despinasse, E. Dubreucq, M. Joly, A.C. Lehours, V. Perrier, T. Shahzad and S. Fontaine (2013)  An unknown oxidative metabolism substantially contributes to soil CO2 emission. Biogeosciences, 10: 1155-1167.

Maire V., J.-F. Soussana, N. Gross, B. Bachelet, R. Martin, L. Pages, T. Reinhold, C. Wirth and D. Hill (2013) Plasticity of plant form and function sustains productivity and dominance along environment and competition gradients. A modeling experiment with Gemini. Ecological Modelling, 254: 80-91.

Maire V., N. Gross, L. Börger, R. Proulx, C. Wirth, L. da S. Pontes, J.F. Soussana and F. Louault (2012) Habitat-filtering and niche differentiation jointly determine species abundance along fertility and disturbance gradients. New Phytologist,196(2): 497-509.

Maire V., P. Martre, J. Kattge, F. Gastal, G. Esser, S. Fontaine and J.-F. Soussana (2012) A coordination hypothesis of leaf photosynthesis linking the C and N cycles in terrestrial ecosystems. Plos One, 7(6):e38345.

Pontes L. da S., V. Maire, F. Louault, J.-F. Soussana and P.Carrère (2012) Impacts of species interactions on grass community productivity under contrasting management regimes. Oecologia, 168(3): 761-771.

Fontaine S., P.-A. Maron, A. Aamor, N. Bdioui, J.M.G. Bloor, V. Maire, B. Mary, S. Revaillot and C. Henault (2011) Fungal mining of recalcitrant soil organic matter mediates carbon and nutrient sequestration in soil. Soil Biology & Biogeochemistry, 43: 86-96.

Pontes L. da S., J.-F. Soussana, P. Carrère, V. Maire, D. Andueza and F. Louault (2010) The role of plant traits and their plasticity in the response of pasture grasses to N supply and cutting frequency. Annals of Botany, 105: 957-965.

Maire V., N. Gross, L. da S. Pontes and J.-F. Soussana (2009) Trade-off between root N acquisition and shoot N utilisation across 13 co-occurring pasture grass species. Functional Ecology, 23: 668-679.

Gross N., J. Bloor, F. Louault, V. Maire and J.-F. Soussana (2009) Effects of land-use change on productivity depend on small-scale plant species diversity. Basic & Applied Ecology,10: 687-696.

Soussana J.-F., V. Maire, N. Gross, T. Reinhold, H. Dähring, L.-S. Pontes, S. Fontaine, L. Pagès and C. Wirth (2008) Modélisation des relations entre la diversité et le fonctionnement de couverts prairiaux à flore complexe. Fourrage, 195: 259-274.



Undergraduate : Théo Allard (Bio-1001), Roxanne Giguère-Tremblay (Bio-1001)

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