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An annual meeting since 2009


2013 Edition's Program and Abstracts

Speakers of the 2013 Edition


The fifth edition of the Quebec Seminary in Early Modern Philosophy took place from the 26th to the 28th September of 2013. We had the pleasure to receive Tad Schmaltz (University of Michigan at Ann Arbour) and Luiz Eva (Universidad Fédéral do Paraná) as keynote speakers.

Thursday, September 26, 2013, University of Sherbrooke (A10-2034)

2:45 pm: welcoming of the attendees and opening of the seminar
3:00 pm: Domenico Collacciani (EPHE), “Sur le 'cartésianisme' de Clauberg. Une relecture de la pensée claubergienne à la lumière des enseignements de G. de Neufville” (abstract)
4:00 pm: Andrea Sangiacomo (ENS – Lyon), “Expliquer la superstition: la doctrine du conatus de Spinoza et son évolution entre 1661 et 1670” (abstract)
5:00 pm: break. The attendees go to Bishop's University Les participants se rendent à l'Université Bishop's by car-pooling.
6:00 pm: first keynote speaker, Bishop's University (room TBA): Tad Schmaltz (University of Michigan at Ann Arbour), “Descartes's Critique of Scholastic Teleology” (abstract)

Friday, Septembre 27, Hovey Manor

9:30 am: Joseph M. Anderson (University of South Florida), “Cartesian Privations or Regis' Cartesian Material Causation” (abstract)
10:30 am: Celi Hirata (University São Judas Tadeu – São Paulo), “La nécessité dans la controverse Hobbes-Bramhall” (abstract)
11:30 am: lunch
1:00 pm: Francesca di Poppa (Texas Tech University), “Shaftesbury's Two Reasons” (abstract)
2:00 pm: Francesco Maria Pirocchi (Sapienza Università di Roma),“The Great Pan is Dead! Van Dale, Fontenelle and the Oracles” (abstract)
3:00 pm: coffee break
3:30 pm: second keynote speaker: Luiz Eva (Université Fédérale du Paraná), “Montaigne et la phantaisie : du stoïcisme au scepticisme” (abstract)
7:00 pm: dinner at Manor Hovey for those lodging there.

Saturday, September 28, Hovey Manor

9:30 am: Matthew McAndrew (Emory University), “The Powers of the Soul: Wolff and Crusius on the Nature of Power” (abstract)
10:30 am: Anton Matytsin (University of Pennsylvania), “The Skeptical Consequences of Cartesian Dualism: The Decline of Metaphysics and the Rise of Probability” (abstract)
Noon: Final lunch


Institutional support for 2013