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An Initiative of the Jeunes+ Coalition

The Jeunes+ Coalition

The Jeunes+ Coalition

The Jeunes+ Coalition is a Québec collective whose ultimate objective is the prevention of youth homelessness and the respect of youth rights. The Coalition is inspired by the collective impact approach and aims to mobilize key stakeholders towards a concerted and constructive effort in the fight against youth homelessness, founded on the respect and promotion of the rights of the youth.

Jeunes+ is comprised of a Steering Committee and a Youth Committee and relies on coordination provided by Dans la rue, the fiduciary body of Jeunes+.

This structure was born out of the following vision:

  • A work of co-creation where all stakeholders contribute democratically and fairly;
  • The commitment and involvement of youth;
  • The involvement of community, institutional, and research partners.

In addition, l'Observatoire jeunes et société participated in the development of the Jeunes+ Coalition and remains an important partner.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee was created in October 2018, bringing together directors of community organizations, young people with lived experience of homelessness, representatives of working groups, and researchers. The Steering Committee defines the Coalition’s strategic orientations and ensures the smooth running of its operations.

The Steering Committee is currently composed of the following members:

  • Centre de recherche de Montréal sur les inégalités sociales, les discriminations et les pratiques alternatives de citoyenneté, represented by Sue-Ann MacDonald (Professor in the School of Social Work at the Université de Montréal) and Philippe-Benoit Côté (Professor in the Department of Sexology at UQAM)
  • Dans la rue, represented by Cécile Arbaud, Executive Director and Caroline Dufour, Director of Strategy and Social Impact and Coalition Coordinator
  • En Marge 12-17, represented by Marie-Noelle L'Espérance, Executive Director
  • La Maison Tangente, represented by Johanne Cooper, Executive Director
  • Refuge des jeunes de Montréal, represented by France Labelle, Executive Director
  • Le Regroupement des auberges du cœur du Québec, represented by François Soucy, President
  • Le Regroupement des organismes communautaires autonomes jeunesse du Québec, represented by Vincent, Member and Municipalities Advisor
  • Regroupement pour l'aide aux itinérants et itinérantes de Québec, represented by Francois Soucy, Intervention Coordinator, Maison Richelieu
  • Le Réseau d'aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes de Montréal, represented by Annie Savage, Executive Director
Photo du comité de pilotage.

Youth Committee

The Youth Committee is made up of 7 youth who have lived experience of homelessness.

This committee aims to:

  • Encourage active contributions from youth in order to collaboratively develop and reflect on the objectives of the Jeunes+ Coalition;
  • Include the voices of those most impacted, to ensure a greater understanding of the youth’s needs, realities, knowledge, and perceptions around how best to prevent youth homelessness and promote youth rights;
  • Assure youth commitment and ongoing participation;
  • Create a positive space for youth to share knowledge and experiences and play a role in generating a major social transformation for the future.
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