Frequently asked question (FAQ)


How will I know if I have been admitted to the UQTR'S immersion program?

You will receive by email the decision concerning your admission.

Does the transcript to be sent in with the request for admission have to be officially stamped by my institution?

An official stamp is not necessary. Photocopy or print-out are only accepted if the institution's name appears on it. Your name must be on the document as well. If not, you may handwrite it.

If I have already studied at UQTR and I want a copy of my transcript, what do I do?

You will need your Permanent code (student number) and the code of the program. Please consult the following link:

Can the credits I earn be transferred to my university program?

You should submit to your director or professor the transcript obtained from UQTR, as well as the copy of your syllabi to see how many credits can be recognized.

Do I need a study permit or a Quebec Acceptance Certificate(CAQ)?

For programs lasting less than 6 months, a foreign student does not need a study permit or a CAQ. However, it is important to check with your embassy to see whether a tourist visa is required. Please consult the following link for more information:

Admission EIF