Claire Dumont, erg., Ph.D.
Research Interests

My research interests are part of the general field of rehabilitation and social participation. More specifically:

  • Interactions between individuals, environments and occupations
  • Social participation and factors that support social participation (individual and environmental factors of resiliency, for example self-efficacy perceptions and self-determination)
  • Computer task performance assessment (development of standardized instruments and applications) 
  • Computer technologies' use to support social participation
  • Innovative intervention approaches in a positive perspective
  • Technology and intervention methods' evaluation
I always had interests in individuals living with incapacities, human ecology and the environment...

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Pour nous joindre

Département d'ergothérapie

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C. P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada, G9A 5H7


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