11 leaflets about the parent-premature baby relationship

The birth of a premature baby inevitably upsets the psychological preparation of future parents. Each of them finds themselves catapulted into the unknown, in the midst of an ordeal characterized by worry, guilt and helplessness.

In Quebec, 7 % of births occur before the end of gestation (37 weeks of pregnancy). Premature babies, being immature, require special care and express themselves with very different behaviors from a full term baby.

In addition, it is in a technological environment and in the sight of caregivers that parents at the neonatal unit will begin the intimate relationship with their baby. For guidance, there are few resources that address prematurity.

Among those available, few address the premature parent-child relationship to equip and support parents to help them bond with their babies during hospitalization.

These bonds are however the foundations of the future relationship of this parent-baby dyad and will influence the course of their life. The idea of making leaflets addressing the parent-premature baby relationship came naturally during the writing of the book Être parent à l’unité néonatale : tisser des liens pour la vie(nouvelle fenêtre).

Some of these leaflets are also available on video.

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